Wow! What happened to Dr. Rife’s practice is disgusting! After finding effective cancer treatments, his lab was destroyed by the FDA. Take a look at how Dr. Rife successfully treated so many patients using natural medice. Share his story! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Cancer
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells. Continue reading
18 Links About Cancer, Cures, Safer Treatments, And How To Prevent It
Today is World Cancer Day. Now I am all for awareness for diseases and whatnot, but I think it’s safe to say we all know what cancer is. The issue on hand is the fact that most people are more focused on the dangerous treatments they use to treat or rid themselves of the disease, which normally results in the cancer patient dying anyway. It’s also safe to say that we have all lost at least one person in our lives to cancer. The focus should really be on the ways to PREVENT cancer and also the many alternative methods to treat and cure cancer. They are out there, but the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and most of us know it’s all about the money. Finding or approving a cure would mean that Big Pharm would lose A LOT of money. Continue reading
15-Year-Old Puts Cancer Industry To Shame: Develops 100% Accurate Cancer Test Using Google
One of Thomas Edison’s great quotes is “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Edison lived this statement daily in the process of creating the light bulb. Thomas Edison made his own hand blown glass bulbs, tried 3,000 different theories of creating an element that would lower the amount of electrical power required to power a light bulb, and tried more than 6,000 types of filament to extend the life of a light bulb for more than a few hours. It was in 1880 when he created a 16 watt bulb that burned for 1500 hours. Not many of us have the kind of drive and determination to stick with something you know it will work, even though you experience failure after failure. Yet those are the individuals that carve a path to the future. Continue reading
10 Toxic Foods Made In China That Are Filled With Plastic, Pesticides And Cancer Causing Chemicals
Recently I was reading an article on about a fake rice being produced in China. The rice is being made out of plastic believe it or not and no one is doing anything about it. Naturally, as a health advocate and researcher of food and how food is processed I thought to myself, this is going WAY too far. Continue reading
WHO: Processed Meat Listed Alongside Smoking As Major Cause Of Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC ), a branch of the World Health Organization, released a report on October 26, 2015 that evaluated the carcinogenic potential of processed and red meat.
After delving into the mounting scientific literature exploring the correlation between cancer and diet, a group of experts derived from 10 different countries assembled by the IARC Monographs Programme classified processed meats as “carcinogenic to humans.” Such meat has now been placed in the highest possible category, group 1 out of 5 — the same category as tobacco, alcohol, arsenic, and asbestos. Continue reading
Elderly Man with Terminal Cancer Walks Out of Hospice after Treatment with Cannabis Oil
“After nine months of taking two different forms of cannabis oil, one, a cannabis capsule infused with organic coconut oil around 10:30am and high THC oil about an hour before bed, dad was given the life changing report, ”No evidence of recurrent disease”.
– Corinne Malanca (Stan and Barb Rutner’s daughter)
Stan Found Cannabis after Chemo and Radiation Almost Killed Him
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WHO Claims Bacon Causes Cancer; Here’s The Truth
The Alarming Ways EMFs Are Changing Your Brain
Currently there are 7.3 billion people on the planet and 6. 9 billion mobile phone subscriptions — almost one phone for every person! Few of us can even imagine living without our electronic devices like smartphones and computers. But what is living in a sea of electronics doing to our brains? There’s evidence that our electronic devices may be hazardous to both our physical and mental health.
Study Claims 1 in 4 Cancer Research Papers Contains Faked Data
You could be forgiven for thinking there’s a bit of a crisis going on in biomedical science these days. Tenured academic positions are few and far between—and are often dependent upon the researcher’s success in obtaining scarce funding. The pressure to succeed, measured by publications, is sometimes blamed for leading less-scrupulous scientists to break the rules. A new paper by Morton Oskvold, a Norwegian scientist, will fan those flames, as it makes the bold claim that 25 percent of cancer biology papers contain duplicated data. Is something rotten in our research labs?
5 Cancer Myths Busted
Cancer statistics are on the rise, and the growing numbers have moved the disease to a priority issue for the global community. As The Lancet reports, cancer deaths have increased 46% between 1990 and 2013. On Jan 1, 2016, new international development priorities called Sustainable Development Goals, will focus on decreasing premature deaths from non-communicable diseases by 2025.
PreventDisease recently reported 5 cancer facts the cancer industry promotes as myths, which are summarized below:
The Top 6 Cancer Prevention Foods
According to the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Database, 43.3% of American males and 37.8% of American females will develop cancer in their lifetime. That’s a staggering number. Almost one out of two men and a little more than one out of three women.
Study: Here’s How Cannabis Helps Your Body Fight Off Cancer
A study in the journal Biochemical Pharmacology, published July 2014, elaborates upon a unique mechanism of cannabinoids’ anti-cancer activity. It is notable for demonstrating how cannabinoids work synergistically with the body’s immune system to stop cancer, unlike traditional treatments which destroy the immune system in the process of stopping cancer. Continue reading
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
(The Truth) - Are you a conspiracy theorist? If not, perhaps you should be. Yes, there have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have turned out not to be accurate. However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy theories have turned out to actually be true. So the next time that you run into some “tin foil hat wearing lunatics”, you might want to actually listen to what they have to say. They may actually know some things that you do not. In fact, one recent study found that “conspiracy theorists” are actually more sane than the general population. So the next time you are tempted to dismiss someone as a “conspiracy theorist”, just remember that the one that is crazy might actually be you. The following are 16 popular conspiracy theories that turned out to be true…
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Tommy Chong claims cannabis helped cure his prostate cancer
Comedian and stoner Tommy Chong says ‘I kicked cancer’s ass!’ with a variety of treatments including diet and supplements
Tommy Chong, the veteran star of the dope-fuelled Cheech and Chong films, says he has beaten prostate cancer with a combination of cannabis use and a special diet.
Chong, 74, was diagnosed with cancer in June last year following a three-year period in which he said he had been drug free. He now says he is 99% free of the disease after a Canadian doctor helped him change his diet to include a variety of special supplements, as well as hemp oil. He then sat for a number of sessions with a practitioner named Adam Dreamhealer, described as a “world-renowned healer”.
“That’s right, I kicked cancer’s ass!” Chong wrote on the website “So the magic plant does cure cancer with the right diet and supplements. I’m due for another blood test, MRI, etc, but I feel the best I’ve felt in years. And now for a celebration joint of the finest Kush …”
Together with collaborator Cheech Marin, Chong starred in eight films between 1971 and 1985, including the pair’s classic debut Up in Smoke. During that period the duo also released eight albums, three of which hit the US top 10. The duo split in the mid-80s, but began touring together again in 2008.
US Turns Away 1000′s of Cancer Patients, but has $123 Million for Terrorists in Syria
The US has announced that it will provide militants in Syria, now openly admitted to being Al Qaeda terrorists, with $123 million in military aid – while thousands of cancer patients at home are being turned away from clinics because of budget cuts. Compounding the the criminal negligence of telling sick people to seek help elsewhere, is the fact that the military aid the US is providing terrorists in Syria will be used to perpetuate an already 2 year long, sectarian-driven humanitarian disaster.
RT recently reported in their article, “US to give $123 million military aid package to Syrian rebels,” that:
The US$123 million defense aid package, announced by Kerry at the meeting in the Turkish capital on Sunday, includes body armor, armored vehicles, advanced communication equipment and night vision goggles.
In an April 3, 2013 Washington Post article titled, “Cancer clinics are turning away thousands of Medicare patients. Blame the sequester,” it was reported:
Cancer clinics across the country have begun turning away thousands of Medicare patients, blaming the sequester budget cuts.
Oncologists say the reduced funding, which took effect for Medicare on April 1, makes it impossible to administer expensive chemotherapy drugs while staying afloat financially.
Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Following Radiological Incidents
The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs. The final version, slated for Federal Register publication as soon as today, is a win for the nuclear industry which seeks what its proponents call a “new normal” for radiation exposure among the U.S population, according Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
Issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, the radiation guides (called Protective Action Guides or PAGs) allow cleanup many times more lax than anything EPA has ever before accepted. These guides govern evacuations, shelter-in-place orders, food restrictions and other actions following a wide range of “radiological emergencies.” The Obama administration blocked a version of these PAGs from going into effect during its first days in office. The version given approval late last Friday is substantially similar to those proposed under Bush but duck some of the most controversial aspects:
In soil, the PAGs allow long-term public exposure to radiation in amounts as high as 2,000 millirems. This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period;
- In water, the PAGs punt on an exact new standard and EPA “continues to seek input on this.” But the thrust of the PAGs is to give on-site authorities much greater “flexibility” in setting aside established limits; and
- Resolves an internal fight inside EPA between nuclear versus public health specialists in favor of the former. The PAGs are the product of Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for air and radiation whose nomination to serve as EPA Administrator is taken up this week by the Senate.
- Despite the years-long internal fight, this is the first public official display of these guides. This takes place as Japan grapples with these same issues in the two years following its Fukushima nuclear disaster.
“This is a public health policy only Dr. Strangelove could embrace. If this typifies the environmental leadership we can expect from Ms. McCarthy, then EPA is in for a long, dirty slog,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, noting that the EPA package lacks a cogent rationale, is largely impenetrable and hinges on a series of euphemistic “weasel words.”
“No compelling justification is offered for increasing the cancer deaths of Americans innocently exposed to corporate miscalculations several hundred-fold.”
Reportedly, the PAGs had been approved last fall but their publication was held until after the presidential election. The rationale for timing their release right before McCarthy’s confirmation hearing is unclear.
Since the PAGs guide agency decision-making and do not formally set standards or repeal statutory requirements, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act and Superfund, they will go into full effect following a short public comment period. Nonetheless, the PAGs will likely determine what actions take place on the ground in the days, weeks, months and, in some cases, years following a radiological emergency.
Source: Global Research
Energy drinks ‘could trigger cardiac arrest’
“More studies are needed to assess the impact on heart rhythm, Sachin Shah, the lead author of the study said. He warned that patients with high blood pressure or long QT syndrome should use caution when consuming energy drinks.
With the new research, shares of Monster Beverage Corp (MNST.O) have fallen by as much as much as 8%. The company’s shares were trading down at $48.71 after the bell Thursday. They closed at $50.35 on Nasdaq.
Earlier this month, the company said its medical investigators found no connection between its product and the death of a teenage girl in Maryland, Reuters reports.
The girl’s parents sued Monster last year.
Last year, the energy drink company was cited in five different deaths.
Regarding this week’s research, Dr. Ian Riddick, director of preventive cardiology at the David Grant Medical Centre at Travis Air Force Base in California, said that “QT prolongation is associated with life threatening arrhythmias,” The Telegraph reports.
“The finding that energy drinks could prolong the QT (heart’s electrical cycle) in light of the reports of sudden cardiac health, warrants further investigation,” he said.
The research was presented at a conference run by the American Heart Association.
According to Reuters and The Telegraph both Monster and Red Bull UK were not available for comment.
60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link To A Vaccine You Probably Had As A Child
Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.
Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. Continue reading
Doctors Save A Little Girl’s Life By Reprogramming The HIV Virus To Fight Cancer Cells
(Business Insider) -Drug company Novartis is betting $20 million on a cancer treatment that seems to have saved a little girl’s life, according to a report from The New York Times’ Denise Grady.
Just last spring, six-year-old leukemia victim Emma Whitehead was “near death,” having gone through chemotherapy twice without success.
But then her parents put Emma through an experimental treatment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
They infected her with a version of HIV, reprogrammed to attack cancer cells.
Whitehead almost died, but the treatment worked and now she’s in remission — and doing cartwheels all over her house.
Grady says the treatment hasn’t worked for all patients.
It worked completely on three adults. Four treated adults have merely improved. A child relapsed. The treatment failed two adults completely.
Here’s the thing though: Each of these patients was a “hopeless” case before trying the treatment. So any success is huge.
Emma in April:
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Emma now:
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