18 Links About Cancer, Cures, Safer Treatments, And How To Prevent It


Today is World Cancer Day. Now I am all for awareness for diseases and whatnot, but I think it’s safe to say we all know what cancer is. The issue on hand is the fact that most people are more focused on the dangerous treatments they use to treat or rid themselves of the disease, which normally results in the cancer patient dying anyway. It’s also safe to say that we have all lost at least one person in our lives to cancer. The focus should really be on the ways to PREVENT cancer and also the many alternative methods to treat and cure cancer. They are out there, but the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and most of us know it’s all about the money. Finding or approving a cure would mean that Big Pharm would lose A LOT of money. Continue reading

Fraudulent Big Pharma Science Leads to Half a Million Psych Drug Deaths Every Year


Psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 500,000 people per year, looking only at people over age 65 living in Western countries, according to an analysis conducted by a world-renowned Danish researcher.

Peter Gotzsche, research director at the Nordic Cochrane Centre, cited the figure in an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), in which he argues that psychiatric drugs have only “minimal” benefits but very severe side effects. Most use of these drugs could be halted without doing any harm, he says.

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Big Pharma made $711 billion overcharging seniors and disabled

AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan


(RT) The 11 largest drug companies have made $711 billion in profits in just a decade, largely due to overcharging Medicare, which does not seek out competitive prices and uses taxpayer funds to support Big Pharma.

Since Medicare is prohibited from purchasing drugs based on their cost, its prescription drug program has been making large payouts to drug companies that have overcharged the program for years, according to an analysis by Health Care for America Now (HCAN).

“There is nothing wrong with a company making profits – that’s what their supposed to do. But the drug industry’s profits are excessive as a result of overcharging American consumers and taxpayers,” writes Ethan Rome, executive director of HCAN, for the Huffington Post. “We pay significantly more than any other country for the exact same drugs.”

Rome notes that per capita drug spending in the US is 40 percent higher than in Canada, 75 percent greater than in Japan, and nearly 300 percent greater than Denmark.

The 11 largest global prescription drug companies have skyrocketed since the MedicarePart D prescription drug program was launched in 2006. The government health program enables seniors and the disabled to buy taxpayer-subsidized coverage for many of the most widely disseminated medicines. But Medicare is prohibited from negotiatingprices with pharmaceutical companies or seeking out more cost-effective drugs, thereby costing seniors, the disabled and American taxpayers billions of dollars more than some argue the drugs are worth.

Some lawmakers have recently urged Congress to consider changing the law, for the sake of cutting unnecessarily high costs. Wisconsin Democratic State Senator Jon Erpenbach told Wisconsin Public Radio that his state could save $1.2 billion over ten years if Congress were to allow Medicare to partake in prescription drug negotiations.

“I understand that pharmaceutical companies are for-profit companies,” he told the station last week. “I understand there’s a lot of research and development that goes into the products that they produce. All of that being said, it shouldn’t cost us more to get that kind of pharmaceuticals we need to have.”

But according to the HCAN analysis, Big Pharma spends very little on research and development. Even though pharmaceuticals cite research as a costly part of its operations, the money spent on this is exaggerated, Rome claims. Drug companies spend 19 times more on marketing than on research and development – another reason why the industry reaps so much in profits each year, he adds.

US President Barack Obama has long promised to repeal the prohibition on Medicarenegotiations with drug companies, but has so far failed to do so. The Veterans Administration currently negotiates drug prices, and manufacturers argue that lettingMedicare take over the negotiations would make no difference to the industry. Supporters of drug manufacturers also continue to emphasize the high costs of research and development.

But the Congressional Budget Office found that if Medicare were to receive the same bulk-purchasing discounts on prescription drugs that state Medicaid programs receive, the federal government would cut its spending by $137 billion over 10 years.

“Our politicians give all kinds of tax breaks and subsidies to big corporations that don’t need them: Big Oil. Wall Street. Companies that ship our jobs overseas,” Rome writes. “Every gift to a special interest, including allowing Big Pharma to overchargeMedicare, is an expenditure of scarce tax dollars. That’s called wasteful spending.”

The Anger Phase Of Humanity Is Coming

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts

(Prevent Disease) -We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we certainly choose to. The crux of the matter is that we refuse to proactively think about prevention because  we reactively commit to treating the symptoms of underlying health problems.  This is the allopathic model. We want the quick fix so we can continue our poor lifestyle and dietary habits. It doesn’t have  to be this way, but it is. We can blame doctors, the medical institutions and healthcare systems all we want, but self-responsibility is our only recourse if we are ever to surface from this mess.  There are no excuses-if you’re taking one of these drugs, consult with a Natural Health Practitioner this week about phasing out your medication and phasing in  these powerful natural foods and remedies.

            Of the over 4 billion prescriptions written every year, the United States and Canada make up more than  80% of the world’s prescription opioids (psychoactive medications).  Between 1997 and 2012 prescription opioids increased in dosage by almost  500%.  Pharmaceuticals and medical errors are now a leading cause of death. Painkillers are the leading cause of accidental death.
In the last 15 years of  life, people are experiencing  more pain for longer periods  than at any point on our historical record. If you think life expectancy has increased to the benefit of mankind, you’re not looking at the numbers.

78% of   U.S. prescriptions written in 2010 were for   generic drugs (both unbranded and those still sold under a brand name). The most prescribed drugs aren’t  always the best selling drugs, there’s a difference.
Prescriptions for pain, cholesterol reduction, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, antacids, antipsychotics, diabetes and antibiotics make up 100% of the most prescribed drugs.
Make a commitment to yourself right now and start incorporating some of these amazing foods into your diet with no consequence of side effects. When you  accept this, you will get off  prescription medications for good.
Check out the top 7 most prescribed drugs and the best natural remedies to treat and prevent disease.

          1. HYDROCODONE (Acetaminophen/Vicodin/Oxycontin)
For Pain Currently the single most prescribed drug in the world.  More and more doctors are getting huge payouts from pharmaceutical companies to promote these hydrocodone, especially generic drugs. They make up more than 20% of the top prescribed medications.
Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and   Prevention (CDC), told Fox News that doctors are handing out narcotics   like candy. Some doctors are giving patients prescriptions for narcotics   for even minor injuries.
How it Works:   It is an orally  psychoactive compound that works as a narcotic and analgesic.  It is biotransformed by the liver into several metabolites. It is highly dependent on metabolism by the  Cytochrome P450 pathway.
Consequences:   Respiratory depression;  bradycardia; coma; seizures; cardiac arrest; liver damage; and death. Inherited genes such as the Cytochrome P450 affects metabolic pathways-some cannot process it at all, whereas a smaller percentage can get even more strength from it than usual.
Natural Foods:   Ginger, turmeric, berries, cayenne pepper, celery/celery seeds, cherries, dark green veggies, walnuts.   See: Natural Healing Remedies: 10 Foods That Fight Inflammation And Pain
  2.  STATINS (Generic versions of Lipitor/Zocor/Crestor)
Use: Reduction of LDL Cholesterol
Approximately 15% of the top prescribed medications are generic statins.    A study published in January 2012 in the Archives of Internal Medicine   linked statins to 48 percent increased   risk for type-2 diabetes.
The are NO scientific studies ever documented which have proved through causation that lowering LDL cholesterol prevents disease. The obsessed culture of lowering cholesterol may actually be causing cancer.
How it Works:    Statins artificially lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting a critical enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Consequences: Inflammation and pathological breakdown of muscle, acute kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, interference with sex hormones and death.
Natural Foods: Nuts, spinach, apples, turmeric, cranberries, tomatoes, green tea, fatty fish, beans, alfalfa herb, capsicum fruit, garlic, psyllium, fenugreek seeds, butcher’s broom, licorice root, hawthorn berry. See: - New Data Shows Lycopene Reduces Heart Disease Up To 26 Percent - Two Apples a Day More Effective At Reducing Heart Disease  Than Statin Medications - Top 5 Foods and Herbs To Control Cholesterol - World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

  3.  LISINOPRIL (Prinivil/Zestril) AND NORVASC (Amlodipine)
Use: Reduction of High Blood Pressure
In combination, Lisinopril and Norvasc make up a whopping 23% of  the top prescribed medications. This makes them the most prescribed generic medications (if combined) for cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. Individually,  Lisinopril constitutes approximately 14% and Norvasc about 9%.
How it Works: Lisinopril is typically used for the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks. Norvasc is used for hypertension and angina. It accomplishes this by  inhibiting the influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle so it essentially interferes with the metabolism of calcium.
Consequences: Cancer, blood disorders, development of breasts in men, impotence, depression, tachycardia,   enlargement of gums, inflammation of the liver, elevated blood glucose, hepatitis, life threatening skin conditions.

Natural Foods:    Any foods high in  vitamin C (chili peppers, guavas, bell peppers, thyme, parsley, dark leafy greens, broccoli),  any foods high in magnesium (chocolate, green leafy   vegetables, Brazil nuts,  almonds, cashews,     blackstrap molasses, pumpkin and squash seeds, pine nuts, and black     walnuts) and any foods high in potassium (mushrooms,   bananas, dark green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, oranges and dates). Coconut oil/water and CoQ10 are also very effective for lowering blood pressure.   See:    - Magnesium Reduces Blood Pressure Naturally Without Side Effects   - Low Salt Diets Do Not Decrease Blood Pressure, Period   -   Vitamin C Supplements Reduce Blood Pressure  Without Side Effects Associated With Medication   - Low Potassium Linked To High Blood Pressure

  4.  SYNTHROID (levothyroxine sodium)
Use: Hypothyroidism
A synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, generic Synthroid makes up more than 11% of  the top prescribed medications. It’s used to treat hypothyroidism.   The related drug dextrothyroxine (D-thyroxine) was used in the past as a treatment for elevated cholesterol  but was withdrawn due to cardiac side-effects.
How it Works: It replaces the thyroid hormone which is naturally occurring in the thyroid gland essentially halting natural production.
Consequences: Long-term suppression of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) causes cardiac side-effects   and contributes to decreases in bone mineral density (high TSH levels are   also well known to contributes to osteoporosis.) May also cause elevated blood glucose levels, heart failure, coma and adrenal insufficiency. TSH directly                     influences the whole process of iodine trapping and thyroid                     hormone production so use of synthroid directly affects how the body metabolizes iodine.

Natural Foods: Any foods  containing iodine                       such as seaweed, kelp, radish, parsley,  fish, seafood, eggs, bananas, cranberries, strawberries, himalayan crystal salt. Also,                       copper, iron, selenium and zinc are essential in the production                       of thyroid hormones. Exercise a minimum of 20-30 minutes per day — enough to                       raise the heartbeat.   See:   - Seaweed Extracts Can Help You Lose  Weight, Mostly Body Fat   - 8 Critical Nutrients Lacking In More Than 70 Percent of Diets   - The Number One Reason So Many Women Have Trouble Losing Weight


5. PRILOSEC (omeprazole/generic versions of nexium)
Use: Antacid
A proton pump inhibitor which constitutes  just over 8% of  the top prescribed medications. Omeprazole is one of the most widely prescribed drugs for  reflux disease (GORD/GERD/LPR)  and ulcers internationally and is available over the counter in some countries.
How it Works: It suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the gastric acid ions  in cells. The absorption of omeprazole takes place in the small intestine  essentially turning off the switch which promotes healthy digestion of foods. Omeprazole is also completely metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system.
Consequences: Angina, ulcers, tachycardia, bradycardia, palpitations, elevated blood pressure, development of male breasts, inflammation of the pancreas, irritable colon, mucosal atrophy of the tongue, liver disease/failure, elevated blood sugar, muscle weakness, skin conditions, tinnitus, inflammation of the eyes, urinary frequency, testicular pain, anemia and blood cell disorders.

Natural Foods:   Grapefruits, probiotics, broccoli sprouts, manuka honey, mastic gum, marshmallow tea, glutamine, slippery elm, deglycyrrhized liquorice (DGL), aloe vera juice, baking soda, pickle juice.   See:   - Grapefruit Heals Stomach Ulcers   - Broccoli Sprouts May Prevent  Gastritis, Ulcers and Stomach Cancers - Manuka Honey Reverses Antibiotic Resistance, Treats Disease


Use: Antibiotic
In combination, azithromycin and amoxicillin contribute towards   a mind-blowing  17% of    the top prescribed medications.  Then we wonder why we have antibiotic resistance. On their own, each contributes about 8.5%.   Azithromycin is one of the world’s best-selling antibiotics and  derived from erythromycin.  Amoxicillin is usually the drug of choice for children.
How it Works:   Inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cell walls and interfering with their protein synthesis. These drugs also inhibit the protein synthesis of good bacteria needed for immunity and proper digestion.

Consequences:    Inflammation of the liver, inflammation and destruction of the stomach lining, destruction of healthy bacterial populations, inflammation of the colon, allergic reactions, obesity, human antibiotic resistance.

Natural Foods:   Sunlight (vit D), garlic, coconut oil, turmeric, foods high in nicotinamide (vit B3) such as salmon, sardines and nuts. Also manuka honey, olive leaf extract, green tea, pau D’Arco, rose water, myrrh, grapeseed extract, golden seal, oregon grapes, oregano oil, andrographis paniculata, and probiotics.   See:  - Garlic Proven 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics,  Working In A Fraction of The Time - Before Antibiotics Ever Existed, Sunlight Was Used To Treat Diseases With Great Success - The Most Potent B Vitamin That Combats Infections Better Than Antibiotics Ever Could

7. GLUCOPHAGE (metformin)
Use: Oral anti-diabetic drug
Glucophage drugs round up the top 7 but the prescription rate of this drug is rapidly increasing. It makes up   about  7% of the top prescribed medications. It is the first-line drug of choice for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, in particular, in overweight and obese people. It also acts to indirectly lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
How it Works: By suppressing natural glucose production by the liver, the drug  activates an enzyme which plays an important role in insulin signaling, whole body energy balance, and the metabolism of glucose and fats.

Consequences: Lactic acidosis, impaired liver/kidney function, decreasing thyroid stimulating hormone and testosterone, increased homocysteine levels,   malabsorption of vitamin B12, B12 deficiency, bladder cancer, heart failure. The biggest consequence of diabetes drugs is that it causes pancreatic function to substantially decrease inhibiting several hormones and causing other imbalances which are never correctable without abstaining from the drug.
Natural Foods: Black tea, Sunlight (vit D), potentially coffee (more research needed), turmeric, nuts, chia seeds, green leafy vegetables, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, red grapes, steel cut oatmeal, broccoli, spinach, green beans and strawberries. 90% of all cases of diabetes can be resolved by eating foods with a low glycemic load, and pursuing both weight training and aerobic exercise.   See:    - Study on Black Tea Consumption From 42 Countries Shows It Lowers Diabetes Risk   -   Two More Bombshells For Vitamin D:  It Prevents Both Type I Diabetes and Cavities   - Coffee’s Anti-Diabetes Benefit   - Healthy                 Diet, Moderate Exercise Reduce Diabetes Risk Better Than Drugs   - How Turmeric Has An Anti-Diabetic Effect On The Body

The drugs on which we spend the most money are those that are still new enough to be protected against generic competition. That’s why drugs like Abilify and Seroquel (antipsychotics), as well as Plavix (blood thinner) and Advair Diskus (asthma inhaler) don’t make the list.

Must read and share: Prescription sleeping pills lead to a 4x increase in premature death

pillssleeping 265x165 Prescription Sleeping Pills Lead to 4x Increase in Premature Death Risk

(Natural Society) -As a nation, our dependence on prescription drugs continues to climb. Even kids are heavily medicated, with over 25% of children being on some type of prescription drug, wheather it be antidepressants, antipsychotics, or ADHD pills. Prescription sleep aids, called hypnotics, are also being tossed back at an alarming rate and with little thought to their negative effects. One recent study revealed that these pills may do more than help you get some zzz’s; they may kill you.

Increasing Risk of Premature Death

According to the Alliance for Natural Health, 60 million prescriptions for sleeping pills were filled in 2011, that’s compared with 47 million in 2006. That’s due, in part, to the millions of people who have trouble sleeping. An estimated 70 million Americans struggle with insomnia and other sleep disorders. So, like every other modern ailment, the modern American visits their doctor for a “fix”.

In this case, the “fix” is a class of drugs known as hypnotics. They help you sleep, but can also lead to nausea, dizziness, headaches, and addiction. But what many people don’t realize, is that they can also lead to premature death.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, if you take a prescription sleep aid, even as little as 18 pills throughout the year, you increase your risk of premature death by four times. And if that isn’t bad enough—you increase your risk of cancer by 35%.

It’s worth noting that the study didn’t find a cause and effect relationship here. In other words, scientists aren’t 100% sure that the pills lead to the problems. It could be that people who are more likely to take these prescription drugs are more likely to have other health problems overall. And that wouldn’t be a surprise. After all, sleep disorders like insomnia are directly tied to obesity, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions.

But, the link cannot be ignored. If you turn to prescription sleep drugs, this should serve as a wake-up call.

You can’t run to a prescription when your body shows symptoms of discord. Insomnia could be a symptom of stress, depression, or brought on by obesity. Determining the cause of the insomnia will help you better treat it without adding all of the risks that go with a hypnotic-drug regimen.

In the mean time, try turning to herbal sleep remedies or natural sleep apnea treatments if you suffer from sleep apnea.


Diet Soda, Aspartame Shown to Destroy Kidney Function

(Natural Society) -In an 11-year study by scientists at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, there was a strong positive correlation found between degeneration of kidney function and consumption of aspartame-containing diet soda.

Published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the study followed 3,318 women for a number of years as they consumed diet soda containing artificial sweeteners like Aspartame. Scientists took into account each participant’s age, blood pressure, smoking habits (when applicable), and pre-existing conditions like heart disease or diabetes, and administered food frequency questionnaires in 1984, 1986, 1990, 1994, and 1998. Two or more diet drinks daily, it was found, led to a doubled risk in fast-paced kidney decline.

A separate study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that, contrary to safety claims made by the manufacturers of aspartame, health-related concerns including non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia still abound. While study authors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School admitted that there were other variables to consider, such as the sex of the consumer in that particular case, they remained troubled by the risks associated with diet soda.

It’s worth noting that diet soda is also high in sodium—and in greater amounts than found in sodas sweetened with sugar or corn starch (which were not examined in either study).

Corruption: a Brief History of Aspartame

Is diet soda really that bad for you? This is neither the first nor will it be the last time diet soda and artificially sweetened goods will come under fire from the scientific community. The Food and Drug Administration quickly approved aspartame, called “NutraSweet,” in 1974 in use for limited foods, but only after examining studies provided by G. D. Searle Co.. Yes, the inventor of aspartame.


It was only after a research psychiatrist concluded that aspartic acid—a key ingredient in aspartame—made holes in mice brains that the FDA rounded up a task force to investigate Searle’s claims. The investigation unveiled a series of falsified claims, corrupted study results, and information that simply wasn’t there. Although the FDA moved for further investigation of Searle by grand jury, US Attorney Thomas Sullivan and Assistant US Attorney William Conlon didn’t lift a finger to help. Conlon, however, found a job at the law firm representing Searle.

Since then, the genetically modified creation, aspartame, has been implicated in a number of studies as potentially causing tumors, seizures, brain holes, and reproductive problems. But the mainstream media won’t report on the aspartame-cancer link.

Other Sweeteners, the Good and the Bad

Other artificial sweeteners, like sucralose (supposedly “made from sugar”), have been implicated in other health problems like changing the gut flora environment and preventing proper nutrient absorption, according to the January 2008 issue of the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.

Thus far, Stevia has drawn little fire comparative to artificial sweeteners, although excessive use might be cautioned as with anything. Stevia is, however, safer to use than artificial or GMO sugar, especially for diabetics.

Federal Court Admits Hepatitis B Vaccine Caused Fatal Auto-Immune Disorder

vaccinesbluevial 265x165 Federal Court Admits Hepatitis B Vaccine Caused Fatal Auto Immune Disorder

(Natural Society) -In our society today, newborns are injected with loads of chemicals nearly as soon as they enter the world. In the name of “prevention”, we give them vaccines that we aren’t even sure are safe. As a matter of fact, in many cases, we know them to be unsafe. This is the case with the hepatitis B vaccine, approved for infants at birth but admittedly responsible for causing serious illness and even death.

The United States Court of Federal Claims sided with the estate of Tambra Harris, who died as a result of an auto-immune disease called systemic lupose erythematosus (SLE). The court awarded $475,000 following her death after finding the hepatitis vaccine caused her injury in the form of SLE. But this near-admittance of a cause-effect relationship between the vaccine and the illness and subsequent death isn’t enough. No, we still give the shot to babies.

So, what is hepatitis B and why are we told that it is so important that newborn infants are vaccinated against it? Hepatitis B is not pleasant and can be deadly. But newborns (and the vast majority of people at any age) aren’t at risk of contracting the disease. It’s spread by contact with bodily fluids, as in through unprotected sex or dirty needles.

The risks associated with the hepatitis B vaccine are far more pressing than the risk of contracting the disease, says Dr. Jane Orient of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). “For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.”

Still, newborns are given the vaccine within moments of entering the world.


Considered by many to be crimes against infants, the hep-b vaccination, the vaccine has been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune disorders. Many experts have questioned the prolific use of the vaccine since it stepped on the scene a few decades ago. What’s more, many parents are starting to question the need for the vaccine.

“In increasing numbers, parents across the country are contacting the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) to report opposition to regulations being enacted by state health department officials that legally require children to be injected with three doses of hepatitis B vaccine before being allowed to attend daycare, kindergarten, elementary school, high school or college,” National Vaccine Information Center reads.

As a parent, it is still your decision whether or not to vaccinate your child. There is plenty of research out there to help guide you in this decision. Don’t let your doctor or the people around you be your only source of information. Do your research and determine the best solution for your child’s long-term health.

Illusion of Choice By George Carlin, Ron Paul, and Judge Napolitano

ENOUGH! (Guns, Active Shooters And Pharma)

The Market Ticker

I’m done being nice.

And I’m doubly-done with the damned leftists in this country performing the moral equivalent ofritual human sacrifice of children to advance their gun-control agenda.

That’s what I charge they’re doing.

And I’m going to back it up with mathematics, using just one of the common psychotropic medications used commonly today — Paxil.

This is from the prescribing information for Paxil:

Clinical Worsening and Suicide Risk:

Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), both adult and pediatric, may experience worsening of their depression and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation and behavior (suicidality) or unusual changes in behavior, whether or not they are taking antidepressant medications, and this risk may persist until significant remission occurs. Suicide is a known risk of depression and certain other psychiatricdisorders, and these disorders themselves are the strongest predictors of suicide. There has been a long-standing concern, however, that antidepressants may have a role in inducing worsening of depressionand the emergence of suicidality in certain patients during the early phases of treatment. Pooled analyses of short-term placebo-controlledtrials of antidepressant drugs (SSRIs and others) showed that these drugs increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 18-24) with majordepressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Short-term studies did not show an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24; there was a reduction with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults aged 65 and older.

That’s a problem.  What’s worse is this:

The following symptoms, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania, have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for majordepressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric. Although a causal link between the emergence of such symptoms and either the worsening of depression and/or the emergence of suicidal impulses has not been established, there is concern that such symptoms may represent precursors to emerging suicidality.

And it doesn’t end there:

Screening Patients for Bipolar Disorder

A major depressive episode may be the initial presentation of bipolar disorder. It is generally believed (though not established in controlledtrials) that treating such an episode with an antidepressant alone may increase the likelihood of precipitation of a mixed/manic episode in patients at risk for bipolar disorder.

Now let’s be frank: Mixed manic states are mental states during which all sorts of really ugly things happen, including panic attacks, agitation, impulsiveness, paranoia and rage — all at extreme levels.

In other words, if you miss someone being bipolar and give them this drug you may precipitate a full-on Hulk-style “rage monster” sort of attack!

How often does something like this happen?

Activation of Mania/Hypomania:

During premarketing testing, hypomania or mania occurred in approximately 1.0% of unipolar patients treated with PAXIL compared to 1.1% of active-control and 0.3% of placebo-treated unipolar patients. In a subset of patients classified as bipolar, the rate of manic episodes was 2.2% for PAXIL and 11.6% for the combined active-control groups. As with all drugs effective in the treatment of major depressive disorder, PAXIL should be used cautiously in patients with a history of mania.

So if you miss a bi-polar person in your “analysis” before prescribing, it’s more than doubly-likely that they will have a “rage-monster” episode than if not.

So let’s assume we’re not talking about bi-polar people — that is, let’s make the assumption that we properly screen for each person and perfectly identify all bi-polar people before we prescribe.

What is the expected number of people who will undergo some sort of manic episode, which includes the subset that will turn into rage-monsters and shoot up schools, movie theaters and other public places?

Answer: About 0.7% more that can be charged to the drug (the risk if you do nothing is 0.3%.)

Other similar drugs have similar risk profiles; Paxil is not particularly-remarkable in this regard.

I note, and you should note, that 0.7% is a pretty low risk!  That is, 993 people out of 1000 can get a perfectly good outcome from the drug (or at least no harm) but that other 7 in 1000 have an outcome ranging from bad to catastrophically-bad.

Now let’s assume for the sake of argument that we are 99% effective in physician monitoring of these patients.  That is, we’re able to somehow confirm that they take the drug exactly as prescribed (no more or less), and we have enough time and physician resources to evaluate them on a regular and continuing basis.  This, incidentally, is a fantasy-land level of performance; no profession could possibly meet that standard of care, but we’ll use it to make the point.

But this level of performance, which we can never meet, would provide that of the rage monsters we potentially create with these drugs we catch 99% of them before the episode escalates into something “bad.”

That’s 1% of 0.7%, incidentally, or 0.007% of the total users who (1) have the bad reaction and then (2) we fail to detect via monitoring.  In other words, those are the people who shoot up the schools, movie theaters and US Representatives.

The last figures I have are that in 2005 27 million people in the United States, or close to 1 in 10 of all persons, are on some sort of antidepressant carrying these risks.

So if 0.7% of 27 million people have a manic episode caused by these drugs – that is, under perfect conditions where we catch every single bipolar individual first and never prescribe to any of them we will have 189,000 persons in a year who have a manic reaction to these drugs.

That’s horrifying.

But what’s worse is that if we assume 99% effective surveillance by the medicalprofession — that is, 99% of the time the doctor intercepts the person with themanic episode and modifies or terminates their use of the drug before something bad happens….


We’re surprised that there are a few of these a year, when we create more than 5 of them each and every day with near-perfect performance — and likely several times that many given the real-world monitoring that can actually be achieved?

We create these Zombies.

We prescribe the drugs to them.

We do this knowing that the risk exists and that at least one subset of that risk is materially higher for those under the age of 25 who are consuming these drugs. 

In point of fact, most of the rage monsters who have committed these crimes are under the age of 25 and either using or having recently terminated the use of these drugs.

Again I reproduce the information directly from the maker of Paxil:

There has been a long-standing concern, however, that antidepressants may have a role in inducing worsening of depressionand the emergence of suicidality in certain patients during the early phases of treatment. Pooled analyses of short-term placebo-controlledtrials of antidepressant drugs (SSRIs and others) showed that these drugs increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 18-24) with majordepressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Short-term studies did notshow an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24;

Something changes around the age of 24 with these drugs and their interaction with the human mind.  We don’t know exactly what it is, but we know that it happens.  We also know that these substances have a low but present risk of inducing mania, including rage.

Utterly nobody is bringing this element to the table in debate, but we must, as the rise of these incidents isdirectly correlated to the gross increase in the number of people, including most-especially young people, taking these drugs.  The number of users doubled from 1996 – 2005.

If you want to address a problem you must look at the data and follow it where it leads.

Where it leads is into a horrifying mess of prescription psychotropic drug use among our youth and the rare but catastrophic side effects they sometimes produce.

I have friends who have versions of the problem in their families among older individuals; members of the family who doctor-shop for prescription on top of prescription and are mentally questionable to start with.  We’re supposed to have some sort of reasonable check and balance on this and indeed Florida claims to have clamped down on the “pill mills” but I can tell you right now that this is utter and complete crap.  There is nothing preventing people from going to 10 different doctors until they find three or four that will write scripts and then abusing the drugs — and when they run out “early” calling up for a refill — and getting it.  It happens every damned day and if other family members try to intervene, including getting the physicians or the law involved (prescription fraud is supposed to be illegal!) they’re blown off!

It’s true that most of the crazy people in the world aren’t violent, and that being crazy, standing alone, is perfectly legal.  It’s also true that nearly all of the people who take these drugs won’t become violent — that’s a side effect that only bites a small percentage of the people who take the drug.

But the risk of turning people into rage monsters and suicidal maniacs appears to be mostly confined to those under the age of 24 according to the drug companies own information and this information is strongly correlated with the actual real-world data on these incidents.

We must have a discussion about this as a society.  We might decide that out of the 27 million or more Americans taking these drugs that enough get benefit that we are willing to accept the occasional school or movie theater shooting gallery as the price of prescribing these drugs to those under the age of 24.

If so then we need to be honest about the trade-off we have made as a society and shut the hell up instead of dancing in the blood of dead children to score political points and destroy The Constitution.

But if not, and you can count my vote among the “No” votes in this regard, then we must ban these substances from those under the age of 24 until we understand what’s different among that age group that alters the risk unless and except those persons are under continual professional supervision such as inpatient hospitalization.

Yeah, I understand this will cut into the profits of the big drug companies and thus is “unacceptable” to many political folks, not to mention that the media won’t even talk about the subject due to the advertising they run on their networks on a daily basis for this drug or that.

But unless we want to keep burying kids we had damned well better have that debate.

Mr. Biden, Mr. Obama and the rest on both the left and right who are refusing to go where the data leads are all practicing the moral equivalent of ritual child sacrifice, fueling the pyre under the bodies of our kids with the Bill of Rights.

Stand up America and say in a loud voice: ENOUGH!

Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu

(NaturalNews) The USA is in an official flu pandemic panic right now, with Boston declaring a public health emergency and hospitals setting up flu treatment tents as if cities were war zones. The CDC says it’s the worst flu pandemic in a decade, and it’s of course urging everybody to get injected with flu vaccines.

But here’s the dirty little secret the vaccine industry doesn’t want you to know: Most people getting the flu right now are the same people who were vaccinated with the flu shot.

The CDC refuses to release any statistics on this, of course, because then the total hoax of the flu shot would be exposed. But I’ve been making phone calls to a large network of friends and professional contacts, and they’re all telling me the same thing: Of the people they know who are getting sick, about two-thirds routinely get flu shots!

Check with your own friends, family members or co-workers on this point. Ask the ones who got sick: Did you get a flu shot? See if the answers you get are about the same as mine: Two-thirds.

If this holds true across a larger data set, it means that flu shots actually make you MORE susceptible to the flu. That’s because far less than two-thirds of the U.S. population takes flu shots. So if two-thirds of those getting the flu this year are the same people who got flu shots, mathematically it can only mean that flu shots INCREASE vulnerability to the flu.

In this way, people who get flu shots are acting irresponsibly because they increase their risk of spreading the flu to others. Instead of taking care of their health with nutrients like vitamin D, they act with neglect and seek out a flu shot that poses a very real increased risk to public health and safety.

What’s in flu shots? Aluminum, mercury, MSG and formaldehyde

The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain a toxic cocktail and metals and synthetic chemicals that we all know cause neurological damage. Those include aluminum and mercury.

These metals and chemicals also suppress the immune system, and that’s the primary purpose of vaccines: To actually cause an epidemic so that more people rush out to buy more vaccines. The whole point is to sell more vaccines, not to improve public health. And the fastest way to sell more vaccines is to make sure the vaccines themselves contain chemicals and metals that make people more vulnerable to infection.

What, you don’t believe me? You think Big Pharma is a collection of compassionate, loving angels who care about the people more than they care about profits? Wake up and smell the chemicals. Vaccine manufacturers are, on the record, criminal organizations that are repeatedly found guilty of felony crimes — everything from price fixing to the bribery of doctors and the commission of marketing fraud.

Drug companies have zero ethics. They kill children to test their vaccines. They conduct medical experiments on prisoners and mental patients. Do you honestly think they wouldn’t use vaccines as a way to make people sick and create an infectious disease scare that sells more vaccines?

Real solutions to the flu

If you really want to stay healthy this flu season, the answer is pretty simple. It all starts with the top three nutrients for flu prevention:

1) Vitamin D
2) More vitamin D
3) And yet more vitamin D

If you’re not taking at least 5,000 IUs of vitamin D each day during the winter flu season, you’re probably vitamin D deficient and that’s making you a sitting duck for influenza.

In addition to vitamin D, there are all sorts of other herbal remedies, trace minerals (like zinc), and superfood nutrients that can help protect you.

And, of course, don’t suppress your immune system with flu shots, chemotherapy or prescription medications. All those things make you more vulnerable to infection and makes you a repeat customer for the “sick care” cartels that profit from human suffering.

FDA approves experimental tuberculosis treatment that carries increased risk of death

(NaturalNews) Bedaquiline, a drug developed by Johnson & Johnson for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, relies on a new mechanism of action that blocks an energy-carrying enzyme necessary for the growth of TB bacteria. Unfortunately, this medicine comes with some worrying side effects.

High liver toxicity, heart condition and death are shrugged off as inconclusive

Although the drug is effective according to preliminary tests, it carries an unusually high risk of liver toxicity, heart problems and even death. According to FDA advisers, patients who took Bedaquiline showed increased levels of liver enzymes consistent with liver toxicity, and long QT levels, which are evidence of a rare heart condition characterized by abnormal heartbeat. Long QT Syndrome can cause palpitations, fainting and sudden death.
Although the patients who took Bedaquiline were more likely to die than the patients who followed other treatments, Chrispin Kambili, the doctor in charge of Bedaquiline for J&J’s Janssen Therapeutics unit, said that his company was unable to find a common pattern to explain the high death rates and that the FDA advisers did not offer any “unifying findings”.
Consequently, the FDA approved the drug on Monday, right before New Year’s Eve, with financial analysts estimating that Bedaquiline will register annual sales of $300, a relatively modest amount according to industry standards.
CDC reports show that 1.4 million people died from TB in 2011 alone, with 9 million people have been infected. Other sources show that a new TB infection occurs every second, although the number of world infections has been steadily decreasing since 2006. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis affects about 650,000 people each year.

Natural treatments for tuberculosis

Tuberculosis can kill very quickly, and while most people prefer to use conventional medical treatments, there are holistic, natural health remedies available for those who seek alternatives. Since tuberculosis is caused by bacteria, natural treatments focus primarily on strengthening immunity and secondly on relieving the symptoms of infection.
According to the International Journal of Health research, consuming a handful of barberry berries each day can help alleviate TB symptoms thanks to a compound called berberine, which is a powerful bactericide. The same editorial mentions that diets low in specific nutrients, like vitamin B12, vitamin C and vitamin D, can weaken the body in its struggle with TB.
Getting plenty of sunlight (also known as heliotherapy) is crucial in boosting immunity. Before the development of modern drugs, sunbathing was one of the most widespread treatments against non-pulmonary TB, for two main reasons: UV light and hot temperatures can kill bacteria, and the natural production of vitamin D supports immunity.
Horsetail has also been found effective against TB. Since TB causes a decrease in silica levels, which is needed in small amounts for strong bones and joints, wound healing, and immunity, horsetail can help replenish silica and speed up the healing of pulmonary damage.

How Many Pills Until Pharmageddon?



(Survival Sherpa) -Expert preppers recommend at least a years worth of the 3 B’s: food (beans), guns and ammo (bullets), and first aid supplies (band aids). I addressed this issue in a previous post about becoming a producer. All this stuff is consumable. What then?

A question I don’t see addressed by many experts is: What happens when the psychotropic drugs run out? How many Adam Lanza-types, armed and drugged, do we work with, live beside, or are married to?

The other day a fellow teacher told me that one of my students in his class must be off his meds. “What happened,” I asked.

“He was flopping on the floor like a fish and making strange sounds and had crazy eyes,” my friend said.

Most times, teachers just send out of control behavior to me to handle. I’ll ask if they took their medicine. The usual reply is negative.

The link between school shootings/violence and legal pharmaceuticals is disturbing to say the least. Here’s a sobering read on the effects of all the mind-altering pills swimming in public schools (Hat Tip to Caroline Cooper – a regular Sherpa commentista). What a disastrous mix: Big Pharma, Medical/Psychiatric Establishment, Industrial Food Complex, and Gun-Free Zone Government Schools. Our appetite for quick fixes, coupled with pharmaceutical profits, places America on top of other pill-popping nations consuming 60% of all psychotropic pills manufactured.

Every year it seems, we hear of another manufactured illness. Ever heard of ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)? Here’s how the Mayo Clinic defines ODD: [NOTE: I added emphasis in bold, a helpful layman’s interpretation for those not familiar with psychobabble, and alternative solutions to pills in brackets]

if your child or teen has a persistent pattern of tantrums[take Jane or Johnny to the woodshed], arguing, and angry or disruptive behavior [see Founding Fathers] toward you and other authority figures [Police State, the collective, Leviathan -  they know what’s best for their subjectscitizens] he or she may have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

As a parent, you don’t have to go it alone in trying to manage [not raise] a child with oppositional defiant disorder. Doctors, counselors and child development experts [BEWARE of ALL ‘experts’] can help.

Treatment of ODD involves therapy, training to help build positive family interactions, and possibly medications to treat related mental health conditions (follow the money equation: more patients = more money).

A “problem” child often gets labeled with a mental disorder by refusing to submit and obey the oppressive rules, constant spying, and authoritarian rule in public schools. A school counselor pointed out to me that one of my students (we’ll call him John) must have this dreaded ODD mental order. He would often refuse to sit down and shut up. His mom made the decision to take him off the prescription drugs the previous year. He was making great strides in my math class. Unfortunately, the target was already painted on his back. And he knew it. I responded to the genuinely concerned counselor by saying that I think I must have caught the ODD too. This young man and I had a great year together. I ran interference for him as much as possible to give him a chance to learn. You see, once a child gets labeled, the collective memory of staff and teachers can’t be erased. Finally, his mom moved him to another school.

Zombie Factories

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Government schools are the perfect Petri dishes for profitable pharmaceutical companies. Anti-psychotic drugs, once only prescribed to adults, are readily available to school aged children. Unruly children are drugged for social compliance more than for the mental health of the individual. I call it the zombiefication process. Mix a mind-numbing cocktail of strong anti-psychotic drugs and the invisible straightjacket turns any student into a compliant zombie. Even after John’s mom took him off the drugs, I believe his young, developing brain was badly affected.

Parents and teachers embrace and encourage the pill-popping culture in Zombie Factories. In this fantasy world of rainbows and flying unicorns, we can alter behavior with a prescription pill. We are no longer responsible. Big Psychiatry will “save the children” – some doctor, bought by Big Pharma, will make everything okay with a pill. Like I tell my students repeatedly, school is not the real world. The real world is not fair. Everyone doesn’t “win” and get a trophy. It’s even more cruel when living as mind-controlled zombies drugged on legally addictive pills.

Big Pharma’s Best Kept Secret

Can prescription drugs cause you to kill someone? “Absolutely”, says Dr. David Healy, author of Phamageddon. “Violence and other potentially criminal behavior caused by prescription drugs are medicine’s best kept secret,” he adds. Want to find out if the drugs you or a loved one are taking might cause violent behavior? Enter the name of the drug over at the Violence Zone. Even if it’s “just” a pill to help you quit smoking, side effects can be deadly. Don’t expect to hear about this on major media outlets. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in keeping journalists inline.

Dr. Mercola reports on a disturbing top-ten list below.

Antidepressants Top List of Most Violence-Inducing Drugs

It’s certainly worth paying heed to drug interactions such as violence and homicidal leanings, both as a patient and as a concerned parent, family member or friend. According to a 2010 study published in the journal PLoS One, half of the top 10 drugs disproportionately linked with violent behavior are antidepressants:

  1. Varenicline (Chantix): The number one violence-inducing drug on the list, this anti-smoking medication is 18 times more likely to be linked with violence when compared to other drugs
  2. Fluoxetine (Prozac): This drug was the first well-known SSRI antidepressant
  3. Paroxetine (Paxil): Another SSRI antidepressant, Paxil is also linked with severe withdrawal symptoms and a risk of birth defects
  4. Amphetamines: (Various): Used to treat ADHD
  5. Mefoquine (Lariam): A treatment for malaria which is often linked with reports of strange behavior
  6. Atomoxetine (Strattera): An ADHD drug that affects the neurotransmitter noradrenaline
  7. Triazolam (Halcion): This potentially addictive drug is used to treat insomnia
  8. Fluvoxamine (Luvox): Another SSRI antidepressant
  9. Venlafaxine (Effexor): An antidepressant also used to treat anxiety disorders
  10. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq): An antidepressant which affects both serotonin and noradrenaline

The big lie laid on our pill-for-everything culture destroys self-reliance and individual responsibility. The food I eat makes a huge difference in my overall health. The S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) served in government school lunchrooms won’t create physical specimens of students, much less mental health. Could our stomachs be connected to our mental health? I think so. I’m not alone. Below you can check out a few resources to put you on the road to enlightenment and self-healing.

The typical food storage recommendations by prepper experts are loaded with foods that destroy the brain-gut-axis. I wrote about my Primal Pantry here. My Down and Dirty Sauerkraut is loaded with gut-healing probiotics. Maybe it’s time to rethink food storage methods.

How many pills?

So, this brings me back to the original question: How many pills? What happens when your personal stock of antidepressants run out? The drug-altered fantasia will disappear when the pain of withdrawal grips the one in ten Americans dependent on psychotropic pills just to get through the day – when times were normal. Times won’t be “normal” when the sh*t hits the fan.

Images of maniacs shooting up innocent victims could pale in comparison once the prescription pill machine grinds to a halt. Adding insult to injury, all the  stuff needed to combat depression are the exact things that will be hard to come by in a prolonged SHTF situation. For instance, proper amounts of sleep, vitamins like B12 and D, omega-3 fats, and exercise all have been proven to help with mental well-being.

Educating yourself, then taking action, could save you and yours lots of future pain. A few small steps now could help you prepare for the coming Pharmageddon.

Body Parts for Profit: How Abortion Clinics Supply Stem Cell Research

(Occupy Corporatism) - Dr. Leon R. Kass, the Addie Clark Harding Professor Emeritus in the Committee on Social Thought and the College at the University of Chicago and former chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics under former President George W. Bush, has written a report entitled “The Meaning of Life – In the Laboratory”.

Kass discusses the morality surrounding the US government’s funding of “research on human embryonic stem cells, cells derived from early embryos produced by in vitro fertilization in assisted-reproduction clinics.”

According to the report, the use of human embryos is justified by the advancements of science which demands that new policies be written to account for the development of regenerative medicine. Kass maintains that stem cells save lives, and therefore their use in research are necessary. Although he states that “we must also strive to protect and preserve human dignity”, Kass believes that with regard to abortions and stem cell research the continuation of this medical research is “worth preserving.”

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration has approved the use of aborted fetuses in the use of research, even though this practice was previously banned. Obama utilized a loophole in the legislation that abortion clinics are taking advantage of to sell the aborted fetus parts to corporations for scientific study. The loophole allows for “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.” Medical researchers and abortion clinics have partnered quietly without the knowledge of the American public.

Whistleblower from LifeDynamics explains how this sneak around the legalities is achieved.

A baby parts “wholesaler” enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly “site fee” to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts. In most cases, this retrieval agent is an employee of the wholesaler. In other instances, the retrieval agent is a clinic employee who was trained by the wholesaler.

The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted.

When such orders are received by the wholesaler, they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer via FedEx, Airborne or a similar common carrier.

These parts are “donated” by the clinic to the wholesaler who turns around and “donates” them to the buyer. The buyer then “reimburses” the wholesaler for the cost of retrieving the parts.

In 1999, The US House of Representatives approved HR 350 that gives Congress authority to inquire into private corporations who deal in trafficking of baby parts for profit.

PepsiCo was using Senomyx to obtain aborted human embryonic kidney tissue in a certain additive as a flavor chemical. PepsiCo had many other options rather than using this human concoction in their products, yet they continued on without the batting of an eye at the lack of concern for public health. Senomyx claims the human tissue is no more than “isolated human taste receptors”.

In a decision delivered Feb 28, 2012, President Obama and his Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) says this constitutes “ordinary business operations”. Attorney Brian Pitko, SEC Office of Chief Counsel, sent a letter to PepsiCo in response to a 36-page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. This move was a plea for SEC to ignore the claims of the shareholders of PepsiCo to protect their interests.

PepsiCo claimed that their shareholders could not make an informed judgment over this issue; essentially calling them idiots.

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of CGL, regarding the SEC decision, remarked: “We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use — we are talking about exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit. Using human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine operations!”

PepsiCo claims the aborted human tissue is not included in the final product sold to customers. However, their flippant response to public health concerns causes a person capable of critical thinking to take that statement with a grain of salt. This corporation has no moral loyalty to its customers or shareholders. They care about the financial outcome. And after feeling the effects of a boycott, perhaps PepsiCo will change their view of ethical products and the right of the public to choose who they support.

The US government is the biggest distributor to research into “fetal tissue and cell lines”. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have granted the Birth Defects Research Laboratory (BDRL) at the University of Washington $579,091 in 2011. The “products” were all derived from pregnant women possibly using non-surgical abortion methods to preserve the specimens capturing their integrity. The BDRL have also turned to local abortion clinics for a steady supply of fetuses for research.

One of Obama’s endeavors is to empower the genetic and biotech industry with the support of embryotic stem cell research. Genetic engineering has led researchers to discover over 4,500 diseases that need pharmaceutical drugs to combat.

The NIH will begin working with Pfizer Inc, AstraZeneca Plc and Eli Lilly and Co. in agreements to create compounds to be made available for trial use in a planned project.

“Americans are eagerly awaiting the next generation of cures and treatments to help them live longer and healthier lives,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement. “To accelerate our nation’s therapeutic development process, it is essential that we forge strong, innovative, and strategic partnerships across government, academia, and industry.”

This alliance was further solidified after the US Senate gave their approval to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in conjunction with certain pharmaceutical corporations, for a $6.4 billion “agreement fee” in the new Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, S. 3187 (FDASI).

The focus of this collaboration will identify new uses for drugs that have already been approved by FDA. There may be need for new human trials, putting the general public at a health risk. Engaging in experimental trials to classify specific compounds to be utilized for unintended purposes is highly dangerous.

Drug manufacturers and medical device makers are anxious to work with the US government. This will mean their treatments will be reviewed and approved faster than they currently are. The FDASI specifies that certain measures be taken to expedite the approval of medical treatments under the guise of “life-threatening” or rush monitoring devices to mitigate drug shortages.

Top 10 Legal Drugs Linked to Violence

(Natural Society) -It’s no surprise that Adam Lanza was on heavy-duty pharmaceuticals, as was Aurora shooter James Holmes, the Columbine shooters, Ted Kaczinski the Unambomber, and many more. Many of the drugs handed out to troubled individuals have troubled histories in Food and Drug Administration testing themselves, and come with a list of side effects including hostility, aggression, confusional states, and impulse-control disorders.

There is nothing about these drugs that should make them so easily prescribed by doctors whose pockets are being lined by the likes of GlaxoSmithKline, which was recently fined for faking research and for 14 infant deaths in illegal vaccine testing. To decry their use in toto, however, might be irresponsible, since violent behavior is linked to these drugs. But perhaps partially so because those using it were prone to violence, anyway, and perhaps not due to the drugs themselves. In example, someone with a history of violent behavior addicted to opiod medications like Oxycontin may turn to violence to sustain their addiction, or a schizophrenic already leaning toward violent tendencies may, regardless of the drug’s intended consequences, be violent anyway.

Most of us, however, are better off without the aid of bank-breaking, mind-crushing pharmaceuticals and are better off addressing emotional issues and even some neurochemical imbalances with nutrition, sunlight, exercise, sleep, a little help from those around us, and stress management. This list of drugs, published in the journal PLoS One and based on the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System, shows which are most linked to violent behavior.

  • 10.  Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) is an antidepressant associated with 7.9 times more violence than many other drugs.
  • 9.  Venlafaxine (Effexor) is related to Pristiq and is an antidepressant also used in treating those with anxiety disorders. Effexor is 8.3 times more associated with violent behavior than other drugs.
  • 8.  Fluvoxamine (Luvox) is an antidepressant that affects serotonin (SSRI), and is 8.4 times more likely to be linked to violence.
  • 7.  Triazolam (Halcion) can be addictive and is a benzodiazepine that supposedly treats insomnia. It’s 8.7 times more likely to be associated with violence.
  • 6.  Atomoxetine (Strattera) is often prescribed to tread ADHD and is 9 times more likely to be associated with violence.
  • 5.  Mefoquine (Lariam) treats malaria and sometimes products bizarre behavior, and is 9.5 times more likely to be linked to violence.
  • 4.  Amphetamines come in many forms and are often used to treat ADHD (even to children not diagnosed with ADHD). They are 9.6 times more likely to be linked to violence.
  • 3.  Paroxetine (Paxil) is an SSRI antidepressant. Many users experience severe withdrawal symptoms and are more likely to produce children with birth defects as well as 10.3 times more likely to be linked to violence.
  • 2.  Fluoxetine (Prozac) is a household name for a powerful SSRI antidepressant linked with 10.9 times more violence than other drugs.
  • 1.  Varenicline (Chantix) is administered to smokers to supposedly help curb cigarette cravings, but it’s a whopping 18 times more likely to be linked to violent behavior.


FDA: Drug Companies Faked Thousands of Drug Documents

(Natural Society) According to the Food and Drug Administration, a major drug research contractor has been found faking documents and manipulating samples. The firm, Cetero Research, has tested medicines for major drug companies that are now being forced to reevaluate their products in response to warnings issued by US regulators. The news may be from 2010, but is an example of pharma corruption nonetheless.

North Carolina-based Cetero performs early-phase clinical research and bioanalytics for many pharmaceutical companies, which use the results to receive FDA approval for drugs. Exactly which companies used Cetero’s services for FDA drug approval remains unclear, though such companies are being asked by the FDA to come forward.

A series of investigations—two 2010 inspections, an internal company investigation, and a third-party audit—uncovered “significant instances of misconduct and violations” at Houston’s Cetero facility.  The FDA adds that “the pattern of misconduct was serious enough to raise concerns about the integrity of the data Cetero generated” between April 2005 and June 2010.

In those five years, laboratory personnel supposedly busy conducting studies were revealed in the investigations as not even being present in the Cetero facilities—in 1,900 instances. The FDA also suspects that Cetero “fixed” studies to skew outcomes or failed to mention others in their reports.

The regulators say that the investigation’s scope is “too narrow to identify and adequately address the root cause of these systemic failures.”

Root cause? Maybe greed is a good place to start.

Widespread Fraud in Big Pharma

Greed seems to be a common denominator between Cetero and Roche and Genentech, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company and its US affiliate, which were probed by the European Medicines Agency and found to have failed to submit 80,000 reports of products marketed in the US that left 15,161 patients dead. Your doctor could be one of the may paid to falsify data to get published. Even the Mayo Clinic has stated that the last 10 years of cancer research is useless due to widespread fraud.


Study: Antibiotics ineffective in treating persistent coughs

(Digital Journal) - A new study into the efficacy of antibiotics in treating  persistent coughs concludes they provide little benefit, while prescribing  antibiotics can have a deleterious effect on health.

The study, based on just over 2,000 patients, was led by  Professor Paul Little from the University of Southampton. Previous research had  produced inconclusive results on the effects of antibiotics on persistent mild  coughs. The new study proves more conclusive.

The BBC  reported Prof. Little said:

“Using the antibiotic amoxicillin to treat respiratory infections in  patients not suspected of having pneumonia is not likely to help and could be  harmful.

Overuse of antibiotics, dominated by  primary care prescribing, particularly when they are ineffective, can lead to  the development of resistance and have side effects like diarrhoea, rash and  vomiting.

Our results show that people get better  on their own. But given that a small number of patients will benefit from  antibiotics the challenge remains to identify these individuals.”

The study, published in the Lancet,  concludes: “When pneumonia is not suspected clinically, amoxicillin provides  little benefit for acute lower-respiratory-tract infection in primary care both  overall and in patients aged 60 years or more, and causes slight harms.”

The National  Health Service is seeking to raise antibiotic awareness. It warns that the  unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics is increasing the number of infections  with antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Infants as medical guinea pigs?

pillsinfant 260x162 Infants as Medical Guinea Pigs?

(Natural Society) -When Big Pharma wants a drug approved, ideally they should go through several stages of trials and tests, where the drug is tested for effectiveness and side effects before being approved. But what happens when the intended audience of the drug is children? Many children have been victimized by doctors prescribing adult drugs without knowing their effects on smaller and younger people, and it’s because of this that some are calling on drug companies to run more trials—this time on infants.

Newborns, according to experts, are a “underrepresented population” in the world of clinical drug trials. While pediatric drug studies are becoming more common, testing newborns remains rare for a variety of reasons -at least as far as the general public knows. And according to doctors of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the University of Cincinnati, and likely many more, this should change.

The idea behind drug trials is to test a pharmaceutical drug for dangerous side effects before it is approved. These tests are carried out in order to ensure prescription drugs are as safe as possible. That’s the ideal situation. But, as we’ve seen, these tests aren’t always done properly, nor are they always analyzed and reported accurately. For example, last year the Department of Justice fined GlaxoSmithKline $3 billion for misreporting safety issues and illegal advertisement of some of their drugs. Among other things, the pharmaceutical giant didn’t disclose that their diabetes drug Avandia significantly increased the risk of heart attack.

According to Natural News (and anyone who spends anytime researching medical journals and reports), inaccurate and downright fraudulent medical studies are at “epidemic” proportions.

And now they want to subject infants to these flawed studies and hastily concluded drug trials.

“Of over 120,000 studies at the National Institutes of Health clinical trials repository, only 0.6% involves neonates; in total, only 3.4% of all registered pediatric studies involve neonates,” according to the Journal of Pediatrics. So, in their mind, the number of infants being used as lab animals should increase.

Yet another example of children being used as guinea pigs can be seen in the case involving Oxycontin, a heavy duty narcotic painkiller. Primarily to keep it’s drug patent, the maker of Oxycontin, Purdue Pharma LP, decided to test the drug on children as young as six years old. By starting new trials on children, Purdue Pharma is able to extend their patent by six months.

If you’re someone to give your baby pharmaceutical drugs, even in the face of all the dangers associated with the creations, it would probably be best to have pharmaceutical drugs that were actually ‘proven safe’. And in order to prove these drugs safe, they would need to have been tested on children under similar circumstances. This is one reason why some individuals see drug-testing on children and infants as a ‘rational solution’. However, it’s clear this is just one morally questionable debate to add to those surrounding Big Pharma’s takeover of public health.


Court Awards Family for Antidepressants Leading to Man’s Suicide

(Natural Society) -A Supreme Court jury in New York awarded $1.5 million to the family of Joseph Mazella, who committed suicide in 2009 after his physician prescribed the 51-year old father, teacher, and basketball coach a deadly cocktail of pharmaceuticals—without having met him once.

In fact, Dr. William Beals was on vacation in Cape Cod when Mazella called him to discuss his recent dip in mood and increased anxiety. Mazella had been on 20 milligrams of Paxil, an anti-depressant linked to violent behavior for over 10 years at the behest of Dr. Beals. Never once in those 10 years, however, had the two met in person; their interactions were limited to phone calls that Mazella made so Beals could renew his prescription. On August 9th of 2009, however, when Mazella called about depression and anxiety, Beals kicked up his dosage to 40 milligrams of Paxil and added a new antipsychotic drug, Zyprexa.

Not one month later, Mazella’s wife Janice found him dead in the garage.

Not surprisingly, Beals was charged with negligence earlier this year in several others patients’ cases, and is being disciplined by New York for personally abusing drugs and alcohol. He is one of the most recent in a long line of negligent physicians who, with little regard for the preciousness of life and the dangers of powerful pharmaceuticals, prescribed a patient literally to death.

Putting Drug Deaths into Perspective

Let’s take a step back. Yes, Mazella was already depressed and anxious before taking his upped dosage of Paxil and Zyprexa. His suicide therefore may be little more than the effect to the cause of his depression.

We must not forget, however, that drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States.  For over 10 years, investigations in the safety of prescription antipsychotics, antidepressants, and painkillers have been underway, often leading to unpleasant indications like that Prozac could increase rather than decrease the risk of suicide. According to a Los Angeles Times report, “the most commonly abused are OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, and Soma. One relative newcomer to the scene is Fentanyl, a painkiller that comes in the form of patches and lollipops and is 100 times more powerful than morphine.”

Let’s also not forget the eerie trend with suicides (and shootings) and antidepressant use. The ‘batman shooter’ James Holmes was hooked on a cocktail of Big Pharma drugs, along with the recent offender of the Connecticut school shooting. These are just 2 examples of many.

The case for pharmaceuticals isn’t improved by other research linking them to a raised risk of atherosclerosis or the hardening of arteries, life-threatening brain damage from a stroke, and suicidal thoughts.

Natural Alternatives to Antidepressants

In perspective, Beals’ case and those of many other neglectful physicians and therapists seems to be a matter of just that—negligence—and over-prescription. Many patients are convinced that nothing short of pharmaceuticals can help them, and in many cases it seems hardly ethical to declare without a shade of a doubt otherwise.

There are, however, natural ways to improve mood without writing hefty checks or putting physical and mental wellbeing at risk. The modern American lifestyle breeds depression, but can be improved by altering a sedentary lifestyle, unresolved and overwhelming sources of emotional stress, and a highly toxic diet heavy in fast foods.

Our sedentary lifestyle, in fact, keeps us from visiting the most natural, cheapest antidepressant available: sunlight. Vitamin D had demonstrated in numerous studies to reduce and even eliminate depression without the harmful and often deadly side effects of pharmaceuticals. Exercise and meditation—such as yoga—in such clean, sunlit environments seems far-fetched in the typical American’s busy lifestyle, but these changes can target problems at the source before they spiral out of control and into the hands of the likes of Dr. Beals.


Pfizer reports $700,000 worth of gold missing

(TheDailySheeple) -Pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer, known for such drugs as Viagra, has reported that about $700,000  in gold dust has come up missing at its Chesterfield, Missouri lab.

According to police, Pfizer is unsure of how the gold went missing, prompting them to contact police to help determine whether it was lost or stolen.

Experts say that depending upon the purity, that much gold would weigh from 30 to 70 pounds. The purer the gold, the lighter it would be.

“We’re not even sure if they just didn’t account for it and it was used naturally, or if it was stolen or misplaced,” said police Capt. Steven Lewis. “Some of it is gone and some isn’t.”

Pfizer did not want to comment on how it uses gold. The company issued a statement saying: “We are taking this matter very seriously and working closely with local law enforcement authorities on this ongoing investigation. It would be inappropriate for us to comment any further at this time until the police investigation has been completed.”

In addition to its popularity as jewelry, gold has numerous uses as a conductor in sophisticated electronics and computer systems.

It has also be found to be useful in medical application, namely specialty treatments for patients with Rheumatoid arthritis and certain forms of cancer where radiated gold is placed directly into tissue.

It is not clear whether Pfizer is utilizing gold dust for next generation pharmaceutical research

Meet Liz Fowler: Architect of ObamaCare Jumps Ship To Johnson & Johnson

(Columbia Journalism Review) Leave it to the Brits to tell us Americans about our healthcare system. In this case the telling is done by Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald (an American, by the way), who takes us back into the world of revolving-door lobbyists—the ones who come from industry, do a stint of government service for much lower pay, and then when it’s kosher again move back to the private sector to earn their keep until retirement.

Greenwald’s latest post leaps off some reporting by Politico to focus on the story of Liz Fowler, a name that is not new to CJR. Nor is it new to Greenwald, who profiled Fowler’s activities in a Salon blog post a couple of years ago.

Herewith is a brief Fowler curriculum vitae: In 2001 she had a plum job as chief counsel for the Senate Finance Committee, which deals with healthcare bills. As Greenwald’s old Salon post notes, her biography says she “played a key role” in the 2003 Medicare prescription drug law that created a new senior drug benefit—a benefit provided via private insurers, not the government, as is the case for other Medicare benefits. A few years later she landed a position at WellPoint as a vice president overseeing the giant insurer’s lobbying activities.

Fowler then returned to Senate Finance in 2008 to work for Sen. Max Baucus, who chaired the committee, which was becoming Action Central for health reform. Fowler and Baucus pretty much wrote the bill that became Obamacare—and which, we should note, did not include a proposed “public option,” which was popular with ordinary people but not the insurance companies that lobbied hard to make sure it was out of the mix.

For her services Fowler was rewarded with yet another government job, as deputy director of the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Department of Health and Human Services. In her HHS job she had to “balance” the interests of consumers and insurers. Then this week Politico’s Dave Levinthal and Anna Palmer had a scoop: Fowler is returning to the private world, this time to a senior level position leading global health policy at Johnson & Johnson’s government affairs and policy group.

The revelation prompted Greenwald to take another look at Fowler and the revolving door. He writes:

The pharmaceutical giant that just hired Fowler actively supported the passage of Obamacare through its membership in the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) lobby. Indeed, PhRMA was one of the most aggressive supporters—and most lavish beneficiaries—of the health care bill drafted by Fowler. Mother Jones’ James Ridgewayproclaimed “Big Pharma” the “big winner” in the health care bill. And now, Fowler will receive ample rewards from that same industry as she peddles her influence in government and exploits her experience with its inner workings to work on that industry’s behalf, all of which has been made perfectly legal by the same insular, Versailles-like Washington culture that so lavishly benefits from all of this.

…This is precisely the behavior, which, quite rationally, makes the citizenry so jaded about Washington.”

Reporters are jaded too, and that’s why these revolving door stories are not news any more. Other than a solid article by The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein and Christina Wilkie, hardly anyone seems to have followed up on Politico’s scoop. The fact people move in and out of government is hardly a story.

But what they do while they’re in government—and out of it—is. Especially as we move toward implementation of Obamacare, I want to know more about Fowler’s handiwork and the far-reaching effect she has had on healthcare policy.

A decade ago WellPoint laid out a strategy to pursue business in the individual market, precisely the big new market Obamacare sends their way. Will government rules that Fowler may have worked on give the company an edge in the kinds of policies it can sell and the regulations it must follow? What about the provision—first written into the Medicare prescription drug law and later apparently inscribed in the Affordable Care Act—that prohibits the government from negotiating Medicare drug prices with pharmaceutical makers, even though many experts believe those negotiations would help lower the price of medicine for seniors? Johnson & Johnson and other drug makers probably didn’t care much for that idea. Nor did insurance companies like the notion of revealing the prices of their policies on those new government-mandated disclosure forms consumers are starting to see when they shop for a policy.

It’s a good bet Fowler was party to discussions on these issues. But it’s stuff like this—the role of the lobbyist turned government employee, the nitty-gritty of legislation—that we know so little about. We need good reporting to help us learn more.

Maker Of Recalled Generic Lipitor Had ‘Issues’ In Past

(IBItimes) -The American subsidiary of Indian drug maker Ranbaxy Laboratories announced a recall of generic Lipitor tablets after the company discovered that batches of some of the pills may contain small glass particles.

The recall announcement by Ranbaxy comes almost a year after the U.S. Justice Department filed a consent decree against the company after the agency found issues with the firm’s drug manufacturing and testing.

Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc., a subsidiary of India’s largest drug maker, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, said it informed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the recall.

The recall of generic Lipitor includes 10mg, 20mg and 40mg tablets, the company said on its website. Ranbaxy also makes tablets in 80mg doses, which are not affected by the recall. Generic Lipitor bottles included in the recall contain either 90 or 500 pills of the cholesterol-fighting drug.

“Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc. is conducting a voluntary recall for Atorvastatin calcium tablets, in connection with its 10mg, 20mg, and 40mg dosage strengths, packaged in 90’s [sic] and 500 count bottles and only with respect to certain select lot numbers,” the company announced on its website. “Ranbaxy is proactively recalling the drug product lots out of an abundance of caution, and in keeping the safety of our customers in mind. This recall is being conducted with the full knowledge of the U.S. FDA.”

You can find a full list of generic Lipitor tablets being recalled here.

Back in January, the Justice Department said it found “numerous problems” regarding testing and drug manufacturing at Ranbaxy factories in India and the United States. Included among the issues cited by the department are failure to keep written records showing that drugs had been manufactured properly; failure to investigate evidence indicating that drugs did not meet their specifications; failure to adequately separate the manufacture of penicillin drugs from non-penicillin drugs in order to prevent cross-contamination; failure to have adequate procedures to prevent contamination of sterile drugs; and inadequate testing of drugs to ensure that they kept their strength and effectiveness until their expiration date.

The consent decree filed by the Justice Department was described as “unprecedented” at the time.

“This action against Ranbaxy is groundbreaking in its international reach — it requires the company to make fundamental changes to its plants in both the United States and India,” said Tony West, assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “Our commitment to ensuring that the drugs the American people rely on are safe, effective and manufactured according to the FDA’s standards extends beyond our borders.”

The Associated Press reported that the company was taking heat from the FDA over alleged security lapses at Ranbaxy factories, too.

The agency also claimed the drug maker lied about test results for generic drugs that were conducted several years ago, according to the AP. The tests were done to determine the shelf life of the drugs.

The FDA banned Ranbaxy from shipping 30 drugs manufactured at its Indian factories in 2008, the AP reported.

The FDA scrutiny almost led the agency not to allow Ranbaxy to sell generic Lipitor when the drug’s patent expired. But the agency ruled to allow Ranbaxy to sell generic Lipitor from the company’s New Jersey factory.

Top Chemo Drug Dropped Due to ‘Lack of Profits’

(Natural Society) -Cancer specialists have regularly relied on Fluorouracil (5-FU) – a cancer treatment drug – for 40 years to treat bowel and breast cancer, but Big Pharma has other concerns than saving lives—like making money. Because the drug isn’t as profitable as drug companies would like it to be, they are snubbing it in favor of more profitable therapies, making the drug difficult for specialists to acquire. Where at one time, six companies supplied German cancer clinics with Fluorouracil, there is now only one.

“The production of 5-FU is not profitable for us,” confessed one German-based former producer. The drug is also known as Adrucil, Carac, Efudix, Efudex, and Fluoroplex.

The unavailability is making cancer specialists in Germany anxious, although the antimetabolite drug has long been the established form of chemotherapy in the UK and worldwide. “It is only a question of time until we run into serious problems.”

Big Pharma Cares About Money, Not Patients

It isn’t likely Big Pharma can be convinced to accept smaller paychecks for the greater good. As such, 5-FU will likely be phased out in favor of pricier options that have undergone fewer clinical trials. These new pharmaceuticals will likely arrive on specialists’ desktops along with conspicuous six-figure checks and long lists of potentially deadly side effects which can only be addressed with a cabinet full of overpriced medication.

Why such a grim outlook? It’s already happened. Last year, Pfizer announced plans to put a new drug on the market for a specific type of lung cancer. Because the cancer is a rare type, however, Pfizer announced plans to charge $115,200 per year of the treatment. Meanwhile, celebrity doctors with large followings and mass appeal are regularly paid to push drugs and even make off-label claims, as did Dr. Drew Pinskey (known usually as Dr. Drew) and James Pradko for GlaxoSmithKline’s Wellbutrin.