A mysterious object will sweep past Earth in 2017 and Scientists have no idea what it isIs this an Alien probe? The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.
The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.
Is this an Alien probe? The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.
The object is considered anomalous given its strange rotation and longevity in space. Among the proposed theories about what 1991 VG is, there are those who suggest it might be an alien probe, space junk or even a small meteorite. However, until today, astronomers have no clue what it actually is. Some experts have proposed that 1991 VG could, in fact, be a section of the Apollo 12 rocket, but Scotti claims the timings simply don’t add up.
‘We looked into all the possibilities for it being man-made,’ Scotti told Motherboard. ‘There were a few possible spacecraft and rocket bodies that might be 1991 VG.’
‘But when we looked into each, we were able to eliminate each of them.’
However, there are those who believe that the sinister object might be part of a secret rocket the soviets sent into orbit in the past, a rocket whose origin and purpose remained a mystery until now.
‘The Soviets had rockets as powerful as American rockets, were quite fond of covering things up when they went badly and were attempting to get to the moon themselves,’ a Reddit user wrote.
‘It is plausible that a forgotten Russian mission resulted in this object.’
When the object was first spotted over two decades ago, it was around 10 meters in diameter and skimming near Earth at a distance of around 290,000 miles – around 50,00 miles further that the distance between the Earth and moon.
This is the orbit of VG 1991. Scotti realized that this object had passed Earth one more time in March 1975.
The mysterious part about 1991 VG is that it showed a rapid rate of rotation and strangely, its brightness fluctuated over time. This behavior, at that time, hadn’t been seen in any asteroid of similar size. Interestingly, astronomers state that the object also had an orbit which was eerily similar to that of our planet.
An Alien Probe monitoring Earth?
Among the many theories proposed, there is a possibility that the mysterious object is, in fact, an Extraterrestrial probe. According to Duncan Steel, an astronomer at the University of Adelaide in Australia, 1991 VG could actually be an “alien probe observed in the vicinity of our planet.” However, in further interviews, Duncan stated that he isn’t convinced after all, that VG 1991 is of extraterrestrial origin. This, however, hasn’t stopped people around the globe to drift around in the endless possibilities of what the mysterious object is.
The object will fly past Earth in summer of 2017 when it will be observable in the southern hemisphere of our planet. Ever since Scotti discovered the ‘alleged alien probe’ astronomers have learned that asteroids with a diameter of under one hundred meters tend to have remarkably fast rotations. As a result, Scotti states that we cannot rule out the possibility that we are looking at just another space rock.
“One possibility would be that it is ejecta from a lunar impact. Another possibility is that the Yarkovsky force, caused by the thermal emissions of a rotating object, systematically pushed the object around over long times. It’s still a puzzle,” said James Scotti in an interview with Motherboard.
A self-Replicating Alien probe?
But what if it is of extraterrestrial nature? Could we identify it? Or even understand it? What if the object was made of highly advanced technology? Could we spot it as such?
According to two mathematicians from the University of Edinburgh, it’s very possible that there are Alien probes operating within our solar system. Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson suggest that we cannot rule out the possibility that there are extraterrestrial craft within our solar system. The mathematicians used computing power to inform their predictions, which might not sound out of place in a sci-fi novel. The two mathematicians analyzed the possibility that probes could travel through space in a study published in the Journal of Astrobiology.
In their work, Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson affirm the possibility that highly advanced alien races are taking advantage of the gravitational field of the stars to speed up “their” spacecraft traveling through space. Interestingly, this “technique” would not be something exclusive to highly advanced alien beings: in fact, we use this technology for our own spacecraft. For example, the voyager probes are making use of the gravitational field of the planets to gain speed through space.
Source: Ancient Code
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