Today is World Cancer Day. Now I am all for awareness for diseases and whatnot, but I think it’s safe to say we all know what cancer is. The issue on hand is the fact that most people are more focused on the dangerous treatments they use to treat or rid themselves of the disease, which normally results in the cancer patient dying anyway. It’s also safe to say that we have all lost at least one person in our lives to cancer. The focus should really be on the ways to PREVENT cancer and also the many alternative methods to treat and cure cancer. They are out there, but the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and most of us know it’s all about the money. Finding or approving a cure would mean that Big Pharm would lose A LOT of money. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Marijuana
Vermont Man Uses Tractor To Flatten 8 Police Cars After Marijuana Arrest
Police report that a man drove a tractor over eight police vehicles on Thursday. They estimate the damage at about $250,000.
The man was allegedly driving a farm tractor that he used to run over eight vehicles in the parking lot of a Vermont police station. Police officials claim that this was in an apparent revenge scheme. Continue reading
Elderly Man with Terminal Cancer Walks Out of Hospice after Treatment with Cannabis Oil
“After nine months of taking two different forms of cannabis oil, one, a cannabis capsule infused with organic coconut oil around 10:30am and high THC oil about an hour before bed, dad was given the life changing report, ”No evidence of recurrent disease”.
– Corinne Malanca (Stan and Barb Rutner’s daughter)
Stan Found Cannabis after Chemo and Radiation Almost Killed Him
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Marijuana: The Super Antibiotic Of The Future
A World Wide Emergency
“Without urgent, coordinated action by many stakeholders, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era,” Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the Assistant Director General for the World Health Organization’s Health Security department, said last year after the WHO released its first ever global report on antibiotic resistance. “Common infections and minor injuries, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill,” he continued, explaining how antibiotic resistant bacteria are now one of the top health concerns of the world.
If Anyone Tells You Marijuana Is a Gateway Drug, Show Them This
One of the most common arguments about drug use is that marijuana is a gateway drug. Some claim smoking weed puts young people on a slippery slope to other hard drugs like cocaine, heroin or amphetamines. Drug warriors often cite this idea when arguing in favor of continued marijuana prohibition.
But how strong is that argument really?
12 People Who Prove If You Smoke Pot You’ll Never Amount to Anything
The only way to be successful in life is to play it straight and narrow. Just hard work. No funny business. And certainly no marijuana.
Everyone knows you should never smoke weed if you want to be successful in life. Do you want to run a hit TV show? Or become a billionaire? Become the leader of the free world? Don’t smoke the reefer sticks.
Take it from these cautionary examples of what goes terribly wrong when you make the decision to smoke weed.
‘Major hypocrisy’: US govt-funded agency admits marijuana can kill cancer cells
The National Institute on Drug Abuse, a US federal government research institute whose mission includes “bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction,” has officially admitted that marijuana extracts can kill cancer cells. Continue reading
Federal Judge Considers Declaring Marijuana ‘Schedule I’ Status Unconstitutional
A federal judge in Sacramento, California just heard closing arguments in a case that challenges the constitutionality of the federal government’s Schedule I classification for marijuana. Continue reading
Ruling Clears Way for Marijuana Convictions to be Erased
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Thousands of people busted in Connecticut for marijuana possession now have the right to get their convictions erased after the state Supreme Court ruled Monday that the violation had been downgraded to the same legal level as a parking ticket.
The 7-0 ruling came in the case of former Manchester and Bolton resident Nicholas Menditto, who had asked for his convictions to be overturned after the Legislature decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot in 2011. ->
March Is A Big Month For Marijuana! 5 States Move Toward Legalization
The legislative season is in full swing at statehouses around the country, and cannabis is hot. And we’re not even talking about medical marijuana or decriminalization bills, we’re talking about outright legalization bills.
Early this month, the General Social Survey, the “gold standard” of public opinion polls, reported that for the first time, a majority nationwide favor legalization. Other recent opinion polls, including Gallup and Pew, have reported similar results. And all have reported rather dramatic increases in support in recent years, with the trend still continuing upward. Continue reading
Colorado Sold 7 Tons Of Retail Marijuana In First Legal Year
DENVER, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Consumers in Colorado bought more than 17 tons of recreational marijuana buds during the first year of the state’s new retail market, but sales of medicinal pot still outstripped that at almost 50 tons, officials said on Friday. Continue reading
Joe Rogan on Invisible Aliens, String Theory & Collective DMT Dreams
The 4 Most Likely States To Legalize Cannabis In 2016
Almost as soon as the landslide votes ending the prohibition of adult use of cannabis in two states and the District of Columbia were cast, reform groups across the country began the long paperwork process of getting their legalization initiatives on the 2016 ballot for their respective states. Heartened by the solid victories of every legalization initiative to reach the ballot (a progressive medical measure garnered an impressive 58% of the vote in Florida, falling just short of the 60% needed for passing a constitutional amendment), movement allies around the country are naturally wondering whether their state will be next. Continue reading
This is How Much Marijuana Prohibition Costs You, the Taxpayer
Whether you are for its legalization or not, you are paying for marijuana to be illegal. According the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 43.3% of all “Arrests for Drug Abuse Violation” are of people who are in possession of marijuana. Six percent of all drug-abuse violation arrests were for the “Sale/Manufacturing” of marijuana. In other words, a whopping 49.5% of all drug-violation arrests are connected to marijuana. Half of the population that is in prison for substance abuse is in prison for marijuana-related crimes. Continue reading
Extremely Low Doses of Marijuana’s Psychoactive Components Prevent Brain Damage From Other Toxic Drugs
In another blow and contradiction to mainstream scientific claims which consistently report that Cannabis causes brain damage, a recent study shows the opposite. Continue reading
Guns verboten for pot users
Rocky Mountain Pawn & Gun is confident about its own cultural identity. Before entering the shop – a palace of weaponry and camouflage gear – customers must pass a sign indicating that hippies should use the back door.
Then, in a glass display case inside the shop, another sign reads, “Federal Law Prohibits the sale of firearms to medical marijuana card holders.”
According to Chris Burnett, the store’s manager, the second sign isn’t a “hippies can’t have guns” joke, but an edict handed down from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a federal agency.
Burnett said the shop put up the sign after an ATF agent called Rocky Mountain Pawn & Gun and said “anyone who has a medical marijuana card will not pass a background check.”
The ATF did not respond to requests for comment.
Nearly 100,000 Coloradoans are licensed to use medical marijuana, which treats a range of ailments, including pain, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and muscle spasms.
Colorado law is in conflict with federal law, which criminalizes marijuana in all circumstances and by definition applies to the whole country.
Burnett said on the application to own a firearm, which is submitted to the federal government, the applicant is asked whether he or she has ever used illegal drugs, and because marijuana is illegal according to federal law, medical marijuana users must answer “yes” or commit a crime – meaning they are categorically disqualified from gun ownership.
While the gun lobby and the grass lobby are not intuitive political allies, this is the too-rare legal determination that has both in uproar.
“It’s difficult to explain it to people who we have to turn away, because they say, ‘I did this the right way, I got a permit,’ meanwhile, people who are buying it from their neighbors can still go out and by a gun,” Burnett said.
Though Burnett feared the federal government had amassed a database of medical marijuana users, against which the federal government would cross-check firearm applications as it putatively does felony convictions, Mark Sally, spokesman with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, said that was impossible.
Only the state has that list, he said, and like all matters between doctors and patients, it is confidential.
Stuart Prall, a lawyer and marijuana advocate, said Rocky Mountain Pawn’s dilemma was indicative of the confusing state of the law regarding cannabis.
“I don’t think anybody should be denied rights, because people are taking one medicine as opposed to another medicine, and that’s true for parental rights, gun rights, any rights,” he said.
He said the unresolved and increasing contradictions in state law and federal law regarding marijuana meant that “it’s completely confusing to everybody.”
Delaware Senator Pushes for Marijuana Industry
(CAV News) - Of course, legalizing marijuana would help the budgets of many states. I’m not sure that’s the only reason you should want to pass such legislation.
Are you advocating for the right of people to make their own choices such as they do with unhealthy food? Or are you advocating passing legislation in order to fix the budget, curb deficits, and even worse, add another industry into the regulatory fold?
Can’t we just pass something without taxing it? Look I understand the argument is more appealing for those who don’t favor passing any Marijuana legislation. Those who oppose it, say, ” wait, did you just say tax?”
Why yes I did you thief, meanwhile, the potheads, and medical patients who use marijuana are happy, because it’s no longer illegal, the taxpayers don’t have to foot more money into the justice system because of silly marijuana laws that incarcerate folks, and everyone wins.
Well do you really win? Haven’t we learned that regulating industry has actually hurt the patients, consumers, and the industry it strived to help ? I think it’s refreshing to get more politicians on board to decriminalize marijuana law, but let’s pass it for the fact of liberty not taxation. Let’s pass it out of personal choice, and not for the fact that many officials couldn’t balance a budget. I know it’s cliché, but more money equals more power. How do you get money when you are a government? You take it.
From Sen. Daylin Leach’s website:
As Gov. Corbett lays the groundwork to privatize Pennsylvania’s liquor stores and fund education this year with the revenue raised, Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery/Delaware) has offered an alternative plan: legalize marijuana and generate a constant revenue source for the state to use for years to come.
“We don’t need to sell our state stores to the highest bidder to bring in money to fund education, especially if the money gained can only be used once,” Leach said. “This plan may help our state in the short term, but is a foolish long term strategy, as it offers no permanent solutions. Why eliminate a constant revenue stream when we could keep it, continue to benefit from it, and add to it by regulating, taxing and selling marijuana under the state store umbrella?”
Corbett’s proposal would relinquish the state’s control over its liquor stores and use the $1 billion raised from licensing fees to fund a four-year state education grant program. Under the plan, schools could only use the block grant funds for school safety purposes, to create individualized learning plans, to improve reading and math skills in early elementary classrooms and for science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs. The plan would aim to resolve a major crisis our public schools faced after Corbett slashed $1 billion in education funding in his first budget.
Leach, who this session will introduce a marijuana legalization bill, said the answer our state is looking for is simple.
“In addition to raising millions of dollars per year from tax revenue, Pennsylvania would save more than $325 million per year by legalizing marijuana. The most conservative estimates say the revenue generated by taxing the sales of marijuana would amount to at least $24 million per year. Legalizing marijuana and taxing its sale could provide a multi-million dollar reoccurring revenue source that our state could tap into for years to come,” Leach said.
Under the terms of Leach’s bill, marijuana would be a regulated product, treated similarly to alcohol. He noted that his bill would not change current laws against driving under the influence of marijuana, selling marijuana to minors and disorderly conduct while publicly intoxicated.
Source: Daylin Reach, Activist Post
Prez Obama: Marijuana Users Not High Priority in Drug War
Bill Clinton says war on drugs not working
(Digital Journal) -As government officials and residents of Washington and Colorado wait to see how the Justice Department and federal law enforcement agencies will respond to the legalization of marijuana, politicians and celebrities are questioning current drug policies.
A spokesman for Seattle’s U.S. Attorney’s Office issued a statement on Wednesday saying:
“Regardless of any changes in state law, including the change that will go into effect on Dec. 6 in Washington state, growing, selling or possessing any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law.”
Officials with the White House and Justice Department are still deciding what actions, if any, should be taken regarding the new laws.
As the legal limbo surrounding the Washington and Colorado laws continues, a documentary entitled “Breaking the Taboo” premiered on Friday. The film focuses on The Global Commission on Drug Policy’s attempt to break the “political taboo” surrounding the U.S. led War on Drugs, as well as showing how it and global policies have failed over the last 40 years.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman, the film includes interviews of former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
During the Clinton administration, the position of Drug Czar was raised to cabinet-level status. Nearly 60 percent of all federal and 25 percent of all state prisoners were imprisoned for nonviolent drug offenses during the Clinton Presidency. In Latin America, the use of military and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) forces grew considerably and marijuana arrests soared. Despite Clinton’s reputation as being one of the harshest Presidents to date when it comes to the War on Drugs, he now believes that the war is not working.
In the film, Clinton is quoted as saying:
“What I tried to do was to focus on every aspect of the problem. I tried to empower the Colombians for example to do more militarily and police-wise because I thought that they had to. Thirty percent of their country was in the hands of the narcotraffickers,”
Clinton continued by saying:
“Well obviously, if the expected results was that we would eliminate serious drug use in America and eliminate the narcotrafficking networks — it hasn’t worked.”
Cater offered his support to the legalization of marijuana, reminding the film’s audience that he proposed decriminalizing the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana in 1977. He also warned against filling prisons with those who were “no threat to society: He felt the money spent on law enforcement efforts and the housing of prisoners charged with minor marijuana possession crimes would be better spent on more intensive treatment options for those addicted to drugs. He goes on to say:
“These ideas were widely accepted at the time. Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.”
Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, told US News he believes law enforcement efforts will always play a major role in preventing drug violence, but he also acknowledges that the drug problem is as much of a public health issue as it is a criminal justice issue.
The release of “Breaking the Taboo” comes three months after another documentary, entitled “The House I Live In“, was released. In that film, David Simon, creator of the HBO TV show “The Wire”, said:
“What drugs haven’t done, the war against them has.”
Colorado Business Groups Ask Feds to Enforce Marijuana Laws
(Stopthedrugwar) -Some 20 Colorado business organizations wrote a letter to US Attorney General Eric Holder last Friday urging him to enforce federal laws barring the sale and possession of marijuana. In doing so, the business groups are taking direct aim at the will of the voters, who passed Amendment 64 legalizing marijuana with 55% of the vote last month.

“Passage of Amendment 64 left considerable uncertainty for employers and business in Colorado with regard to their legal rights and obligations,” the letter said. “We encourage enforcement of the [federal Controlled Substances Act] to provide the certainty and clarity of law we seek.”
Amendment 64 legalizes the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana and the cultivation of up to six plants by adults 21 and over. That part of the amendment will go into effect by January 5 at the latest. It also directs the state to craft a system of regulations for commercial marijuana cultivation and sales. The state has until October 2013 to complete that task.
Still, marijuana remains illegal under federal law, but the Justice Department headed by Holder has yet to signal how it will respond. The Obama administration initially backed off enforcing federal laws in medical marijuana states, but for the last two years has stepped up enforcement actions.
For Coloradans and others who want to know who is attempting to undercut the will of the voters and respond in an informed and appropriate manner, here is the complete list of signatory organizations:
- Colorado Concern
- Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance
- Associated Builders and Contractors — Rocky Mountain Chapter
- Colorado Technology Association
- Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce
- Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce
- Greeley Chamber of Commerce
- Pueblo Chamber of Commerce
- Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance
- Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation
- Upstate Colorado Economic Development Association
- Colorado Contractors Association
- International Electrical Contractors — Rocky Mountain Chapter
- National Federation of Independent Business — Colorado and Wyoming Chapter
- Club 20
- Loveland Chamber of Commerce
- Colorado Bankers Association
- Colorado Auto Recyclers Association
- Chrisland Commercial
- Douglas County Business Alliance