Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Vaccines
Kevin Gates Discusses Why He Will Not Vaccinate His Children
In a video interview with Rolling Stone, New Orleans rapper Kevin Gates says that the reason that his children are scholastically advanced is because they have never been vaccinated. He stands as a staunch advocate against the standard, yet controversial practice of the medical field, as Gates condemned vaccines on a Breakfast Club interview in 2014. (TheSource)
Doctors Against Vaccines - These Physicians Actually Did The Research
These following doctors were not content with half-truths, propaganda, and lies. They did their own research. Continue reading
22,000 Nurses Across America Refuse To Submit To Risky, Mandatory Vaccines
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” These are the wise words of Ayn Rand, who at a young age witnessed the confiscation of her father’s business by Russia’s communist Bolshevik party. Rand was forced to flee with her family to Crimea, as their individual property rights were trampled upon by the collectivist vision of Russia’s Vladimir Lenin. Continue reading
Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.
Putin: Russia Registers World’s Most Effective Ebola Vaccine
Russia has developed and registered a highly-effective vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus, president Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.
“We have registered a vaccine against Ebola that shows, after a series of tests, a very high effectiveness, even higher than the vaccines currently used for Ebola treatment in the world,” Putin said at a meeting with Cabinet members. Continue reading
‘There is NO Debate’: Facts the Herald Sun Hides About the Anti-Vaccine ‘Myths’
The vaccine debate is heating up in Australia, following the ‘No Jab, No Pay; No Jab, No Play’ legislation that was introduced on the first of January.
There are strong feelings on both sides of the matter—and understandably—the well-being of our most vulnerable citizens, the citizens we are responsible for and love dearly—our children, is at stake here. Continue reading
Finally! Studies Prove That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier
A study from the 1990s hascome to light, proving that compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions.
Furthermore, the study identified that there was a ten-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack tonsillectomy operations among the children who were unvaccinated.
Kambô: Nature’s Vaccine For The Mind And Body
“Kambô circulates in the heart. Our shaman said that when we take kambô it makes the heart move accurately, so that things flow, bringing good things to the person. It is as if there was a cloud on the person, preventing the good things to come, then, when it takes the kambô; it comes a ‘green light’ which opens its ways, making things easier.” — from “Kambô, The Spirit of the Shaman” by Professor Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes
Kambô is a resin secreted from the back of a large green jungle frog, given the name Phyllomedusa bicolor for classification, but more commonly known as the giant waxy monkey tree frog. It’s found in the southern Amazon, across the countries of Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.
Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins Talks Chemtrails on Stage
It’s not that often that we hear famous people talk about chemtrails and it’s certainly rare to hear them bring the subject up at concerts. To me, I think it’s wonderful when this happens, it’s good to see someone with such a huge platform speak up about these topics. Not long ago we got a surprise from Kylie Jenner when she decided to take to Twitter and post about chemtrails.
GSK bills UK government $92 million to compensate victims who were brain-damaged by its own vaccine for swine flu
It looks like there’s more trouble in Vaccineland, as UK-based jab giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been exposed for peddling a swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage in potentially thousands of children. But rather than be held responsible, GSK is actually billing the UK government the equivalent of about $92 million to pay for damages, which means taxpayers are footing the bill.
MD Found Murdered inside Florida Home Today. This makes 6 in 30 days, 5 still missing
Yet another doctor was just found murdered inside his home; here on the East Coast, of Florida. This makes six doctors to be found dead in the last month; just from this region of the country, alone. Four out of the six were found dead here in Florida. We lost the wonderful, holistic Dr. Teresa Sievers, MD, who was found murdered in her Florida home just weeks ago. We’ve also lost the beloved Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, MD, who was found in a river with a gunshot to his chest. He’d recently moved to Georgia from Florida. We’ve also lost Dr. Riley, who was found in Georgia at her home; just a few hours from the Florida border. She was found with a gunshot wound to her head.
Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants: Another Reason to Shun Vaccines
Why are autoimmune disorders on the rise in a big way? For several years, researchers have been sifting through evidence that might answer that question, and recently the pieces started coming together with the discovery of a condition known as autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to increase the body’s immune response to them, but they may end up tipping the scale in favor of autoimmunity.
Are Parents Going to Jail for Vaccine Injuries?
Health Impact News Editor Brian Shilhavy Comments:
One of the true travesties of justice in modern society is the medical profession’s refusal to acknowledge vaccine injuries. While U.S. law forces the government to pay out damages to vaccine injuries and deaths in a special federal vaccine court that was setup to protect the manufacturers of vaccines from any legal liabilities, medical professionals continue to deny the existence of vaccine injuries, and therefore research to learn how to help vaccine damaged children is never funded nor conducted.
Two Infants Dead After Receiving Vaccinations
Two babies have died and 39 others are in hospital after suffering adverse effects following shots given under the National Vaccination Program. Continue reading
Johns Hopkins faces $1bn class lawsuit over experiments on people in STDs study
Over 750 plaintiffs are suing Johns Hopkins University over its role in medical experiments in Guatemala in the 1940s and 1950s. Hundreds were deliberately infected with sexually-transmitted diseases as part of a US government program. The lawsuit in Baltimore seeks $1 billion in damages for individuals, spouses and children of the victims, who were infected with diseases including syphilis and gonorrhea. It seeks at least $75,000 in damages for each of nine counts. Former research subjects and their families claim Johns Hopkins officials had “substantial influence” over the studies and were involved in masterminding the experiments. The plaintiffs also feature the estates and families of 124 people who died from complications of diseases that they contracted through the hazardous experiments. While an attorney for the university has called the suit “baseless,” officials from the institution described the experiments as “deplorable” and “unconscionable,” while arguing they didn’t “initiate, pay for, direct or conduct” the Guatemala studies. Continue reading
Human Fetal DNA Fragments In Vaccines Are A Possible Cause For Autism – According To This Stanford Scientist

Dr. Theresa Deisher, a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University, the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, determined that residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines may be one of the causes of autism in children through vaccination. Continue reading
New GMO Vaccines Alter Human DNA to Produce Artificial Immunity
Recently, scientists took a huge leap forward in developing a radically new form of immunization. Researchers from the Scripps Research Institute reported in February that they had successfully used a new form of gene therapy to induce monkeys to produce an antibody that deactivates HIV. Continue reading
With the advent of the recent measles outbreak in the US, the eyes of parents everywhere are once again drawn to the hot-button topic of whether or not to vaccinate their children.
One UBC professor has felt the force of this topic upon his vaccination studies. Continue reading
Your Immune System, How It Works And How Vaccines Damage It
“Chronic illnesses are now so common, having a sick child seems to be the “new normal.”Children are supposed to be vibrant, healthy, free of disease.” - Janet Levatin MD, Pediatrician.
The Theory
Medical theory is that if your child is exposed to a weakened version of the disease, he will produce antibodies to that disease and become ‘immune’, so that he will never contract the illness.
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Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults
During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). [1] Continue reading
Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children… And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care That I Use Vaccine Exemption Forms
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children and protect them with vaccine exemption forms are often chastised and stereotyped for putting their own kids at risk. But what is even stranger than this assault on individual freedom and informed choice, is that these concerned parents are attacked for putting vaccinated children at risk.
These attacks are based on the theory of “herd immunity.” This hypothesis was plucked out of an old college textbook. It states that the more people are immune to an infectious agent, the less likely an immune-compromised individual is to come in contact with it. In other words herd immunity serves as a human shield – a type of immunity – for “at-risk” individuals. But remember, it’s only a hypothesis. Continue reading
Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children
A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.
The results are presented in the bar chart below; the complete data and study results are here. The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S. Continue reading
CNBC Reports Vaccinated People Spread Disease, More Red Flags Raised
Yesterday it was reported from multiple sources, including CNBC who reported that public health officials are admitting recently vaccinated individuals can and do spread disease. Continue reading
14 charged in deadly 2012 meningitis outbreak
Two pharmacists from Massachusetts were charged with second-degree murder in connection with a deadly 2012 meningitis outbreak that killed at least 64 people and injured about 750, according to an indictment made public Wednesday. Continue reading
Magic trick: promoting diseases that don’t exist
(Activist Post) - The disease/treatment/profit machine requires more and more diseases, even if they aren’t real.
Here is an unspoken but largely accepted medical notion of what a disease is: Continue reading
Did Bill Gates KNOW His Polio Vaccination Push Would Paralyze Children?
Truthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes
At least he certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis. Continue reading
The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night”
Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines. Continue reading
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
(The Truth) - Are you a conspiracy theorist? If not, perhaps you should be. Yes, there have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have turned out not to be accurate. However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy theories have turned out to actually be true. So the next time that you run into some “tin foil hat wearing lunatics”, you might want to actually listen to what they have to say. They may actually know some things that you do not. In fact, one recent study found that “conspiracy theorists” are actually more sane than the general population. So the next time you are tempted to dismiss someone as a “conspiracy theorist”, just remember that the one that is crazy might actually be you. The following are 16 popular conspiracy theories that turned out to be true…
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The average person that consents to a vaccine injection, either for themselves or for their children, genuinely believes it is for the betterment of health. What they are not aware of is that even their doctor is likely unfamiliar with the toxic ingredients contained in vaccines which can immediately begin to degrade both short- and long-term health. If your doctor insists that vaccines are safe, then they should have absolutely no problem in signing this form so that you may archive it for your own records on the event of an adverse reaction. Continue reading
BREAKING – Taiwan reports 42 suspected cases of H7N9
China bird flu outbreak at 38, Taiwan reports 42 suspected cases, none confirmed
The human H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China has grown to 38 cases, according to the World Health Organization. Of this total, 10 have resulted in death.
“Based on a seven-day dormant period of virus, the middle of this month is going to be a critical moment for containing any epidemic of H7N9.
…Authorities are still working through the theory that people are contracting the virus through direct contact with infected birds.
The authorities say there’s been no discernable proof of people-to-people transmissions…”.
H7N9 will not peter out anytime soon: health official
Taipei, April 11 (CNA) The new strain of H7N9 avian flu will not disappear anytime soon, the deputy minister of the Department of Health (DOH) said Thursday.
Although Taiwanese experts who recently returned from a fact-finding visit to Shanghai reportedly suggested that a bird flu pandemic will not occur in the short term, the virus will not peter out soon either, Lin Tzou-yien said at a meeting on prevention measures that was attended by officials from the DOH and the Council of Agriculture (COA).
Warning: Many Childhood Vaccines Contain Aborted Human Fetal Protein, DNA
(Ethan A. Huff) The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit vaccine safety group, recently conducted an independent review of the contents of childhood vaccines and found that many of them are tainted with ingredients that would shock most parents. Continue reading
It Is Only The Flu
( It is only the Flu. These are the famous words of the political leaders of the day, in 1917-1918 while large populations of the world were dying.
They called it the Spanish Flu pandemic. Pandemic means an epidemic, which spreads over a wide area. It was incorrectly named because World War I was going on and the governments on both side had censorship of the news. Spain was not at war and their newspapers reported the latest information on the pandemic as it was occurring.
Because most of the timely and accurate information was coming from that country people wrongfully thought Spain started the whole thing. It is most likely that the 1917 Great Influenza epidemic started in Kansas and was taken to an army camp by some young men who were joining up to fight, now that the US had entered the war.
Military bases and college campuses are some of the worst places to be if there is an easily spread disease around, especially if it is passed on by coughing and sneezing. People go from living in lots of open space of the family home, to the very confined space of a crowded dormitory room or a military barracks.
The practice of medicine in 1917 was not what it is today. Many doctors of the time attended medical schools that did not require the student to have an undergraduate degree. Some doctors graduated from medical school without ever seeing a live patient. Also because the US had entered the First World War, the military had already done a very good job of screening for the better trained medical personnel and then drafting the most competent physicians in the country.
This unfortunately left the older, less modern trained doctors, and the ones who attended questionable medical schools, to treat the sickening public. A public that was about to start dying by the tens of thousands in this county and by the millions world wide. The death rate had been reported has high as 40 million back during the epidemic and has been revised within the last couple of years to approximately 100 million.
According to John M. Barry who wrote the book The Great Influenza, it killed more people in twenty four weeks than AIDS has killed in the past twenty four years. Most people in the US at the time were directly affected by the Flu. If not as a patient themselves, than by a family member, close friend or neighbor who suffered and died.
My great-grandparents and all but, their oldest daughter (to include my grandfather) contracted the Flu. My great aunt nursed the entire family back to good health then contracted the flu herself and died. I first heard that story in the 1950s when we would go to Missouri and visit my great-grandmother. Thirty plus years after the pandemic the family was still talking about it as if it had just happened.
It is different when you actually lose a family member in an epidemic vs. reading about it in the paper. It would appear the US gave this lethal crisis to the world and as it developed the politicians and the military leaders not only turned a blinded eye, but withheld important information that would have allowed the public to prepare and react more efficiently.
After all it was only the flu.
President Wilson never publicly acknowledged that there ever was a flu. At the end of war he traveled to Europe and promptly contracted the influenza himself. One of the effects of the flu in some patients is swelling in the brain. Even if you survive it can be a precursor to strokes later in life. President Wilson had a major debilitating stroke shortly after he returned to the US. But it was only the influenza.
A 2005 cover story for National Geographic was “The Next Killer Flu-Can we stop it?” Have you seen the movie Contagion? The TV and print news are continually running stories about current flu issues in the US. In some areas there has been a flu vaccine shortages and that was for the regular normal (what ever that means) yearly flu.
People, who wait until the media creates a panic about shortages before they try to get their flu shoot, are their own worst enemy. Between thirty, and fifty thousand Americans, die each year from flu (again normal flu). If you think the response to the hurricane disaster this year was slow to meet the public’s needs that will pale in comparison if there is a pandemic flu outbreak. Remember people did not fly back in 1917. This time it will spread faster and more deadly. Go see Contagion it is the best two hour explanation of how it will happen and how devastating it will be. It is not if – it is when.
Then get your Flu Shot.
At least 40 Children Paralyzed After Receiving New Meningitis Vaccine
(RealAgenda) -On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit the small village of Gouro, located in northern Chad, Africa. According to the newspaper La Voix, out of five hundred children who received the new meningitis vaccine MenAfriVac, at least 40 of them between the ages of 7 and 18 have become paralyzed. Those children also suffered hallucinations and convulsions.
Since this report, the true extent of this tragedy is coming to light, as parents of these vaccinated children have reported yet more injuries. The authorities in the area are shaken, as citizens set fire to a sanitary administration vehicle in a demonstration of their frustration and anger at the government’s negligence.[1]
“We wish that our children would get their health back,” shared the parent of a sick child.
MenAfriVac is a new vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India Limited. According to The Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP), it is the first vaccine to gain approval to travel outside the cold chain, meaning that the vaccine can be transported without refrigeration or ice packs for up to four days:
“The meningitis A vaccine known as MenAfriVac®, created to meet the needs of Africa’s meningitis belt, can now be kept in a controlled temperature chain (CTC) at temperatures of up to 40°C for up to four days, a decision that could help increase campaign efficiency and coverage and save funds normally spent maintaining the challenging cold chain during the “last mile” of vaccine delivery.” [2]
The data on the MenAfriVac vaccine is further backed by the World Health Organization’s website [3] and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website. [4]
So, why does this information differ vastly from the information given on the manufacturer’s website? Serum Institute of India Ltd. stated under the section marked STORAGE:
“MenAfriVac should be stored and transported between 2-8ºC. Protect from light. The diluent should be stored at 25°C. It is recommended to protect the reconstituted vaccine from direct sunlight. Do not exceed the expiry date stated on the external packaging.” [5]
Mr. M., the cousin of two of the vaccine-injured children, who currently remain critically ill and hospitalized, explained that many of the children reacted within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine. He said that at first the children vomited and complained of headaches, before falling to the floor with uncontrollable convulsions while bent over with saliva coming from their mouths.
He shared that on December 26, 2012, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Social Security visited Gouro, bringing with them two Members of Parliament. He said that after some discussion, they decided to evacuate approximately 50 paralyzed children to a hospital over three hundred miles away in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad.
He added that the government responded to the tragedy by paying the parents money in a desperate bid to silence them, further stating that many of the parents are traumatized and confused.
As reported in La Voix, according to a member of the medical staff, as well as a comment from Dr. Daugla Oumagoum Moto, the director of the Center of International Health Support (CSSI), the reactions that these children have suffered are not typical of this type of vaccine against meningitis, which they say are normally fever, vomiting, and headaches, not the adverse reactions experienced by the hospitalized children.
Fearing for their children’s present and future health, parents of these vaccine-injured children have begun asking questions, such as:
1. Was this a faulty batch of vaccines?
2. Did the vaccinators inadvertently vaccinate using an unsafe product?
3. Was the product out of refrigeration too long?
4. Were the vaccinators fully trained?
This recently vaccinated child is being attended to after becoming paralyzed.
Mr. M. believes the children were left far too long without care and attention. He told me that, despite the state of the vulnerable children and many parents begging for help, the regional authorities failed to respond on time. The children were not seen by the only doctor in the region until a full week after their injuries!
He stated via email:
“In addition, the government and the media have gone silent about the tragedy, while there are still facts requiring clarification whatever contingencies. All this disturbs us and makes us fear the worst effects for the future. For the not knowing of what is going on behind the scenes of the Minister of Health or elsewhere (WHO, UNICEF). As parents our priorities is that how to tell our children, it is very sad that entire city is paralyzed. We are begging our government act quickly as possible to save our children but it is too slow and lack of motivation. Therefore we call assistance for everyone in the world to intervene.” (his exact words from an email)
President Idriss Deby Itno announced at the beginning of the campaign that the vaccine was safe, secure, and would protect citizens against meningitis for ten years. [6]
Gavi Alliance, a major financial partner in the project, which cost $571 million, stated:
“If all of this works like we think it is going to work, then we are going to eliminate these epidemics. Stop. Period,’ said Marc LaForce, Director of the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP), a joint project involving PATH and WHO which developed MenAfriVac in less than ten years.” [7]
Both of these organizations appear to have been silent since the tragedy.
La Voix initially reported the incident. If you want to see an enlarged version of the newspaper clipping, click on the photo.
This tragedy raises many unanswered questions. Why were 500 children vaccinated in a region that has only one doctor, who was unable to provide advice or treatment for adverse events until one week later? Why did the manufacturer of MenAfriVac specifically advise that the product should be stored and transported at much lower temperatures than The Meningitis Project claimed? Why were the parents of these vaccine-injured children paid hush money?
Why are vaccines being pushed so strongly in a country which lacks clean drinking water and basic sanitation services? UNICEF blames Chad’s recurrent outbreaks of disease, including meningitis, on this vital, common-sense need. [8] Why have major organizations spent $571 million on a vaccination project, when wells to provide access to clean drinking water have been constructed for less than $3,000 by the International Committee of the Red Cross? [9]
How can at least 40 children become paralyzed after receiving a vaccine, and no news organizations provide coverage of this disturbing situation? The media has gone completely silent. There appear to be no reports of this incident on any government website. The only available information, apart from this one newspaper report, appears to be buried on a small blog titled Le blog de Makaila, which has been reporting regular updates on the situation. [10]
Where are statements from the involved organizations – WHO, GAVI, PATH, UNICEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Why has this vaccination program not been suspended? What are these organizations going to do about the atrocity that has happened in Gouro?
Secret government documents reveal vaccines to be a total hoax
(NaturalNews) If you have children, you are more than likely already aware of the official U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Immunization Schedules,” which today recommend an astounding 29 vaccines be given between birth and six years of age, including yearly flu shots, as well as another five to 16 vaccines between ages seven and 18 ( But a recent investigative report compiled by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., uncovers more than 30 years of hidden government documents exposing these vaccine schedules as a complete hoax, not to mention the fraud of the vaccines themselves to provide any real protection against disease.
Though her paper focuses primarily on the British health system’s elaborate cover-up of the dirty truth about its own national vaccination program, the tenets of the study’s findings still apply to vaccination schedules in general, which are typically designed for the purpose of serving corporate interests rather than public health. Government authorities, it turns out, in an ongoing bid to satisfy the private goals of the vaccine industry, have deliberately covered up pertinent information about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines from parents in order to maintain a high rate of vaccination compliance. And in the process, they have put countless millions of children at risk of serious side effects and death.
You can access Dr. Tomljenovic’s full paper here:
Hiding the truth and covering up data to encourage vaccine compliance
Through several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Dr. Tomljenovic was able to obtain transcripts of private meetings that were held between the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), a so-called “independent expert advisory committee” that makes recommendations to the government about vaccine policy, and various British health ministers over the years. And after poring through this plethora of information, which had previously been veiled from public view, Dr. Tomljenovic made some disturbing discoveries.
“[T]he JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization) made continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions and contraindications to vaccinations to both parents and health practitioners in order to reach overall vaccination rates which they deemed were necessary for ‘herd immunity,’ a concept which … does not rest on solid scientific evidence,” explains Dr. Tomljenovic in the introduction to her paper.
“Official documents obtained from the U.K. Department of Health (DH) and the JCVI reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.”
These are some strong accusations, but the information Dr. Tomljenovic gathered speaks for itself. Not only did the JCVI routinely ignore questions of safety as they came up with regards to the ever-expanding vaccination schedule, but the group actively censored unfavorable data that shed a “negative” light on vaccines in order to maintain the illusion that vaccines are safe and effective. Beyond this, the JCVI regularly lied to both the public and government authorities about vaccine safety in order to ensure that people continued to vaccinate their kids.
You can access Dr. Tomljenovic’s full paper here:
JCVI was fully aware of MMR vaccine dangers as early as 1989, but covered them up
Beginning on page three of her report, Dr. Tomljenovic begins outlining the sordid details of meetings held as early as 1981 where the JCVI clearly engaged in fraud, cover-up, and lies about vaccines to protect the vaccine industry, not children, from harm. Minutes from these meetings reveal that the JCVI actively tried to cover up severe side effects associated with common vaccines like measles and whooping cough (pertussis), both of which were clearly linked at the time to causing severe brain damage in a substantial percentage of the children that received them.
Of particular concern was how the JCVI handled unfavorable data on the controversial MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella. 10 years before Dr. Andrew Wakefield published his study on MMR in The Lancet, JCVI was already fully aware that the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) had identified a clear link between MMR and vaccine-induced meningitis and encephalitis. But rather than come forward with this information and call for further safety assessments on the vaccine, the JCVI instead censored this critical information from the public, and blatantly lied about the safety of MMR for years.
“The extent of the JCVI’s concerns with the implications of scientific assessment of vaccine safety on vaccine policy explains why they were opposed to any long-term surveillance for severe neurological disorders following vaccination,” writes Dr. Tomljenovic. “[I]nstead of re-evaluating the vaccination policy, at least until safety concerns were fully evaluated, the JCVI chose to support the existing policy based on incomplete evidence that was available at that time.”
In other words, the JCVI was more concerned with protecting the reputation of the dangerous MMR vaccine, as well as many other questionable vaccines, than with protecting children from sustaining serious injuries as a result of getting the jabs. As far as the MMR vaccine is concerned, this critical piece of information not only reinforces the legitimacy of Dr. Wakefield’s findings from 10 years later, which were illegitimately declared to be fraudulent by the establishment, but also illustrates just how painfully long this scam has been taking place.
Vaccine companies urged to manipulate data sheets, skew safety studies to promote vaccines
If this is not bad enough, Dr. Tomljenovic also drudged up copious amounts of information on the JCVI’s longtime habit of encouraging vaccine companies to deliberately alter their data sheets in order to make dangerous and ineffective vaccines appear safe and effective, in accordance with their recommendations. When the JCVI’s guidance contraindications for MMR, for instance, did not match those of the vaccine’s manufacturer, JCVI apparently instructed the manufacturer to alter its data sheets to avoid “legal problems.”
Similarly, the JCVI’s official policy was to cherry-pick unreliable studies to support its own opinions on vaccines rather than rely on independent, scientifically-sound studies to make vaccine policy recommendations. Once again, the JCVI’s position on the safety and effectiveness of MMR is an excellent example of this, as the group flat out ignored legitimate MMR studies in favor of industry-backed junk studies like the infamous 2005 Cochrane Review, which technically proves nothing about the alleged safety of MMR because the 31 studies it evaluated did not even meet the group’s basic methodological criteria.
“Over the years, the JCVI has consistently promoted the MMR vaccine as safe, based on studies that have been proven to be either irrelevant, inconclusive, or methodologically questionable,” explains Dr. Tomljenovic, adding that the JCVI routinely chose to rely on flawed epidemiological studies that only identified “association” rather than “causation,” a rather ironic inaccuracy in light of how scrutinizing the establishment typically is of studies that contradict its own positions.
The eye-opening, 45-page paper goes on to explain how vaccine schedules were established through the calculated downplaying of vaccine safety concerns and the over-inflating of vaccine benefits; the promotion of dangerous new vaccines into the pediatric schedule through deception; the discouraging of vaccine safety follow-up studies; and the widespread brainwashing of the public through manipulation and scientific sleight-of-hand tricks.
Be sure to check out the complete study for yourself:
Tax on flu vaccines help fund national debt. (Twice as sick)
(Examiner) - The new flu shot has a 40 percent failure rate, according to reports, but that’s not stopping Uncle Sam from slapping a tax on it.
Legislation is moving through Congress to impose a 75-cent tax on new seasonal flu vaccines, as the government already does on existing vaccines. The tax money is used to fund the The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund which covers vaccine-related injury or death claims for covered vaccines.
Without the tax fund, officials said, drug makers wouldn’t make new vaccines to replace older ones.
The website Speak With Authority noted that the fund has about $3.5 billion in it, but it’s paid out only $2.5 billion in the last 25 years.
Says the site: “Although the taxes raised by the vaccine tax go into a ‘Trust Fund,’ this trust fund, like most government trust funds, is on paper only. According to the most recent report on the fund, November 2012, the balance in the fund is nearly $3.5 billion. Since the program’s inception in 1988, the fund has paid out only $2.5 billion in 25 years for cases involving all vaccines, not just the flu vaccine. The balance in the fund could conceivably last another 25 years with no further tax revenue. The $3.5 billion balance, of course, is ‘invested’ in ‘US Treasury Securities.’ In other words, financing a portion of the $16.5 trillion national debt.”
Emergency Flu Tents Set Up In New Jersey
(Express Times) First the bad news: Widespread influenza activity overspreading the nation is taking its toll in the Lehigh Valley and northwest New Jersey.
The good news is this year’s flu vaccine is effective against the strain going around, according to a medical expert at St. Luke’s University Health Network.
Cases piled up enough atLehigh Valley Hospital to prompt the opening announced Monday of a second, temporary emergency department at itsSalisbury Township campus.
The “mobile surge tent” set up outside the existing emergency department will begin accepting patients experiencing flu-like symptoms Tuesday, a Lehigh Valley Health Network news release said Monday. Patients with flu-like symptoms should still report to the main emergency entrance for treatment, according to the release.
Setting up the ancillary department is a proactive measure aimed at ensuring the best level of care and protection for patients.
It’s too early to tell how long the tent will remain open until more patients are seen, said health network spokesman Matthew Burns. The hospital needs to get a better understanding of patients’ conditions, he said.
“It could grow or it could only be there for a week,” Burns said.
18 deaths reported in U.S.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that for the week ending Dec. 29, widespread influenza activity was reported by 41 states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Nationwide, the CDC reports 18 pediatric deaths from Sept. 30 through Dec. 29. Its Region 2, which includes New Jersey, has seen three of those; none were reported in Region 3, encompassing Pennsylvania.
The 2011-12 flu season saw 34 reported pediatric deaths, down from 122 in 2010-11. In 2009-10, when a strain of swine flu broke out, the United States saw 282 reported pediatric deaths.
Dr. Jeff Jahre, senior vice president of medical and academic affairs at St. Luke’s University Health Network, said a new influenza strain could account for this year’s hike in flu cases, and those seeking treatment for colds so bad they fear the flu.
“This year is worse” than the past two winters, he said.
Flu season usually starts in January or later, he said, but St. Luke’s has been treating individuals since early to mid-December. This year’s vaccine “is effective with the strain that we know is predominantly circulating,” he said.
It’s not too late to get a flu shot, Jahre said. Some people still get sick after the vaccine, but it prevents them from getting as sick as they would without it, he said.
“Prevention is still always better than treatment,” Jahre said. “The vaccine should always be taken advantage of.”
Calm before storm
Robert Church, emergency room director at Hunterdon Medical Center, said patient volume is up by 10 percent. About two weeks ago, he received a memo from the New Jersey Department of Health stating Hunterdon County had the state’s lowest rates for the flu.
The next day there were six positive flu cases, he said, and it hasn’t stopped since. The hospital has been getting five to 15 cases of flu per day, he said.
Hunterdon Medical Center’s emergency room has been “backed up” because most patients are experiencing vomiting and diarrhea along with the flu, which is a respiratory illness, Church said.
“We normally treat and release, but the ones that we are seeing are requiring IV fluids to get rehydrated,” he said.
At Lehigh Valley Hospital, where the temporary tent resembles something straight out of “E.T.,” Terry Burger, director of infection control and prevention, said, “We’ve been seeing hundreds of patients in a day.”
Besides the flu, patients are coming in with vomiting and diarrhea.
“We just happened to be in a bad year,” Burger said. “We had seen an uptick in the first week in December and it has progressively gotten worse.”
Pediatricians Want to Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines Despite Health Risks
(Occupy Corporatism) - The American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) has released a statement in favor of Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that is detrimental to the health of everyone who is vaccinated.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the APP are collaborating to say that Thimerosal should not be banned as an ingredient in vaccines in the US as well as a proposed banning of the toxin coming from the United Nations.
Dr. Louis Cooper from Columbia University states that research shows that Thimerosal does cause harm to children.
In 2004, the US Institute of Medicine conducted a safety review that found no evidence was viable to state that Thimerosal is connected to the soaring incidents of autism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concurred with this finding in a study released in 2010. Thimerosal is ethyl mercury that has dramatic toxic effects against the health of the human body. The UN Environmental Program (UNEP) has listed mercury as a global health hazard. The UNEP would like to see a treaty that protects against Thimerosal be created.
The Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs have provided the UNEP with researched evidence that outlines without dispute that Thimerosal is dangerous to the human body from exposure in vaccines and dental fillings that contain mercury-based silver amalgam. With this research, the UNEP has a plan to phase out Thimerosal because of its attachment to neurological disorders, autism and other health disorders.
WHO stated earlier this year that they would consider replacing Thimerosal, before completely changing their minds and supporting the use of this mercury-based preservative which is known to be highly toxic. This would save 84 million children in under-developed nations that are exposed to Thimerosal through vaccine initiatives propagated by the UN and WHO.
Dr. Walter Orenstein, associate director of the Emony Vaccine Center at Emony University decries that in nearly 2 decades of research there is no conclusive “evidence of significant harm . . . from use of thimerosal in vaccines.”
The EVC is affiliated with other interested groups that would benefit from keeping a mercury-based preservative in vaccines such as:
• CDC • AVAC, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • National Institutes of Health
Orestein asserts: “Reducing mercury exposure is a wonderful thing. [However], we need this exception because thimerosal is so vital for protecting children.”
Propaganda studies have suggested that children of mothers who had two or more instances of flu had a doubled-risk of being diagnosed with autism prior to the age of 3; as well as simply having a fever. Also attributed to the development of autism in children were the uses of a pharmaceutical grade anti-biotic during pregnancy.
This study gives governmental agencies like the CDC an excuse to disregard scientific data correlating autism to the use of mercury-based preservatives like Thimerosal to the onset of autism. Other alarmist researchers claim these findings are “noteworthy” because of the extensive range of mother and children interviewed. The fact that the conclusions are bogus does not register with these so-called experts.
In 1997, a study which proved the link between autism and vaccines was irgnored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and suppressed by the CDC.
Laura Hewitson, Ph.D. and lead researcher, studied macaque monkeys that were given the exact same MMR vaccine as children in 1994 – 1999. The results entitled “Influence of pediatric vaccines on amydgala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study” were published in Acta Neurobiological Experiments in 2010. This vaccine has the mercury based preservative Thimerosal.
Hewitson discovered that: “Vaccine-exposed and saline-injected control infants [monkeys] underwent MRI and PET imaging at approximately 4 and 6 months of age, representing two specific timeframes within the vaccination schedule . . . These results suggest that maturational changes in amygdala volume and the binding capacity of [11C]DPN in the amygdala was significantly altered in infant macaques receiving the vaccine schedule.”
The research paper documented that there were significant biological changes and altered behaviors that occurred in the vaccinated monkeys that were identical to children diagnosed with ASD (autism).
Sufferers of autism develop a broad spectrum of symptoms ranging from:
• Mild social awkwardness • Asperger’s syndrome • Profound mental retardation • Debilitating repetitive behaviors • Inability to communicate
The unvaccinated monkey exhibited no changes or symptoms whatsoever.
In 2003, a study came out of Denmark that showed that when doctors stopped using vaccines that contained the mercury-based Thimerosal, the incidents of autism began to dramatically reduce. When the study was published by the CDC, the agency changed the findings to say that the removal of Thimerosal was actually the direct cause of the rising autism rates.
The authors of the study contacted the CDC, regarding their change without the express permission of the authors prior to publication. An investigation concluded that the editors of the Journal were coerced by the CDC to print the revised data.
Get Your Flu Shot or Get Fired: Media Hails New ‘Safety’ Policies Forcing Shots on Workers
(Natural Society)- Don’t want to be injected with the seasonal flu vaccine due to concerns over ingredients like MSG, antibiotics, formaldehyde, and aluminum as admitted by the FDA on their own website? Well then you may lose your job for refusing a ‘safety’ measure, as more and more major corporations are forcing the flu vaccine (among others) on workers in
order to keep their job.
But how is this being enabled? Despite being met with massive resistance as vaccination rates are actually declining across the board due to concerns by citizens worldwide, mainstream media organizations like the Chicago Chronicle have been running numerous hit pieces on those who reject the flu vaccine as ‘uninformed’ and just plain old silly.
These articles also champion in the ‘safety’ measures of forced vaccination within mega corporations like Alexian Brothers Health System with unquestioning loyalty towards the companies. Dismissing any legitimate civil or health concerns with a laughable ‘oh, stop’ and no actual response, this mainstream media article was actually published to the tens of millions that read the Chicago Chronicle each month.
Media: ‘Stop’ Questioning Corporations!
When addressing the real concerns regarding how a corporation can force an employee to inject themselves with MSG, antibiotics, aluminum, and other contaminants, the Chicago Chronicle just dismisses it without question. The article reads:
“If your employer can order you to inject or inhale a vaccine, the reasoning goes, what else might it require? Oh, stop. A hospital isn’t out of line when it tells its employees to get vaccinated — or get fired.”
Just as the Chronicle states, the corporate media desperately wants you to please stop asking virtually any questions. After all, it makes whitewashing the news and propagating literal fabrications very challenging. Even the European Union Food Safety Agency asked scientists and consumers to please stop studying genetically modified organisms following the breaking report that GMOs had been linked to tumors.
Of course media pieces like these are actually a bi-product of resistance from the people. As more and more individuals refuse the carcinogen-packed flu shot on a yearly basis, vaccine manufacturers are in a panic. Big Pharma as a whole is in trouble, and the only way they know how to perform damage control is through spending millions upon millions in PR runs.
All of the PR runs and media campaigns to dismiss legitimate concerns (without ever actually addressing them beyond a sarcastic or satirical discount like ‘oh, stop’) cannot, however, stop the emergence of real information to the public regarding GMOs, the contaminants within the flu shot, and other items.
The mainstream media and mega corporations would like you to please stop questioning their actions, but they will never get their wish.
Newborn Seized Because Mom Questioned Necessity Of Vaccination
(Momaroo)- This is what you get for questioning the “authority” and for having the audacity to have your own voice in medical decisions for your children: a social worker takes custody of an hours old newborn, while still in the hospital, and prevents her mother from seeing her other than to nurse her every 3 hours. All because she asked too many questions.
Yeah. It happened. At Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Jodi Ferris had planned a homebirth, but when things progressed too quickly for even the midwife to arrive, her husband called an ambulance, and their daughter was born on the way to the hospital. Story link.When they arrived at the hospital, there was a lot of activity. Jodi asked a lot of questions about the care and condition of her daughter. Part of that was because she received conflicting answers. And then?Angela Lopez-Heagy arrived. The government social worker. She announced that she was there to conduct an investigation, the allegations of which she refused to divulge.Jodi told the social worker that she wasn’t comfortable answering questions unless she knew what the allegations were. (Go girl.) Jodi’s husband was with their other children back at home, arranging care for them so he could join her at the hospital.The social worker threatened Jodi that if she didn’t answer the questions, she would call the police and take custody of the newborn, Annie. And then she grilled Jodi about why she didn’t consent to the Hepatitis B vaccination for Annie. This is about a vaccination consent?!! There were other questions, too… They were more generalized.Periodically, the social worker left the room during this interrogation. And when she did? A hospital staff member blocked the door to prevent Jodi from leaving her room. She was, for all purposes, held prisoner in her hospital room.And then? The social worker came back with a “safety plan.” Jodi asked to see it. It wasn’t written on paper yet. It was a carte blanche verbal consent to “whatever the hospital wants.” And if she didn’t? Angela Lopez-Heagy would take custody of Annie.Jodi asked to wait for her husband. The social worker said no. A police officer instructed Jodi to hand Annie to a nurse. Jodi begged the social worker to allow her to sign the “safety plan.” She would do whatever it took to keep custody. But the social worker said, “That window has closed.” They took the baby. And the officer escorted Jodi out of the hospital. And off the hospital’s property.WHAT THE HELL?!!!Jodi spent the night in the parking lot across the street, with her husband, in their car. They were allowed, every 3 hours, to return in order to breastfeed Annie (but they weren’t allowed to linger).The next morning, a judge returned custody to Jodi and her husband. And two weeks later, he dismissed the case against them that the social worker had filed.Now? The Ferris’ are suing the social worker and the medical staff who seized Annie. They filed in March. In July, the defendants motioned to have the suit dismissed. Last week, the judge denied the motion, and the suit will proceed. Good luck to them. As far as I’m concerned, they’re fighting for my rights, too.