Jean Claude Van Damme Calls Out Rothschild & Rockefeller On Live TV


Appearing on the French television show, Le Grand Journal, Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCVD) just showed the world that even he is aware of the control and power of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families.  Continue reading

Will Jesse Ventura Mount His Own Presidential Run? Here’s The Details..


Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura (I) said he would run for president, if the current race comes down to Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton, the Daily Beastreported.

“Jesse Ventura is a bright, shining new face who comes riding in on a white stallion to save the country,” he said.  Continue reading

Ron Paul (1988): Abolish the CIA, the FBI and the IRS


Dr. Ron Paul has been saying this for years, while most of the country sat in their stupor, claiming he was a kook, making fun of him, making fun of his supporters. Now as we sit back and watch this go around for the run to the President of the US, what do we see? A whole lot of Bernie Sanders supporters, who are basically claiming that the old Bernster deserves to be POTUS because of a few things he has in common with Ron Paul. What’s even worse? Bernie is calling for a very extreme form of socialism, and anyone with any sense at all knows that socialism needs to be implemented before full communism can take it’s form.  Continue reading

Socialism Is Not Freedom, And Socialists Need To Stop Pretending It Is


One has to wonder why more and more people are clinging onto this dangerous agenda, but when you think about it, it most certainly can give you a headache. Why? When has socialism really ever worked? Sure it’s worked for some people(the socialists), but as a whole it has never been successful.

First off, Socialism and Communism are basically the same ideology. Socialists and Communists will argue against that until their heads explode. I have not yet met a single person who has been able to prove otherwise, it is what it is. Communism is just an extreme version of Socialism, there are no major differences at all. In fact, the Soviet Union called itself the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) from 1922-1991. The Soviet Union considered itself Communist, but as you can see, they were both because they are mostly the same ideology. Both are forced on everyone, there’s nothing free about that. But it seems when these folks hear the word “free”, they start salivating, some even foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. It looks to me that all they care about is “free” stuff, not FREEDOM. Those are totally different things, it’s not rocket science. Nothing is free, someone is paying for it. With this type of system others are being forced to give up money to help others who may not be as successful.


Now we all remember that interview with that Hollywood clown Russell Brand and how he believes we should all embrace socialism. Ever since then, I have seen more and more people attaching themselves to this ideology. It looks like Hollywood is doing its job! Socialism calls for “redistributing the wealth” by taking from the “rich” to give to the poor. A modern-day Robin Hood they say. Well folks, Robin Hood was a thief and I’m not sure why anyone would ever think it’s alright to steal from others just because they are rich. Sure, there are some rich scumbags on this planet, but not all of them are. Even taking that into account, stealing money from wealthy people to redistribute to the poor people is wrong. Socialism if forced, there’s no way around that. How any socialist can go around talking about their “freedoms” being taken away while practicing their dangerous agenda is beyond me. It takes away an individual’s rights and responsibilities and passes them off to the State. We’re going backwards here, folks! Hello? Is there anybody in there?


Now let’s move to taxes. When someone busts their ass their entire life and builds a company, put their blood, sweat, and tears into it and turns a good profit, why should they be punished? Why should others get their earnings? They shouldn’t. When you take money from the more successful people it creates less successful people and it encourages people to be failures. So when there are more people in need of help from the State, the more they tax others? Good grief! This means that the wealth gets concentrated into fewer hands, and this is why you see such a monopoly on the money as it is. The economy slows down, enough that it can’t produce enough tax revenue to stay intact. How do you think the Soviet Union crumbled? Socialism uses taxation to promote economic egalitarianism and one of the goals in The Communist Manifesto is the abolishing of “private property”. This is what we are seeing right now in the United States. It’s been going on for a long time and it’s only getting worse. You cannot implement this system and expect true liberty, it will never happen. In fact, you are only making it harder for the people who want true freedom and liberty, and it’s pissing people off, including me.

Let’s move onto parental rights. You need to understand that socialism allows the State to control education. This means parents have no say in the education system. Your best bet is to home school your children, but when parents are busting their butts to make ends meet, that means they have to put more time into work. That means it’s nearly impossible to home school your children. Why would a parent want the State to control this? To me that is absurd! The curriculum the public schools teach is exactly what the State itself wants to teach them, how is that not dangerous? That is exactly the type of brainwashing a lot of us fight against, yet we have these people claiming they want their liberty. Like my comparison to the word “free” to freedom, liberty is not “liberal”, stop making that connection!

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” -Ronald Reagan

The above quote is so true. Whether you liked him or not, he is correct. I always wonder how many communists and socialists have picked up a book like The Communist Manifesto and actually read it. I have, and that’s a big part of why I’m knowledgeable on this subject. What’s that saying a lot of us say? Know your enemy. Well I know my enemy. Do you? If you’re a socialist, I can assure you, with me wanting my freedom and liberty, that puts me in that enemy spot, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You could stop pushing your government coercion on me and others who do not want anything to do with it, or you can continue to blindly push this agenda and destroy this country even more. You do have to make a decision though and I suggest you get on the right side of history before it’s too late.

Click below for out latest interview with Julia Tourianksi from Brave The World and listen to what she has to say about socialism and more.

Julia T YT

Chris Perkins is chief editor and writer for Authentic Enlightenment and host/producer of Lost In Transmission on the CAV Radio Network

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Bernie Sanders has pledged $19.6 TRILLION in new taxes – adding nearly 50 percent to what Washington takes in 

Bernie Sanders wants universal health care and a number of other programs that are politically aligned with his democratic socialist ideology and he’s going to pay for them by raising taxes.

The Washington Examiner conducted an analysis and found that Sanders’ plans will mean approximately $19.6 trillion in new taxes over the next decade.

Sanders, the Examiner found, will raise taxes by 47 percent over the current levels.  Continue reading

Bernie Out of the Closet: Sanders’ Longstanding Deal with the Democrats

Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, an independent from Vermont and chairman of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, makes an opening statement during a hearing in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, May 15, 2014. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki said he is "mad as hell" over allegations of treatment delays and cover-ups at VA health clinics in Phoenix and Fort Collins, Colorado. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

I am glad that the left intellectual and activist Chris Hedges does not support the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. As Hedges explained in a recent interview on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Sanders’ candidacy lends undeserved credibility to the thoroughly corporatized Democratic Party. Sanders has pledged that he will support the corporatist military hawk Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general presidential election. Sanders stirs up legitimate progressive energy and popular anger and then “funnels it back into a dead political system,” Hedges observes. Sanders fails to confront the American Empire and military state, and, Hedges adds, has unforgivably “abandoned the Palestinians and given carte blanche to Israel.”

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Bernie Sanders, A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

Bernie Sanders

“I am a socialist and everyone knows that.”

After Bernie Sanders was first elected to the house in 1990, that was his response to an ad that linked him to Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Most people would agree that profit hating, self describe democratic socialist, does not seem like an authoritarian when compared to someone like Adolf Hitler. However, nonetheless  it is possible that Bernie Sanders may be a very dangerous man. In this article, i will explain why he is, and also why he is most likely the establishment’s choice for president.

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