NASA Admits There’s ‘A Chance’ That Asteroid 2013 TX68 Could Smash Into Earth


NASA has dramatically changed its mind about the risks posed by asteroid 2013 TX68 , a 100ft-wide rock which is currently heading towards Earth. It said there was “a chance” it could plough into our planet next year when it makes another flyby. However, we are glad to report that NASA thinks the odds of a collision on September 28, 2017, are “no more than 1-in-250-million”. If it did hit the planet, the asteroid would probably explode in the atmosphere, unleashing as much energy as a powerful nuclear bomb and wiping out anything unlucky enough to be beneath it. “The possibilities of collision on any of the three future flyby dates are far too small to be of any real concern,” said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center for near earth orbit studies . “I fully expect any future observations to reduce the probability even more.”  Continue reading

A Mysterious Object Will Sweep Past Earth In 2017 – Scientists Have No Idea What It Is


A mysterious object will sweep past Earth in 2017 and Scientists have no idea what it isIs this an Alien probe? The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.

The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.  Continue reading

Only 2% Of All People Can Hear This Mysterious Sound… And Nobody Knows Why

For years, there have been reported incidents around the world of people hearing a strange “humming” sound of unknown origin. At best, this sound is annoying, and at its worst, it can be downright maddening. But there is one strange thing about this horrible noise: most people can’t hear it.

“The Hum” has taken on many names according to the regions where it can be heard, including the Bristol Hum (South England) and the Taos Hum (New Mexico). But no matter where you are, if you are part of the 2% of the population who can hear it, The Hum just won’t leave you alone.  Continue reading

“Haunted Puppet” Caught Moving on Camera (VIDEO)

Paranormal investigator, Jayne Harris, came into possession of a “haunted” puppet that attempted to choke its previous owner. Doing the only rational thing, Harris caged the puppet in a glass box and began recording it. The above video is alleged footage of the puppet moving.  Continue reading