There are few issues right now more contentious than gun control. One of these issues happens to be “false flag” operations. Actor Steven Seagal has previously sounded off on both. In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed “a lot” of domestic shootings in America were “engineered” in order to drum up support for gun control legislation. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Guns
10 Myths About Guns
This week, President Barack Obama announced executive actions related to guns. Here are 10 common myths about firearms. Continue reading
Federal judge says cops can hold your family at gunpoint if you drink tea or grow tomatoes — here’s why
A Kansas couple lost their lawsuit after a federal judge essentially ruled that drinking tea and gardening were probable cause for a drug search warrant — but they forced a change in state law that could prevent similar raids.
A SWAT team raided Adlynn and Harte’s home in April 2012 searching for marijuana as part of an annual series of drug busts timed to the unofficial “4/20” holiday.
George Zimmerman shot at during ongoing dispute with another man in Florida
George Zimmerman was shot and wounded Monday afternoon in Florida.
Police said Zimmerman was shot in the face, but his injuries were minor,reported WFTV-TV.
Zimmerman was involved in a shooting in Lake Mary about 12:45 p.m. as part of an ongoing dispute with another man in an apparent “road rage incident,” police said. Continue reading
Michael Bloomberg Accused of Illegal Gun Trafficking
Whiteout Press
July 9, 2013
He’s already proven he’s too special to abide by election laws and NY’s term limits. He’s also skirted the law by using his fortune to influence the outcomes of elections across the country. Now, Bloomberg is accused of paying straw purchasers to buy thousands of guns for him using his money – something that is highly illegal. Continue reading
Group Aims to Give Out Free Shotguns in 15 Cities
If a group at the National Rifle Association convention gets it way, free shotguns will be handed out in Chicago.
CBS Chicago reports the group made the bold announcement at a convention in Texas, and as you might imagine it is causing quite a controversy.
The group is called the Armed Citizen Project, and as, their name says they want to arm citizens by giving them shotguns.
They aim to give out shotguns to people in fifteen cities including Chicago.
They’ve already started giving out the guns in Houston where at least four mothers have received free guns.
The group’s founder says they give the free guns to people living in medium to high crime areas so they can defend themselves from criminals.
Kyle Coplen founded the group based on his belief that guns are the ultimate deterrent to would-be criminals.
“It’s our hypothesis that criminals do not want to die in your hallway. We think that society should use that fear to deter crime,” said Coplen. “We’re giving folks the tools with which to defend their life, liberty and property, we’re training them how to use the weapons and empowering citizens.”
In Houston, Coplen says he hopes to arm one fourth of the neighborhood where his group is now giving away guns. Then signs would be put up warning criminals that the neighborhood is armed.
Coplen says they want to come to Chicago but are checking with their lawyers to make sure any legal concerns are addressed ahead of time.
Chicago has traditionally had more restrictive gun laws, and that’s why the Armed Citizen Project says they want in so they can put their theory to the test here.
In February, CBS Houston reported that Coplen gave away 20-gauge single-shot shotguns to residents in mid- and high-crime neighborhoods to test whether or not the weapon will help reduce crime in the area. Coplen said the weapons are not of much value to criminals, but are especially useful for citizens looking to protect themselves from criminals.
Crowd packs heat; Oak Harbor backs down
It’s been three weeks since an Oak Harbor city council member started a national controversy by trying to kick out a wounded Army veteran who was legally carrying a weapon during a council meeting.
Councilmember Rick Almberg then walked out.
The council was met by 160 people Tuesday night, many who were packing heat.
There were handguns in holsters and rifles slung over shoulders and an unknown number of people concealing their weapons as the Oak Harbor City Council met. Many attended the meeting to show support for veteran Lucas Yonkman who Councilmember Almberg tried to have kicked out of City Hall last month, including Joe Hawkins who openly mocked him. “Mr. Almberg I just want you to know that I have a concealed ham sandwich right here I don’t want you to get up and walk away,” he chuckled.
Most attended the meeting to oppose the city’s ban on guns in parks and the marina. The Second Amendment Foundation had threatened to sue if the ordinance wasn’t overturned.
Sandy Peterson spoke out against the ordinance. “If the city council members are intimidated by people exercising their Second Amendment rights to bear arms, perhaps they need to examine what it is about that that makes them uncomfortable,” she said.
William Frail had an M-1 rifle on his shoulder as he testified. “Sir, my mother was Jew,” he said. “My family went to the chambers. I will not go into the night quietly while these two ask me to board the train.”
But not everyone spoke in favor of overturning the ban. Shane Hoffmire doesn’t believe having guns in parks is a good idea. “While I support the Second Amendment and citizen rights to bear arms, I strongly believe guns do not belong in public spaces,” he said.
Pam Fick also spoke out in support of the ban. “There are those here tonight who will argue that more guns in more hands and more places makes us safer,” she said. “More guns in more hands and more places didn’t make people safer. It just made people more dead.”
Lucas Yonkman, the man at the center of this gun debate in Oak Harbor, also addressed the council.
“I come to you tonight with a heavy heart,” Yonkman said. “I see a beautiful country divided and conflicted. I see a constitution being eroded, and the rights so many have fought and died for totally lost. I see men and woman who are elected leaders pushing personal agendas.”
Yonkman believes the answer to mass shootings and community violence will be found in treating those with mental illness, instead of taking guns away.
The city council eventually voted to overturn the ban, which the interim city attorney had told the members was unconstitutional. The council did not call for the resignation of fellow member Almberg, which a few people had called for.
After the meeting, he said he hopes the city can move past this and get onto more important business.
Do not use Safety Deposit Boxes
According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that “under the Patriot Act” the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced” visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of “selected safe deposit boxes.”
Further, the DHS “shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence” any of the following items “bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature.”
DHS memos also state that banks are informed that any bank employee, on any level, that releases “improper” “classified DHS Security information” to any member of the public, to include the customers whose boxes have been clandestinely opened and inspected and “any other party, to include members of the media” and further “that the posting of any such information on the internet will be grounds for the immediate termination of the said employee or employees and their prosecution under the Patriot Act.” Safety deposit box holders and depositors are not given advanced notice when failed banks shut their doors.
If people have their emergency money in a safe deposit box or an account in a bank that closes, they will not be allowed into the bank to get it out. They can knock on the door and beg to get in but the sheriff’s department or whoever is handling the closure will simply say “no” because they are just following orders.
Deposit box and account holders are not warned of the hazards of banking when they sign up. It is not until they need to get their cash or valuables out in a hurry that they find themselves in trouble.
Rules governing access to safe deposit boxes and money held in accounts are written into the charter of each bank. The charter is the statement of policy under which the bank is allowed by the government to do business. These rules are subject to change at any time by faceless bureaucrats who are answerable to no one. They can be changed without notice, without the agreement of the people, and against their will. People can complain but no one will care because this is small potatoes compared to the complaints that will be voiced when the executive order that governs national emergencies is enforced.
That order allows the suspension of habeas corpus and all rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.
A look at the fine print of the contract signed when a safety deposit box is opened reveals that in essence the signer has given to the bank whatever property he has put into that deposit box. When times are good people will be allowed open access to their safe deposit box and the property that is in it. This also applies to their bank accounts.
But when times get really bad, many may find that the funds they have placed on deposit and the property they thought was secured in the safe deposit box now belong to the bank, not to them. Although this was probably not explained to them when they signed their signature card, this is what they were agreeing to.
During the Great Depression in the early 1930’s people thought that many banks were going to fail. They were afraid they would lose their money so they went in mass to take it out, in what is known as a run on the banks. The government closed the banks to protect them from angry depositors who wanted their money back. Throughout history, governments have acted to protect the interests of banks and the wealthy people who own them, not the interests of depositors or box holders.
In a time of emergency, people will have no recourse if access to their safe deposit box and bank accounts is denied. If they are keeping money in a bank that would be needed in an emergency or in a time when credit is no longer free flowing, they may not be able to get it out of the bank. The emergency may occur at night or on a weekend or holiday when the bank is closed.
The solution is to take emergency cash or valuables out of the safe deposit box or bank account and secure them somewhere else, like in a home safe. An even better idea may be to close the safe deposit box account completely, letting someone else entertain the illusion of safety.
Americans have learned a few things since the Great Depression. They now have the FDIC to liquidate any failed banks.
The FDIC promises to set up a series of dates and times when safe deposit box renters can access their boxes by appointment to remove their property and surrender their keys. The FDIC also promises to mail bank customers an announcement of the dates for such events and include a question and answer page that addresses safe deposit box access.
The people have the FDIC to give them back the money they had on deposit that they were unable to get out of any failed bank that carries FDIC insurance. Sheila Bair, head of the FDIC, promises that depositor`s money will be available in 24 hours or less. But people should remember that the FDIC is just another bureaucracy, and it`s probably best not to rely on a bureaucracy in an emergency.
Note: We’ve been asked to site sources for this article but we did not write it, the source in which it came from is at the top. Also see this,
Newspaper Hires Armed Guards After It Enraged The Community By Publishing Info On Local Gun Owners

(Business Insider) - A New York state newspaper is taking drastic steps to protect its staff after it enraged gun owners in two counties.
The Journal News, a Gannett-owned newspaper in Westchester, N.Y., published a map showing the names and addresses of licensed gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties.
The Journal News tried to do the same for Putnam County, but the newspaper’s request for records was denied because of the outrage the map had already caused in Westchester County.
That outrage was so intense the newspaper resorted to hiring armed security guards to man its headquarters after receiving multiple threats, The Rockland Country Times reported Tuesday.
The threats were reportedly so concerning, Journal News Rockland Editor Caryn McBride filed at least two reports with local police.
One reader decided to use a different tactic to express his anger at the newspaper.
After the map was published, incensed reader Christopher Fountain used his blog to release the name, home address, and phone number of the paper’s publisher, editor, and the reporters behind the map.
The results are in: More guns sold mean fewer guns deaths, injuries
(NaturalNews) It isn’t a firearms statistic that liberal progressives and gun
banners like California Sen. Dianne Feinstein will want to hear but it’s true
nonetheless: According to the most recent statistics, the more guns that have
been sold in the Golden State, the fewer gun deaths and injuries there have
According to the state’s office of the Attorney General, gun
dealers sold around 600,000 guns last year, nearly double the 350,000 sold in
2002, according to figures compiled by department officials.
During the
same period of time, however, “the number of California hospitalizations due to
gun injuries” fell by some 4,000 a year to roughly 2,900, a drop of about 25
percent, “according to hospital records collected by the California Department
of Public Health,” the Sacramento Bee reported.
Meanwhile, the
attorney general’s office said, the number of deaths from firearms fell from
3,200 a year to about 2,800, an 11 percent decline, according to California
health department figures.
“Most of the drop in firearm-related injuries
and deaths can be explained by a well-documented, nationwide drop in violent
crime,” the paper said.
California’s example is being repeated all
over the country
There’s more. Data show that the number of injuries
and death in the state caused by accidental discharge of firearms has fallen as
well, suggesting as one explanation, perhaps, that instruction in the use of
firearms may have improved (Note: California allows concealed carry of handguns,
but is much more restrictive than most other states, according to
There are some caveats to the California figures,
the SacBee reported. For one, state figures track gun sales, now gun
ownership, meaning the state treats “a family’s first gun purchase the same as a
collector’s twelfth.” Secondly, gun sales in California
reached their zenith in the mid-1990s, when violent crime also
What is going on in California is being repeated all over the
country - again, to the chagrin of gun-banning politicians, Hollywood types,
academics and the mainstream media, the latter of which barely reports the
Gun-related violent crime has also steadily fallen in
Virginia over the past six years, though the sale of firearms has risen
dramatically, “according to an analysis of state crime data with state records
of gun sales,” the Richmond
Times-Dispatch reported.
The total number of guns bought in the Old
Dominion climbed significantly - 73 percent - from 2006-2011. When you factor in
the increase in state population, firearms sales per 100,000 residents rose 63
percent, still a substantial increase.
But higher numbers of guns has not
translated into more violent gun crime. As in California, gun
crime has fallen in Virginia, dropping 24 percent over the same period. When
adjusted for the population increase, gun-related offenses fell by more than 27
percent, from 79 crimes per 100,000 in 2006 to 57 crimes in 2011 (Note: Virginia
has much less restrictive carry laws than does California).
The numbers
contradict what Americans are being told by the gun controllers and banners;
that more guns in circulation
equals more violent, gun-related crimes, notes Virginia Commonwealth University
Prof. Thomas R. Baker, who compared the state’s crime data for the
aforementioned timeframe with gun-dealer sales estimates obtained by the
Concealed carry is helping to lower crime, deaths
“While there
is a wealth of academic literature attempting to demonstrate the relationship
between guns and crime, a very simple and intuitive demonstration of the numbers
seems to point away from the premise that more guns leads to more crime, at
least in Virginia,” said Baker, who specializes in research methods and
criminology theory and has an interest in gun issues, the paper said.
control advocates refused to accept the reality of the data, but those who
understand the effects of more Americans accepting responsibility for their own
self-defense weren’t surprised.
“My opponents are constantly saying, ‘If
you got more guns on the street, there’s going to be more crime.’ It all depends
on who has the handgun,” said Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia
Citizens Defense League and an avid gun rights supporter. “As long as it’s going
into the hands of people like you or me, there’s not going to be a problem.
Criminals are going to continue to get their guns no matter what.”
Miller, the editorial page editor for the Washington Times, pointed out
in June that the drop in gun crime and armed violent criminal action has
directly coincided with a rise in the number of states that allow concealed
carry, an assertion backed by FBI crime data.
“If the gun grabbers
were right, we’d be in the middle of a crime wave, considering how many guns are
on the streets,” she wrote.
NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam made a
similar connection.
“This is not a one-year anomaly, but a steady decline
in the FBI’s violent-crime rates,” he told Miller. “It would be disingenuous for
anyone to not credit increased self-defense laws to account for this
American Gun Owners To Be Fingerprinted And Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan
(Feinstein.Senate.Com) -In January, Senator Feinstein will introduce a bill to stop the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition feeding devices.
To receive updates on this legislation, click here.
Press releases
- Feinstein to Introduce Updated Assault Weapons Bill in New Congress, December 17, 2012
- Feinstein Statement on Connecticut School Shooting, December 14, 2012
Summary of 2013 legislation
Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:
- Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
- 120 specifically-named firearms;
- Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and
- Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
- Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
- Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test;
- Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test; and
- Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans.
- Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
- Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
- Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment;
- Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes; and
- Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons.
- Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
- Background check of owner and any transferee;
- Type and serial number of the firearm;
- Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
- Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
- Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration.
‘It was my brother. I think my mother is dead. Oh my God’: Moment accountant sibling of school shooter saw himself named as killer on TV in case of mistaken identity
(DailyMail) - Ryan Lanza was working at his desk at the Ernst and Young when he saw CNN reporting that he had killed 30 people at an elementary school in Connecticut.
It was the moment a stunned Ryan realized what his brother, Adam, might have done.
Lanza told his boss that: ‘I need to go.’ Then he walked out from Times Square office of the tax real-estate group, according to a co-worker who spoke to MailOnline on condition of anonymity.
Thirty minutes later, New York cops stormed in the office.
Between leaving the office and being taken in for questioning, Lanza defended himself in a series of bizarre Facebook posts after he was mistakenly named as the killer when his ID was reportedly found at the scene.
Lanza, 24, seemed unaware that his younger brother, Adam Lanza, had gunned down 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown before taking his own life.
‘Everyone shut the f*** up it wasn’t me,’ he insisted on his Facebook page on Friday. ‘I’m on the bus home now it wasn’t me. IT WASN’T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN’T ME.’
Brett Wilshe, a friend of Ryan Lanza’s, told the AP that he sent Ryan a Facebook message Friday asking what was going on and if he was alright.
According to Wilshe, Lanza’s reply was something along the lines of: ‘It was my brother. I think my mother is dead. Oh my God.’
A neighbor in Newtown, Rhonda Cullens, said she knew Nancy Lanza from monthly get-togethers the neighborhood women had a few years back for games of bunco, a dice game. ‘She was a very nice lady,’ Cullens told the Associated Press.
‘She was just like all the rest of us in the neighborhood, just a regular person.’ Cullens recalled that Lanza liked to garden and to make her house look nice for the holidays.
Lanza joked, though, that no one noticed because the house was out of view, up a hill, she said.
The Associated Press said the mix-up came after an official mistakenly transposed the brothers’ first names, while a New Jersey reporter said Ryan Lanza told him the killer may have had his ID.
He is now being questioned by police in Hoboken, New Jersey, but police said he is not a suspect.
Adam Lanza, 20, was dressed in black military gear and a bullet proof vest when he opened fire in the principal’s office and then moving to a kindergarten classroom where his mother, Nancy, taught.
Sources told the New York Post that Lanza had ‘had a dispute with’ his mother, who was found dead at her home. He then drove to the school in her car and gunned down her kindergarten class, Fox reported.
Lanza died of a self-inflicted gun wound at the scene. The Newtown Patch reported that he may have been developmentally disabled.
His father, Peter Lanza, who was divorced from Nancy, declined to comment at his home in Stamford on Friday when reporters told him about his connection to the shooting.
Police surrounded a Hoboken apartment, believed to be the home of Ryan Lanza, on Grand Street on Friday afternoon.
According to sources, Adam Lanza drove to the scene of the shootings in his mother’s car and opened fire at 9.41am on Friday.
The identities of the other victims have not yet been released but include the school principal, Dawn Hochsprung, and psychologist. Two of the children died while on the way to hospital.
Robert Licata said his six-year-old son was in class when the gunman burst in and shot the teacher.
‘That’s when my son grabbed a bunch of his friends and ran out the door,’ he said. ‘He was very brave. He waited for his friends.’
‘It’s alarming, especially in Newtown, Connecticut, which we always thought was the safest place in America,’ he said.
A dispatcher at the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps said a teacher had been shot in the foot and taken to Danbury Hospital.
Andrea Rynn, a spokeswoman at the hospital, said it had three patients from the school but she did not have information on the extent or nature of their injuries.
Mergim Bajraliu, 17, heard the gunshots echo from his home and raced to check on his 9-year-old sister at the school. He said his sister, who was fine, heard a scream come over the intercom at one point. He said teachers were shaking and crying as they came out of the building.
‘Everyone was just traumatized,’ he said.
The shooting is the latest in a series of high-profile gun crimes in American schools and colleges, that is especially shocking given the age of the students involved.
Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher shot dead girlfriend and then killed himself after she told him he was NOT the father of her baby
(Daily Mail) -Kansas City Chief’s player Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend dead before shooting himself because she told him he was not the father of their baby daughter, it was revealed today.
The Long Island mother of the player Cheryl Shepherd said the couple argued over the paternity of their three-month-old daughter right before the murder suicide at her son’s home in Missouri.
Mrs Shepherd was in the home when her son shot Kasandra Perkins, 22, nine times before fleeing. He is believed to have kissed her dying body and their baby daughter goodbye before he left.

A source told the New York Post: ‘The mother believed that there was an issue over whether [Belcher] was the father. She said he believed he wasn’t necessarily the father of the child.’
A Kansas City law-enforcement source confirmed: ‘She told police there was a question about the paternity.’
It is unclear if the paternity issue was the reason why the rocky relationship ended in such a violent and tragic way.
The couple had been receiving counseling for relationship and financial problems, police said.
A spokeswoman said she would not comment on the doubts raised over baby Zoey’s paternity.

According to the New York Post, she is set to receive more than $1million over the years until she reaches 18. It is not clear if this was based on the results of a pregnancy test.
Belcher’s beneficiary will also get $600,000 in life insurance, a $100,000 retirement account and $200,000 for each of the four seasons played.
A Kansas City police spokeswoman said the baby’s paternity wouldn’t be part of the department’s murder-suicide probe.
‘That would not be something they’re going to investigate,’ said Sgt Marisa Barnes. ‘It’s a “he-said, she-said” so there’s no way to investigate. It would be nothing more than a civil matter.’
Belcher was memorialized as a ‘humble, kind young man’ at his funeral on Wednesday - despite the brutal murder of the mother of his child and shooting himself in front of his coaches.
At least seven NFL players have turned over their weapons in the wake of the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide, according to Sports Illustrated reporter Peter King.
The players have handed their guns over to their teams’ security officers to dispose of them.
One player gave up multiple firearms and told team officials he didn’t trust himself with them.
The horrific murder suicide has shaken the NFL and begun a discussion of gun ownership and mental health issues.
At least seven players have given up their guns - handing them over to the security personnel for their teams, Sports Illustrated reports.
Several hundred mourners gathered for the NFL linebacker’s funeral near his hometown on Long Island, New York.
At Upper Room Christian Church on Wednesday, relatives wore black - and red, the Chiefs’ color. Pastor Dawn Mixon shared that Belcher’s mother, Cheryl Shepherd, described him as a ‘humble, kind young man.’
He had a soft spot for children and loved cartoons, she said.
‘We may not understand the reasons why we are here or understand what caused this tragedy,’ Pastor Mixon said.
At a celebration of Belcher’s life, there were hints of the way it ended. A photo slide show played on a large screen above the stage, with images from Belcher’s childhood through his football careers at nearby West Babylon High School and the University of Maine.

Then appeared the words ‘In loving memory of’ Belcher and Kasandra Perkins, the mother of his 3-month-old daughter Zoey.
After a series of pictures of Perkins and baby Zoey came the message, ‘Keep this little girl in your prayers.’
‘The legacy we pass on to her will be good,’ said his uncle, Davin Miles.
Next to an open casket were collages of photos and mementos from Belcher’s playing career. An array of flowers spelled out W.B. for his high school.
Belcher then drove to Arrowhead Stadium, where he thanked coach Romeo Crennel and general manager Scott Pioli for all they’d done for him. As police arrived, Belcher slipped behind a car and put the gun to his head.
His path to becoming an NFL starter had been an unlikely one. Belcher did not play in college football’s top division, and he wasn’t drafted. But he made the Chiefs, becoming a full-time starter in 2010.
Bishop Stephanie Green described Belcher as ‘a man who did some awesome things - while other young men his age were out hustling, slinging and doing other things, he chose an education’.