19 Intriguing Coincidences Surrounding the Virginia News Crew Shooting

The problem with repeated false flags and staged events executed for a particular political purpose is that they demand a commitment from the minds of the masses and it has to happen in real-time. You either get it right away that the event is staged or you don’t.

That is, you require “proof.” Until you receive that proof or, should I say, until you consciously register a series of information that convinces you that it must have been fake, you will choose to believe mainstream media news and accept it as truth.

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Hoax or Not, The Virginia News Crew Shooting Has an Alarming Amount of Inconsistencies (Updated)

Virginia Shooter

By now we all know what happened over the work week, and by now we all know there are many different theories going around. Some are wildly insane, but some have some ground to them. In my own opinion, the incident is more than fishy.

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Virginia Shooting Hoax: Crisis Actors “Mission In Life” Is Gun Control

crisis actors virginia shooter

YouTube reporter Redsilverj exposes the same ole’ crisis actor script in latest Virginia shooting. Alleged family members appear on TV the same day their loved one is brutally murdered. They show very little emotion except fake anger to promote gun control legislation.

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Virginia Journalist False Flag Hoax Shooting Hits An All Time Low; SERIOUS FAKERY!!!

Whatever is on the controlled US state-run news, let it be known that the AmeriKan populous is purposely designed to be witness of the event.

Words can’t describe how bad of a hoax the Virginia Shooting was. A guy walks up within feet of the woman he supposedly kills and stands there for over 20 seconds pointing a pistol and a camera at her …and she doesn’t even notice him?

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