Appearing on the French television show, Le Grand Journal, Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCVD) just showed the world that even he is aware of the control and power of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. Continue reading
Category Archives: NWO
Breaking: Are US Missiles Taking Out Russian Military Officials?
William Mount claims that the US just tried to take out Russian Generals including Putin. If anyone has anymore information on this, please contact us in the comment section below.
“We have just learned that these Russian Generals were killed and injured by a US Missile…….The Russian’s Are Very, Very Angry - yet we warned them and they did nothing.” Continue reading
Trump Reveals Himself As 9/11 Truther: Bush Lied, People Died
When you’re already the white supremacist candidate of choice—how do you top yourself? Easily, apparently—just get the truthers behind you. Which is why Trump just went full on “Bush lied, people died.” Continue reading
25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration
Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.
- In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year.
- President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . . Continue reading
What Life Will Be Like Under The New World Order
The U.S. Government Is Using Hitler’s Playbook And The Dice Are Cast
Once again history is repeating…
I’ve asserted for years that the U.S. Government is an amalgamation of the Third Reich, “Atlas Shrugged,” “Animal Farm,” and “1984.” Once again history is repeating. The Nazis’ contemporaries are the neoconservatives who are running the U.S. Government behind the facade of Obama’s White House.
Story Unravels: NBC News Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid: Sources Include High Level U.S. Intelligence Officers
Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Samuel Hersh claimed yesterday that the Obama administration lied to the American people about certain aspects aspects of the 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. According to Hersh, the United States did not act alone when Navy SEALs were sent to capture or kill the world’s most wanted terrorist. The real story, according to the report, is that members of Pakistani intelligence services were privy to the raid months before it happened and that it was a “walk-in” Pakistani intelligence officer who gave up the location of Bin Laden rather than a CIA operation that tracked him down by following various couriers. Further, it has been claimed that Bin Laden was not buried at sea the way the Obama administration said, but rather, his limbs were simply thrown from the helicopter after the mission (suggesting that some portion of his body, perhaps his head, were retained for posterity’s sake). Continue reading
9-11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA – US Consulate Whistleblower
Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.
The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.
Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
US Department of Justice wants Bush and senior cabinet members exempt from Iraq War trial
NSA Now Sending Terrorism Task Force Teams To Homes Over Personal Internet Searches?
By Shepard Ambellas
August 1, 2013
According to Michelle Cantalano, six agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (TTF) showed up at her and her husbands residence Wednesday, after being prompted by NSA algorithm authorities that the couple had been searching for pressure cooker and backpacks on the Internet. Continue reading
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
(The Truth) - Are you a conspiracy theorist? If not, perhaps you should be. Yes, there have certainly been a lot of “conspiracy theories” over the years that have turned out not to be accurate. However, the truth is that a large number of very prominent conspiracy theories have turned out to actually be true. So the next time that you run into some “tin foil hat wearing lunatics”, you might want to actually listen to what they have to say. They may actually know some things that you do not. In fact, one recent study found that “conspiracy theorists” are actually more sane than the general population. So the next time you are tempted to dismiss someone as a “conspiracy theorist”, just remember that the one that is crazy might actually be you. The following are 16 popular conspiracy theories that turned out to be true…
Continue reading
Michael Hastings Cremated, Family Never Requested; Wife Hires Private Investigator
Perpetual War – and Obama’s Perpetual Con Game
President Obama’s perpetual scam machine is in high gear – which signals another expansion of war and war-powers accumulation. The president played the reluctant warrior who doesn’t really want the limitless powers he has arrogated to himself. But, what he’s seeking is formal authorization to escalate the U.S. offensive against world order and civil liberties.
Perpetual War – and Obama’s Perpetual Con Game
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
“He admits to having done no wrong.”
Barack Obama is a master trickster, a shape-shifter, and a methodical liar. The man who has arrogated to himself the right to kill at will, anywhere on the globe, accountable only to himself, based on secret information and classified legal rationales, now says he is determined that Washington’s “perpetual war” must one day end – sometime in the misty future after he is long gone from office. He informed his global audience of potential victims that he had signed a secret agreement (with himself?) that would limit drone strikes to targets that pose “a continuing, imminent threat to Americans” and cannot be captured – a policy that his White House has always claimed (falsely) to be operative. He promises to be more merciful than before, “haunted” as he is by all the nameless deaths, although he admits to having done no wrong.
He is a man of boundless introspection, inviting us to ride with him on his wildly spinning moral compass. But, most of all, he is not George Bush – of that we can be certain, if only because he is younger and oratorically gifted and Black. “Beyond Afghanistan,” he said, “we must define our effort not as a boundless ‘global war on terror,’ but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America.” Thus, magically, he redefined the U.S. war on terror out of existence (in perpetuity) by breaking the conflict down to its daily, constituent parts, while simultaneously affirming that America will soon travel “beyond Afghanistan” despite the fact that many thousands of Special Operations troops will continue their round the clock raids in the countryside while drones rain death from the skies for the foreseeable future.
Such conflicts, we must understand, are necessitated by the “imminence” of threats posed to U.S. security, as weighed and measured by secret means. His Eminence is the sole judge of imminence. He is also the arbiter of who is to be detained in perpetuity, without trial or (public) charge, for “association” with “terrorists” as defined by himself. He has no apologies for that.
“His Eminence is the sole judge of imminence.”
America must turn the page on the previous era, because “the threat has shifted and evolved from the one that came to our shores on 9/11.” A reevaluation is in order, since “we have to recognize that the scale of this threat closely resembles the types of attacks we faced before 9/11.” In that case, why not call for repeal of the layers of war on terror legislation that have accumulated over the last 12 years, including Obama’s own NDAA preventive detention bill? Or, he could simply renounce these measures and refuse to employ them as a matter of policy. Instead, the president defended his own maximalist interpretation of the law, and claimed that the legal basis for his kill-at-will authority is firmly rooted in the Congress’s 2001 Authorization of Military Force (AMUF). Although he made vague reference to changes that Congress might make in the AMUF, there was no substantive indication that he sought to impose restrictions on his own or any other president’s authority to wage war precisely as he has for the last four years.
Obama’s blanket interpretation of AMUF – the legal logic - had previously been considered a state secret. It was news to much of the U.S. Senate, too, until assistant secretary of defense Michael Sheehan, in charge of special operations (death squads) at the Pentagon, told lawmakers earlier this month that the AMUF allows Obama to put “boots on the ground” anywhere he chooses, including “Yemen or the Congo,” if his classified logic compelled him to do so.
The senators were stunned – although it is no secret that Obama has already put U.S. Special Forces boots on the ground in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan, and has sent a combat brigade on permanent posting on the continent. Central Africa is one part of the world in which al Qaida has found little traction. The purported “bad guy” hiding in the bush, Joseph Kony, is the Christian leader of the remnants of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Obama authorized the deployment under the doctrine of Humanitarian Military Intervention, or Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a war-making notion that is, at best, ill-defined under international law and non-existent in U.S. statutes. However, if Obama is sincere (!) in wanting to phase out AMUF, as he averred last week, he’s always got R2P as a backup.
“Why not call for repeal of the layers of war on terror legislation that have accumulated over the last 12 years?”
Death squad honcho Sheehan is a believer in the perpetual lifespan of AMUF, which he considers operative until al Qaida has been consigned to the “ash heap of history” – an eventuality that is “at least 10 to 20 years” away. Since this is the guy who carries out Obama’s kill orders (the identity of his counterpart in the CIA is, of course, a secret), one would think that Sheehan and Obama would be on the same page when it comes to al Qaida and AMUF. But then, we are told that page has turned.
Obama is very good at flipping pages, changing subjects, hiding the pea in his hand while we try to figure out which bowl it’s under. His call for Congress to come up with a substitute for AMUF – without yet offering his own version – is a ploy to more explicitly codify those powers assumed by Bush and expanded upon by the Obama administration. Or, the Congress can do nothing – a very likely outcome – and Obama can pretend to be the reluctant, self-restrained global assassin, preventive detainer and regime changer for the rest of his term.
Not a damn thing has changed.
Rasmussen Poll Reports Majority of U.S. Support Nullification
In what must be bad news to Attorney General Eric Holder (and his boss in the Oval Office), results of a new Rasmussen poll indicate that 49 percent of respondents believe that the regulation of gun ownership is a state or local issue.
On May 3-4, 2013, Rasmussen Reports polled the opinions of 1,000 likely voters. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points.
What is even less favorable to the administration’s program to exalt the federal government above the states is the poll’s finding that 44 percent of those who participated in the survey believe states retain the right to nullify any act of the federal government they deem constitutionally invalid.
Simply stated, nullification is the exercise by a state or states of the right to hold as null, void, and of no legal effect any act of the federal government that exceeds the boundaries of the powers given to it by the states in the Constitution.
The issue, while not new, has regained prominence recently as the federal government has enacted ObamaCare and various gun control restrictions. Opponents of these efforts point to the fact that the authority to do neither of these things is granted to the federal government in the Constitution. Therefore, states are flexing their sovereign muscles, nullifying these and other attempts by the federal government to constrict the scope of liberty.
Of more particular interest to those in the liberty movement (especially elected officials looking to communicate with likely supporters) is the Rasmussen report that of “mainstream voters” who participated in the survey, 52 percent say that state governments have the right to refuse to enforce any federal act with which they disagree “on legal grounds.”
Read that again: A majority of Americans who vote believe that the federal government does not have the exclusive or the ultimate right to impose its rule on states that regard its acts as unconstitutional or illegal.
And it must be pointed out that nullification is not the right of states to nullify any federal act. Rather, it is the right of states to choose to not enforce any federal act that fails to conform to the constitutionally established limits on the authority of the federal government.
Nullification presupposes that there are myriad (albeit limited) areas over which the Constitution has given purview to the federal government: defense, naturalization, foreign relations, interstate commerce, etc.
When Washington decides to go walkabout, however, and start legislating (or issuing edicts, in the case of President Obama) in areas not within its constitutional boundaries (healthcare, education, gun ownership), the states reserve the right to check that usurpation by refusing to afford such acts the power of law. Conversely, it would be a usurpation on the part of the states should they attempt to disregard federal laws that are constitutionally sound.
Americans, it seems, are getting the message that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison sent out over 200 years ago in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.
As Madison wrote in the Virginia Resolution of 1798,
In case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.
that a spirit has in sundry instances, been manifested by the federal government, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitutional charter which defines them; and that implications have appeared of a design to expound certain general phrases… so as to destroy the meaning and effect, of the particular enumeration which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases; and so as to consolidate the states by degrees, into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevitable consequence of which would be, to transform the present republican system of the United States, into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy.
If they are an accurate measure of public opinion, then, these Rasmussen poll numbers are surely music to the ears of the scores of state lawmakers who have boldly put themselves on record as opposing federal overreach by voting in favor of numerous nullification bills currently wending their way through the legislative process in state capitals nationwide.
Lately, federal wrath has been turned on Topeka as the state legislature passed and the governor signed a law prohibiting the enforcement of federal gun control regulations on guns manufactured and maintained within the state of Kansas.
As The New American has reported, Attorney General Eric Holder recently “reminded” Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas that his state’s attempt to nullify federal gun control statutes was “unconstitutional” and that the Obama administration would “take all appropriate actions” to make sure Kansas toed the federal line.
To his credit, Brownback wrote back to Holder, informing him that he would not bow to federal pressure and would continue to support his state’s constitutional prerogative to nullify unconstitutional federal acts.
In fairness, regardless of the swelling support for nullification in the homes of “mainstream voters,” there remains in academia an almost apoplectic revulsion to the concept.
Earlier this year, several articles and op-ed pieces were published on blogs and in newspapers where the authors labeled nullification as “nuts” and a “bizarre fad.”
To the contrary, the Rasmussen poll results suggest that it is the notion of an all-powerful, always-supreme federal government that is being pushed further and further into the hinterlands of the political landscape.
Joe A. Wolverton, II, J.D. is a correspondent for The New American and travels frequently nationwide speaking on topics of nullification, the NDAA, and the surveillance state. He can be reached at [email protected]
Obama administration bypasses CISPA by secretly allowing Internet surveillance
(RT) Scared that CISPA might pass? The federal government is already using a secretive cybersecurity program to monitor online traffic and enforce CISPA-like data sharing between Internet service providers and the Department of Defense.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center has obtained over 1,000 pages of documents pertaining to the United States government’s use of a cybersecurity program after filing a Freedom of Information Act request, and CNET reporter Declan McCullagh says those pages show how the Pentagon has secretly helped push for increased Internet surveillance.
“Senior Obama administration officials have secretly authorized the interception of communications carried on portions of networks operated by AT&T and other Internet service providers, a practice that might otherwise be illegal under federal wiretapping laws,” McCullagh writes.
That practice, McCullagh recalls, was first revealed when Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn disclosed the existence of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Pilot in June 2011. At the time, the Pentagon said the program would allow the government to help the defense industry safeguard the information on their computer systems by sharing classified threat information between the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and the Internet service providers (ISP) that keep government contractors online.
“Our defense industrial base is critical to our military effectiveness. Their networks hold valuable information about our weapons systems and their capabilities,” Lynn said. “The theft of design data and engineering information from within these networks greatly undermines the technological edge we hold over potential adversaries.”
Just last week the US House of Representatives voted in favor of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA — a legislation that, if signed into law, would allow ISPs and private Internet companies across the country like Facebook and Google to share similar threat data with the federal government without being held liable for violating their customers’ privacy. As it turns out, however, the DIB Cyber Pilot has expanded exponentially in recent months, suggesting that a significant chunk of Internet traffic is already subjected to governmental monitoring.
In May 2012, less than a year after the pilot was first unveiled, the Defense Department announced the expansion of the DIB program. Then this past January, McCullagh says it was renamed the Enhanced Cybersecurity Services (ECS) and opened up to a larger number of companies — not just DoD contractors. An executive order signed by US President Barack Obama earlier this year will let all critical infrastructure companies sign-on to ECS starting this June, likely in turn bringing on board entities in energy, healthcare, communication and finance.
Although the 1,000-plus pages obtained in the FOIA request haven’t been posted in full on the Web just yet, a sampling of that trove published by EPIC on Wednesday begins to show just exactly how severe the Pentagon’s efforts to eavesdrop on Web traffic have been.
In one document, a December 2011 slide show on the legal policies and practices regarding the monitoring of Web traffic on DIB-linked systems, the Pentagon instructs the administrators of those third-party computer networks on how to implement the program and, as a result, erode their customers’ expectation of privacy.
In one slide, the Pentagon explains to ISPs and other system administrators how to be clear in letting their customers know that their traffic was being fed to the government. Key elements to keep in mind, wrote the Defense Department, was that DIB “expressly covers monitoring of data and communications in transit rather than just accessing data at rest.”
“[T]hat information transiting or stored on the system may be disclosed for any purpose, including to the government,” it continued. Companies participating in the pilot program were told to let users know that monitoring would exist “for any purpose,” and that users have no expectation of privacy regarding communications or data stored on the system.
According to the 2011 press release on the DIB Cyber Pilot, “the government will not monitor, intercept or store any private-sector communications through the program.” In a privacy impact assessment of the ECS program that was published in January by the DHS though, it’s revealed that not only is information monitored, but among the data collected by investigators could be personally identifiable information, including the header info from suspicious emails. That would mean the government sees and stores who you communicate with and what kind of subject lines are used during correspondence.
The DHS says that personally identifiable information could be retained if “analytically relevant to understanding the cyber threat” in question.
Meanwhile, the lawmakers in Congress that overwhelmingly approved CISPA just last week could arguably use a refresher in what constitutes a cyber threat. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told his colleagues on the Hill that “Recent events in Boston demonstrate that we have to come together as Republicans and Democrats to get this done,” and Rep. Dan Maffei (D-New York) made unfounded claims during Thursday’s debate that the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks is pursuing efforts to “hack into our nation’s power grid.”
Should CISPA be signed into law, telecommunication companies will be encouraged to share Internet data with the DHS and Department of Justice for so-called national security purposes. But even if the president pursues a veto as his advisers have suggested, McCullagh says few will be safe from this secretive cybersecurity operation already in place.
The tome of FOIA pages, McCullagh says, shows that the Justice Department has actively assisted telecoms as of late by letting them off the hook for Wiretap Act violations. Since the sharing of data between ISPs and the government under the DIB program and now ECS violates federal statute, the Justice Department has reportedly issued an undeterminable number of “2511 letters” to telecoms: essentially written approval to ignore provisions of the Wiretap Act in exchange for immunity.
“The Justice Department is helping private companies evade federal wiretap laws,” EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg tells CNET. “Alarm bells should be going off.”
In an internal Justice Department email cited by McCullagh, Associate Deputy Attorney General James Baker is alleged to write that ISPs will likely request 2511 letters and the ECS-participating companies“would be required to change their banners to reference government monitoring.”
“These agencies are clearly seeking authority to receive a large amount of information, including personal information, from private Internet networks,” EPIC staff attorney Amie Stepanovich adds to CNET. “If this program was broadly deployed, it would raise serious questions about government cybersecurity practices.”
Americans Under Siege – Has Tomorrow Become a Reality?
Just a little over a year ago, President Obama signed an Executive Order titled National Defense Resources Preparedness. This act stirred up a hornet’s nest of controversy – both for and against. At one end of the spectrum were those that thought this was an overt act signalizing unilateral militarization of our country. Others felt this was a ho-hum restatement of existing presidential controls.
Whatever your feelings at the time, it is now a year later and events of the past couple of weeks bring more questions than answers to those who seek the truth. Sadly, it is my opinion that Americans are under siege by our own government and by the mysterious and secretive powers that control our elected officials. More and more, ordinary citizens are filled with angst as we witness the wholesale cannibalization of our freedom and of the Constitution.
To echo my own words: I begin to wonder whether there is some grand plan. Perhaps there is some master puppeteer poised to pull our strings when and if the rise to elitism reaches the pinnacle.
So with much personal angst, I have begun to believe that the rank-and-file citizens of the United States of America are being herded down the path to a Police State. Or, better put, will soon be running from the rising tsunami of the police state.
According to Wikipedia:
A police state is one in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.
The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.
So let me get this right: A police state occurs when the government takes over control of the country by restricting the freedom of the population. Residents of the police state are required to obey the occupying authorities and may be punished for not doing so. They may be required to perform non-military, government-mandated duties serving at the pleasure of the chief executive, the military and the PTB. They may be detained indefinitely if considered a threat, rendering the protections of the Constitution null and void. And, finally, their goods and their lives become the property of the government.
As someone who for the most part lives a quiet and even boring life, I find myself shocked at the reality of the recent Boston lockdown. Military patrols, door-to-door searches, curfews, involuntary disruption of transportation systems, cell phone surveillance and mandatory confinement to one’s home sounds more like Nazi Germany than America to me.
And what about the rights of the accused? Regardless of how heinous the alleged deed, this is still America where you are innocent until proven guilty. And no Miranda rights? What is with that?
The new reality is that the government may come knocking on our doors, ordering us to stay put. Do we fight or do we acquiesce? The answer to this question is complicated and requires a bit of soul searching as we try to separate fact from myth, reality from fantasy and conspiracy from paranoia.
Another thing. Especially troubling is the recent widespread use of the term “Shelter in Place” to describe a mandatory lockdown where all day-to-day activities are forced to come to halt. In Boston, people were basically told to cower in their homes and to stay put. The term used was “shelter in place”.
Anyone who has been prudently prepping for the big one – be it an earthquake, hurricane, tornado or other disaster – knows that having the knowledge and ability to shelter in place is a good thing and not something to be feared. And it bugs the heck out of me to see this term abused by both the government and the media as they describe a lockdown and the mandatory restriction of movement.
Sheltering in place is something you do following the release of hazardous contaminants following a radiological, biological, or chemical event. And yet Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick said:
We’re asking people to shelter in place — in other words, to stay indoors with their doors locked and not to open the door for anyone other than a properly identified law enforcement officer.
This to me sounds like a lockdown within the confines of a prison system. It makes me mad and is just one more indication that our government will do whatever it takes to discredit the preppers who plan and prepare for a real emergency.
Notwithstanding the horrifying events that took place during the 2013 Boston Marathon and the short period thereafter, my advice, if you care to take it, is to keep living your life with your eyes and your mind wide open. Moreover, this is not the time to be a slacker when it comes to your preps.
Continue prepping in an ordinary and non-obtrusive manner by gathering emergency food and supplies. Learn coping skills for stressful times and practical skills that you can use if the lights go out and there is no power. Stay healthy so you can reduce your reliance on medical supplies.
Most of all, try not to become overwhelmed by bad news. But don’t ignore it either. Practice your faith and your belief in yourself. Just remember that you are not alone in your thoughts and that you must hang in there, prepping wise, to ensure your safety and long-term survival.
A lot has been speculated this past week. Was Boston a false flag event? Was there a cover-up? Was this a drill gone wrong created by the the alphabet soup agencies that are supposed to protect our country and its citizens? And was the reaction of public officials a blueprint for future attacks?
What is the truth and what are the lies? I suspect that with the abundance of disinformation being perpetuated by both the mainstream and alternate press, we may never know.
One thing I do know, however, is that I agree with Michael Snyder and his article Mourn For America: Whenever A Tragedy Happens They Take Even More Freedom From Us. He writes:
If you cower in fear when a bully comes after you, what is the bully going to do? The bully is just going to keep coming after you because his actions are being rewarded. Those that are trying to create fear love it when you become fearful. It is exactly what they want.
Executive Action: Obama To Ban Importation of Ammo, Magazines and Gun Accessories Without Congressional Approval
Over the course of the last month, while Americans were distracted with the threat of nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and the devastation wrought by the Boston bombings, President Obama was quietly working behind the scenes to craft laws and regulations that will further erode the Second Amendment.
Congress, and thus We the People, may have unequivocally rejected federal legislation in March which aimed to outlaw most semi-automatic rifles, restrict magazine capacity, and force national registration, but that didn’t stop the President from ceding regulatory control over firearms importation to the United Nations just two weeks later. What the UN Arms Trade Treaty, passed without media fanfare by 154 counties, would do is to restrict the global trade of, among other things, small arms and light weapons. Opponents of the treaty argue that loopholes within the new international framework for global gun control may make it illegal for Americans to purchase and import firearms manufactured outside of the United States.
To further his gun-grabbing agenda, however, President Obama and his administration didn’t stop there.
Now they’re taking another significant step against Americans’ right to bear arms – and they’re doing it through Presidential Executive Action, a strategy that, once again, bypasses Congressional oversight and the legislative process.
…it appears that the BHO Administration is taking executive action on firearms importation. Take a few minutes to read this: After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation. Here is the key portion of the article:
“The Importation of Defense Articles and Defense Services — U.S. Munitions Import List references executive orders, amends ATF regulations and clarifies Attorney General authority “to designate defense articles and defense services as part of the statutory USML for purposes of permanent import controls,” among other clauses specified in heavy legalese requiring commensurate analysis to identify just what the administration’s intentions are. Among the speculations of what this could enable are concerns that importing and International Traffic in Arms Regulations [ITAR] may go forward to reflect key elements within the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.”[Emphasis added.]
Depending on how it is implemented, the implications of this change could be huge. With the stroke a of a pen and without the consent of Congress, ATF bureaucrats could make ANY gun part or accessory (including magazines) or ammunition that were originally manufactured or perhaps even those designed for military use no longer legal for importation for civilian use. That might mean no more milsurp parts sets. No more milsurp magazines. No more milsurp ammo. No more milsurp optics. Perhaps not even spare firing pins. This could be ugly.
I strongly recommend that you stock up on magazines, ammunition and spare parts for any of your imported military pattern guns, as soon as possible! Once an import ban is implemented, prices will skyrocket.
Source: James Rawles’ Survival Blog via The Prepper Website
Just five days ago the President vowed to push forward on gun control without Congress and Nancy Pelosi argued that no matter what Congress says, gun control is inevitable.
This latest round of Executive Actions is what they meant.
A direct on attack on the second amendment is difficult if not impossible, so they are trying to slither their way in through the backdoor by restricting international trade so we can’t import new firearms, by restricting access to accessories and gun parts, by heavily taxing ammunition and gun purchases, by mandating policies like forcing gun owners to have liability insurance, and of course, by identifying potentially dangerous gun owners and simply taking their firearms because of public safety concerns.
The President recently suggested that the American people have spoken, and that they want guns to be restricted, banned and heavily regulated.
If that’s so, then how is that a bipartisan Congress overwhelmingly rejected the President’s bid to restrict and outlaw private ownership of millions of weapons and gun accessories?
Going through the United Nations and now implementing Executive Actions to bypass America’s Constitutionally mandated system of checks and balances is an act of desperation.
Those who would take our rights have been left with no choice but to try and force their agenda upon us through dictatorial means.
French embassy in Tripoli, Libya hit by car bomb
World Bulletin/News Desk
France’s embassy in Libya was hit by what appeared to be a car bomb on Tuesday, injuring two guards in the first such attack in the Libyan capital since the 2011 war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi.
“There was an attack on the embassy. We think it was a booby trapped car,” a French official told Reuters. “There was a lot of damage and there are two guards wounded.”
In Paris, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius condemned what he called a heinous attack and said everything would be done to find the perpetrators. “I send my solidarity and deepest sympathy to the two injured French guards and my wishes for their recovery,” he said in a statement.
One resident living less than 100 metres from the embassy said his windows shook when the first blast occurred.
“I think there were two blasts, the first was very loud and then there was a smaller one,” another witness said. “There was some black smoke at first, and then it turned white.”
Diplomatic missions have been targeted in Libya, most notably an attack on the US mission in the eastern city of Benghazi last September that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
However Tuesday’s attack is the first such serious assault on an embassy or foreign mission in the capital, Tripoli.
Libya’s new rulers are still struggling to impose their authority on a country awash with weapons and a myriad of armed militias who often do as they please.
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing
In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.
“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”
Mr. Bloomberg, who has come under fire for the N.Y.P.D.’s monitoring of Muslim communities and other aggressive tactics, said the rest of the country needs to learn from the attacks.
“Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms. New Yorkers probably know that as much if not more than anybody else after the terrible tragedy of 9/11,” he said.
“We have to understand that in the world going forward, we’re going to have more cameras and that kind of stuff. That’s good in some sense, but it’s different from what we are used to,” he said.
The mayor pointed to the gun debate and noted the courts have allowed for increasingly stringent regulations in response to ever-more powerful weapons.
“Clearly the Supreme Court has recognized that you have to have different interpretations of the Second Amendment and what it applies to and reasonable gun laws … Here we’re going to to have to live with reasonable levels of security,” he said, pointing to the use of magnetometers to catch weapons in city schools.
“It really says something bad about us that we have to do it. But our obligation first and foremost is to keep our kids safe in the schools; first and foremost, to keep you safe if you go to a sporting event; first and foremost is to keep you safe if you walk down the streets or go into our parks,” he said. “We cannot let the terrorists put us in a situation where we can’t do those things. And the ways to do that is to provide what we think is an appropriate level of protection.”
Still, Mr. Bloomberg argued the attacks shouldn’t be used as an excuse to persecute certain religions or groups.
“What we cant do is let the protection get in the way of us enjoying our freedoms,” he said. “You still want to let people practice their religion, no matter what that religion is. And I think one of the great dangers here is going and categorizing anybody from one religion as a terrorist. That’s not true … That would let the terrorists win. That’s what they want us to do.”
Nancy Pelosi: No Matter What Congress Says, Gun Control Is “Inevitable”
After President Obama’s aggressive push for gun control went down in flames on Wednesday, Pelosi immediately promised the American people that she would continue to ignore her oath of office and, instead, attack the Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi has been sworn into Congress eleven times. Each time, she has taken the same oath to defend the American Constitution. This oath states, in relevant part, that “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same….”
Proving that both her listening and critical thinking skills are a bit sub par, Pelosi believes she’s taken a different oath, one that obligates her and her fellow Congressmen to “protect and defend the constitution and the American people.” In other words, based on an imaginary oath to protect and defend the American people, she is violating her real oath to protect and defend the American Constitution.
After President Obama’s aggressive push for gun control went down in flames on Wednesday, Pelosi immediately promised the American people that she would continue to ignore her oath of office and, instead, attack the Constitution. During a press conference, she announced that gun control is “inevitable.” Said Pelosi, “It’s a matter of time. It might be inconceivable to the NRA that this might happen; it’s inevitable to us.”
Ignoring that recent polls show that only 4% of the American people give the gun control issue priority in their lives, Pelosi blithely announced that “Something must be done, because that’s what the American people expect and what they deserve. We’re just not taking no for an answer.”
Using the usual illogical thinking we’ve come to expect from Democrats, she attacked those Democrats who voted against gun control of turning their back on public safety – even though there’s no evidence that any of the proposed legislation would keep guns out of the hands of criminals and crazy people. Buoyed by magical thinking, Pelosi tried to shame those Democrats who placed their careers and the Second Amendment ahead of the Progressives’ gun grab, people control agenda:
It always makes me wonder at a time like this how important we each think we are, that any one of us thinks our survival politically is more important than the safety of our children, that we can’t have the courage to take a vote. You’re afraid of the gun lobby? How about the fear of the children who had to face that violence in the classroom?
Now that you’ve had a moment to laugh at Pelosi’s ignorance and irrational thinking, remember that this is not the time for those who genuinely support the Constitution to relax. The Left, in its overwhelming arrogance, will never stop its quest to disarm American citizens. Because we know human nature, and because we know evil exists, we also know that there will be other Sandy Hooks, and that the Progressives will again try not to let a crisis go to waste.
Even though the gun bills died in the Senate, they didn’t in Connecticut, or New York, or Colorado, or Maryland. It’s up to us to remind other Americans that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If we give up on this message, then the next time something bad happens, or the time after that, or even the time after that, Nancy Pelosi will win.
Dead Man Walking? Boston falling apart
Marathon Bombers set up by FBI?
House “wouldn’t even allow debate” on CISPA amendment requiring warrant before database search
Madison Ruppert
Activist Post
The U.S. House of Representatives passed CISPA todaywith the majority of the major problems intact. When Rep. Alan Grayson proposed an amendment that would require the National Security Agency, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and others to obtain a warrant before searching a database, it was shot down without debate.
Grayson, a Florida Democrat, proposed a simple amendment only a sentence long that would require “a warrant obtained in accordance with the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the United States” when a government agency sought to search a database of private information obtained from e-mail and internet service providers for evidence of criminal activity.
Grayson complained earlier today on Twitter saying, “The Rules Committee wouldn’t even allow debate on requiring a warrant before a search.”
As CNET points out, “That’s a reference to a vote this week by the House Rules committee that rejected a series of privacy-protective amendments, meaning they could not be proposed and debated during today’s floor proceedings.”
Without that amendment, a wide range of agencies within the federal government can be searched without a warrant so long as it is supposedly related to any crime related to protecting someone from “serious bodily harm.”
While some of the crimes are quite serious, like child pornography, kidnapping and “serious threats to the physical safety of minors,” the database can also be searched for “cybersecurity purposes” and for the “investigation and prosecution of cybersecurity crimes.” Obviously that leaves a lot of leeway.
According to Rep. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat and former Internet entrepreneur, the “serious bodily harm” is dangerous because it is ambiguous enough to allow federal agencies to “go on fishing expeditions for electronic evidence,” according to CNET.
“The government could use this information to investigate gun shows” and even football games, simply because there is a threat of serious bodily harm if an accident were to occur, Polis said.
“What do these things even have to do with cybersecurity? … From football to gun show organizing, you’re really far afield,” he said.
To make matters even worse, there is nothing under CISPA requiring the anonymization of records as incredibly sensitive and personal as health records or banking information before they are shared and searched by the government according to ZDNet.
Another amendment similarly shot down was proposed by Rep. Justin Amash, a Michigan Republican. This would have ensured the privacy policies and terms of use of companies remained both valid and legally enforceable in the future.
As CNET rightly notes, one of the most controversial aspects of CISPA is that it “overrules all existing federal and state laws by saying ‘notwithstanding any other provision of law,’ including privacy policies and wiretap laws, companies may share cybersecurity-related information ‘with any other entity, including the federal government.’”
While CISPA would not require companies to share the information, it is hard to think of a large corporation these days that wouldn’t play ball if pressured by the federal government.
The problems with CISPA are so glaring that 34 advocacy groupsas diverse as the American Library Association, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union, Reporters Without Borders and many more, wrote a letter in opposition to the legislation.
“CISPA’s information sharing regime allows the transfer of vast amounts of data, including sensitive information like Internet records or the content of emails to any agency in the government including military and intelligence agencies like the National Security Agency or the Department of Defense Cyber Command,” the groups pointed out in their letter.
The ACLU opposes the bill because, “there’s a disconnect here between what they say is going to happen and what the legislation says,” thanks to the amendments that were blocked, according to legislative counsel Michelle Richardson.
Unfortunately, this time around CISPA is not receiving the widespread opposition legislation like the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) received, which eventually led to SOPA’s failure.
CNET chalks this up to the lack of alliances between ordinary Internet users, civil liberties groups and technology companies this time around.
While no broad-based coalition exists fighting CISPA, massive corporations have gathered together to support it.
“Companies including AT&T, Comcast, EMC, IBM, Intel, McAfee, Oracle, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon have instead signed on as CISPA supporters,” Declan McCullagh writes.
Some, including Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, are calling on Internet companies to take a stand in opposing CISPA.
In the below video, Ohanian calls on Google, Facebook and Twitter to stand up for the privacy rights of the American people:
There is still time to fight CISPA in the Senate.
“We’re committed to taking this fight to the Senate and fighting to ensure no law which would be so detrimental to online privacy is passed on our watch,” said Rainey Reitman, EFF Activism Director.
Contacting your senators is incredibly easy. If you care about the principles of the Constitution and your privacy, you will be doing yourself and others a favor by taking a few moments to contact your senators to instruct them to uphold their oath of office by defending the Constitution and the rights of the American people.
Did I forget anything or miss any errors? Would you like to make me aware of a story or subject to cover? Or perhaps you want to bring your writing to a wider audience? Feel free to contact me at[email protected] with your concerns, tips, questions, original writings, insults or just about anything that may strike your fancy.
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This article first appeared at End the Lie.
Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lie and has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. He is available for podcast and radio interviews. Madison also now has his own radio show on UCYTV Monday nights 7 PM - 9 PM PT/10 PM - 12 AM ET. Show page link here: http://UCY.TV/EndtheLie. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at [email protected]
The Boston Marathon False Flag Terror Attack Used to Divert Away From a Major Bombshell?
There’s always been cover stories of incidents to divert attention away from something that can bring down the power structure. We’ve seen Syria accused of Chemical attacks was used when Cyprus government was stealing money out of people’s bank accounts. The North Korean saber rattling to divert the hearing of the US Government stealing private pension funds went flat when it was revealed the US Government and the North Korean Government has private talks the month before.
When September 11th happened when the two planes crashed into the World Trade center, the attacks on the Pentagon and the Crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA. The day before 9-11, the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was questioned about 3 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon pension funds. That next day diverted attention away from the scandal of missing funds. President Bill Clinton launched missiles at an aspirin factory in Sudan to divert attention from Monica Lewinsky’s testimony in the President’s Impeachment trial. Terror attacks and wars have been used to divert attention away from a damning news and evidence.
Even though the US Senate had key legislation of Gun Control, CISPA and Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. There is something more damning that can bring down the Obama Administration.
Dr. Steve Piecznic revealed that President Obama, Former President Bush and Clinton with all their operative have been indicted for war crime of Torture since September 11. Could this bring down the Neo Con war mongers like Carl Rove, Condelisa Rice, Colon Powell, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the commanders carrying out torture. President Bush admitted he would order torture again if he had to do it all over. Even though PFC England was convicted rightly so for her actions as a solider for following illegal orders. George Bush, President Obama, Clinton and their minions should share a jail cell with Lindy England since they gave the order to torture inmates who were innocent.
The bombing of the Boston Marathon was not just an excuse to further the Police State stripping more of our rights. It was not just used to divert attention away from the activity in Congress. It was also used to divert attention away from damning news story of President Obama, Bush and Clinton of crimes against humanity.
False flags are used by corrupt government to save face when their back are against the wall politically in hot water. They stage an attack to accomplish many things like advancing a political agenda based on fear and to divert attention away from scandals that can do political damage to the leadership.
The revelation of operatives by multiple pictures and footage proving the government is behind it all and not the work of Christian and Gun Owners. Lets hope that false flag operations will be one less tool they can not use anymore against us.
History Regurgitates
Charles Dickens begins his book A Tale of Two Cities with the line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I doubt Dickens’ time could have look better or worse than our times now: let me explain.
We are witnessing a violent regurgitation of history never learned.
It’s happening again, according to script in the same way as the last times - even discussing it seems cartoonish. When will mankind ever learn? Perhaps this is our last chance, our Hail Mary moment, because the enemy does learn and is about to lock the entire world in a grotesque, dystopian tyranny, using the same deceptions, recreated drama, clownish tricks, tactics and false flag fear used each time in the past. Only this time, it would seem the enemy has learned how to make it last.
It’s astounding the new(old) world tyranny would attempt, again, to use the same psychological deceptions and just plain tiring bromides to deceive Americans and the Western world into disarming and capitulating to iron-fisted tyranny; A tyranny busy in plain sight building a prison planet, a permanent residence for humanity - with no doors and no windows, only darkness.
From the Cradle to the Grave
The strategy has included a patient, slow planning and testing period using country after country as a laboratory for improving both technological and psychological tools for use in the final enslavement of the planetary population. The United States of America was chosen as the vehicle for the final 200+ years of wealth generation and technological improvements to fund and develop the entire package necessary for world domination.
Along the way many ancient secrets and previously failed ideas were tried again with improvements added to increase efficacy. So, rather than using physical methods to subdue large populations, chemical, biological, psychological, electrical and nano technologies are being implemented to create the perfect environment for total capture.
An important and necessary component of the total domination is the practical requirement that mankind assist in their enslavement. Over the years many failed philosophies and social ideologies have been marketed to humans as a way to enlist support of the psychopaths’ plan. Collectivism has been one of the most successful ways to recruit weak, unprotected, minds into cooperating with their own enslavement.
Collectivist-based governments and social systems result in outstandingly miserable conditions and crippling losses of liberty; but, interestingly, when packaged and marketed properly, a majority of people will adopt and aggressively support the ideas. Human psychological frailties help maintain support for Collectivism, even when it becomes apparent it is a prison, a trap wherein victims have been collected as slaves.
Since collectivism has repeatedly been tried by tyrants attempting to control entire countries, there has been much written and many warnings previously issued exposing these ideas. Modern psychopaths have used education systems, food and water contaminants, and the proclivity for humans to become docile when constantly entertained, as a way to prevent this highly documented knowledge from passing generation to generation.
Those of us awake have to watch in continuing horror as Obama, intellectual heir of Marxist Frank Marshal Davis, and confidant of terrorist and communist activist Bill Ayers, makes speeches to college students and political rallies spewing the same second-hand communist propaganda spoken in former soviet Russia, communist China, communist Cuba and elsewhere. The rhetoric is entraining, delivered with the confidence of a trained actor, but the message is the same: “We are the government and we will take care of all of your needs from the cradle to the grave.”
A key word in this tired, communist, repetitive, repudiated, drone-on, is the grave; the grave will be the first stop for most of those standing and loudly supporting this fabricated deception.
The idea of the technocrats, bureaucrats, and our benevolent betters, controlling society is not a new thing. The “Just City” or “Utopia” or the “workers’ paradise” or any other outright inversions of reality repeated and promulgated by serial liars, disguised as do-gooders, has been a plague on humankind since the time of Babylon. Plato in his famous bit of predictive prose The Republicenvisioned a “Just City”, run by guardians, chosen at childhood and raised by the state to be the perfect caretakers of the lower classes. “Just City” was based on a communist model of shared property, including women, children raised by the State, and regimented societies managed by layers of bureaucracy . Children of inferior parentage would be left to die (sacrificed for the State.) Not surprisingly - Plato’s “Just City” is just the city psychopathic power tyrants would love to infest, and eventually occupy and rule. (See my article; “Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hands of Psychopaths” , linked below.)
After “Just City”, variations of Plato’s enlightened and intellectually pleasing, but reality-challenged ideas, came along, such as Thomas More’s Utopia, loosely resembling Plato’s idea, with communal property and legislated morality - basically a community, which at least aesthetically, is reminiscent of the communities in the movie The Hunger Games. Each of the 54 communities in the Utopian, “Utopia”, were broken down into groups of 30 communes controlled by a bureaucracy; a hierarchy of “managers” with absolute power over the commune.
Utopian schemes and sugar-coated derivatives typically feature control over sex, religion, choice of occupation, child raising, choices regarding what to think and believe, etc. Utopian ideas have been refined with years and years of “intellectual” improvements leading to modern police states, properly called technocracies, with technology aiding the controllers in relentless refinements in the control of humans. The primary ideas of police-state control zones based on “Utopian” delusions involve a total loss of individuality in subservience to a State or control paradigm. Utopias, ancient or modern, value uniformity over individuality with penalties for expressions of individuality.
Plato and More and many other contributors to ideas resulting in modern authoritarian police states (such as Rousseau, Marx etc.) are expressing symptoms of their own psychological pathology. How would it be consistent with man’s continued survival and ascendancy toward higher expressions of consciousness if the nature of living were to support a static uniformity while functioning as a component in a mechanized equivalent of a human bee hive? See the YouTube video in the references for a modern approach to an old Utopian idea. [A]
The crime of the intellectual establishment, generally funded by wealthy psychopathic elite, is ignoring the mental health of those espousing systems of human civilization which clearly have no benefit to the individual, or worse, these systems, in the long run, result in the destruction of the individual. It must be obvious being born an individual, as are all other men, implies a maximally individual experience is the natural goal and highest value of being alive.
Organizations can evolve from malignant ideas, resulting in dangerous life extinguishing paradigms enveloping whole societies as cults of death and misappropriating the human experience. The wealthy psychopathic elite use large monetary endowments and trusts to create, fund, direct and manipulate organizations based on mentally ill and malignant ideas.
As the ideas of Plato and More have been tried and failed, with each failure they have been refined and repackaged into something sounding even better than previous renditions. Words like Marxism (19th century) and Communism or workers’ paradise (20th century renditions), have been upgraded to sustainable and environmentally responsible societies, promising happiness through serving others, living more austere and protecting the planet while serving a collective goal and authority. This claptrap has been created to appeal to “smart,” socially responsible and trendy intellectual types that have already been programmed to find these kind of ideas attractive.
Publicly educated, modern “intellectuals” having been granted “degrees,” representing knowledge, fully understand why it is important to support a belief their education and degrees are actually based on truth and real knowledge - they are not. The degrees are more akin to degrees of freemasonry or other occult, reality isolated, paradigms. The education is a narrative supporting the paradigm, called knowledge, since it represents knowledge of the paradigm.
So-called Liberals were yesterday’s communists and a former generation’s Utopians. Controlled education systems (think Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford foundations) ensure history is replaced with fiction, and thinking is reserved only for most deserving elite.
This plan guarantees well-educated (indoctrinated), taxpayer (slave) common folk can never know when these hereditary thieves regurgitate the same wholly repudiated body of fabricated “knowledge” and hurl it on the minds of the naive, once again achieving the predicted results.
If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom. — Dwight D. Eisenhower
How humiliating it is, that the majority of Americans have bought and paid for the same package of tyranny responsible for the American Revolution some 237 years ago. The same re-packaged garbage resulting in the murder of tens of millions of Russians while the psychopaths at the top promised a workers’ paradise. The workers got paradise - they were quickly dispatched to kingdom come, while the grand architects of that workers’ paradise reveled in what I call a psychopath’s moment of ecstasy: the precise moment at which the bubble of deceit finds it largest diameter and explodes, exposing the victim to a tumultuous emotional mountain of pain.
When I look for these people, I look for someone to exploit, someone to expose all their weaknesses to themselves and leave them broken, hating themselves more than most of them already do. I enjoy causing people to realize the nasty truths of themselves (which is usually that they are pathetic lying individuals) even if I have to be hypocritical and lie myself in order to get my point across. — a female psychopath
The psychopath’s moment of ecstasy happens as the deceiver is revealed to the deceived, with further criteria: the deceived is powerless to take any action.
To explain by example, and belabor the point, the psychopath’s moment of ecstasy is the moment when people discover the PATRIOT Act is not patriotic at all, but really the exact opposite, but, it is too late, Homeland Security is already at the door with goons and guns. It’s the moment food lovers learn the FDA is not about food safety, but rather about carefully concealing food poisons - oh but it’s too late, you just started chemo-therapy. It’s when you learn the government is not stockpiling weapons to fight terrorists - but rather they are the terrorists and the bullets are for Constitution-supporting real patriots. It’s when it you fully understand that Obama Care is the end of health care, but it’s too late for you, because the death panel has just decided you are too old for a liver transplant.
The empathically devoid psychopath is not lovable, but he can be called a tireless worker - working for a crescendo moment such as when it’s learned “sensible and reasonable” gun control really means a sensible and reasonable way to disarm a population before using guns against them.
The same psychopaths writhe in ecstasy as Americans, when hearing North Korea announce the intention to launch nuclear weapons on America, are paralyzed in fear. Fear the psychopaths know will obscure the facts: North Korea is the least likely nation on Earth to be able to build nuclear weapons. North Korea is a fully devolved communist disaster; hungry, brain drained, ruled by a child video gamer - a nation destroyed from within by the same scourge once responsible for leaving the Soviets unable to produce even a working pair of gloves after their glorious Red Revolution.
Sure the NK have developed nukes, and they have anti-gravity flying machines, too. The point being, if the North Koreans have a working, deployable nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States, then it must be true the Western World, namely the United States, and the Western intelligence agencies, gave it to them to menace and terrorize, on cue, those very same Western countries. North Korea is nation-state incarnation of Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein - ready to attack and never stoppable.
America, the wealthiest nation on Earth and by far the most industrious of any in the past thousand years, should have been able to protect the minds of their children from careful and relentless manipulations of power-lusting psychopaths, which axiomatically are always awaiting the opportunity to create a crisis and take control. However, it is also true that advanced technology, both physical and psychological, has been developed using confiscated American money, through taxes and direct theft, and deployed in many paradigms to block and interfere with truth and dissemination of information.
Advances in mind control technology, developed in secrecy over the previous 100 years have resulted in sophisticated and subtle thought manipulation, with many channels to the mind, including electromagnetic (non visual), visual, language, chemical and other more exotic technologies, creating a false reality pulled over our heads.
The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look. — Caesar
The history of the psychopath is the history of humanity, intertwined and revolving in a perpetual yin and yang. Like a double-stranded DNA spiral, the psychopath’s rise and fall corresponds to humanity’s rise and fall. It is only at troughs, or after a civilization collapses, when people become aware of the psychopath’s affect; but the knowledge is ephemeral, like memory of birth pains in a female, it fades away. Perhaps there is a deliberate, built-in biological blind spot, something genetically engineered into humans forcing an endless building and destruction and rebuilding again. Perhaps we are just amusements in the hands of an angry god, doomed to repetitive replay and violent regurgitation of the same story, over and over again.
Can it be so hard to remember that man is either self-responsible or the ward of another? Can it be so hard to retain and pass on the knowledge man must be able to protect himself in order to survive and reproduce, and therefore cannot be deprived of weapons for self-defense? Is it so hard to pass on to the next generation the “Wisdom of Insecurity”? Is the transference of self-responsibility to nameless collectors a fatal flaw in the expression of Earth’s humanity?
At this moment we are about to experience a historic psychopath’s moment of ecstasy. As far as I know, this has happened on this planet over and over since time immemorial, with remains of advanced-civilizations-fallen littered around the globe as our possible proof.
The psychopath’s moment of ecstasy is a period when the majority of the people on the planet are exposed to a hyperbolic explosion of a bubble of deceit - when reality comes rushing in as the oxygen of delusion is all consumed. It’s at this time humanity faces its greatest danger and simultaneously its greatest opportunity to grow and earn a rite of passage. It is the worst of times and it is the best of times.
Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n. — John Milton, Paradise Lost
Part Two: Paradigms Lost
The awakening is approaching and paradigms of deception are coming down all around. It is complicated, in my mind, to explain the race underway - the race between hard-working psychopaths, intelligent indeed; planners and patient no doubt; and the lazy, life-go-lucky, “normal-paths” (my made-up word) who are starting to see the writing on the wall. This is an important race, not just for the sheep on their way to slaughter, but for the wolves, carefully and jealously incubating and nurturing this long-term plan now about to un-cloak.
The psychopaths have arranged for a defining moment of ecstasy - an extended ecstasy, because the diameter of the bubble of deception is larger than at any time in recorded history.
But not only does the psychopath have his moment, normal-paths, too, will experience an emotional thunder as paradigms once thought immutable vanish as vapor. The depth of the psychopath’s experience is dependent on the emotional expression of the normal-path; an experience maximized as the distance between reality and delusion most are suffering is maximized.
(Jessup) You want answers.
(Kaffee) I want the truth.
(Jessup) You can’t handle the truth. **
The paradigms of our false reality are all lies.
Paradigms created over thousands of years for occulted purposes of collecting and harvesting human energies are now being exposed and the result will challenge humanity’s ability to cope, assimilate and recover. Some, but by no means all, of the paradigms up for exposure include:
[ Paradigm == Reality ]
- Enslavement for profit and lust of control, psychopaths’ pretended necessity to keep man safe. Primary uses include creating constant turmoil, confusion, periodic war and wealth transference.
Organized Religion ==
- Mind control, suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanity’s history, suppressing technology and historical science. Polarizing diverse cultures against each other. Creating diversity that can be exploited for maximum division of groups.
Medicine ==
- Long-term illness for profit, suppressing natural cures providing for manufactured symptom management.
Education ==
- Disinformation, confusion, support of false paradigms.
- Suppression and control of powerful knowledge including energy systems and the history of humanity.
Science ==
- Limit human knowledge, preventing full understanding of reality, supporting profitable false paradigms of limited energy.
The Nature of Reality ==
- Suppressing spiritual knowledge, suppressing humanity’s history, suppressing the knowledge that man does not require authorities to live free and happy, suppressing knowledge that energy is free and all around. Suppressing knowledge about our neighbors in the universe.
Trust ==
- Deceit. The psychopaths are masters of the authority figure, the icon producers, exchanging trust for pseudo-intellectual symbols of trust - wooden nickels and tungsten-filled gold, a stethoscope and lab jacket.
Security ==
- A prison. Security provided by the psychopaths is false. It is the deliberate destruction of all security in trade for liberties and payable in horror and fear.
Banking and Finance==
- Complete fraud, millenniums-old scam purposely skimming wealth in small degrees over short periods of time while siphoning all wealth over long periods. A system of enslavement requiring the complete surrender of economic power or wealth to the banking conglomerate. It is a special Alchemy of turning the psychopath’s empty desire into gold (humanity’s gold.)
These are a few paradigms soon to be lost as will soon be evident. For non-psychopaths, waking up will be groggy as the drug of complacency starts to wear off. Meanwhile, as if the hangover and withdrawal symptoms are not enough, the psychopaths are already closing the prison doors - hurrying to complete the plan before humanity shakes off its spell.
Is there time to stop this ticking bomb ? No, but there is time to change the ending and use this opportunity to tear down all the old paradigms and begin again. Because the greatest fear of the psychopaths is: Humanity will use their work and years of preparation against them - right at the moment when the trap is sprung.
I think the universe, or God or whomever each of us believes has our best interest in mind, has created an opening, a last-minute possible escape, but it is only available if enough of us wake up, shake it off, see it for what it is, and then use it for everyone’s benefit; turning it back on our oppressors and taking back our birth right to life.
The paradigms lost were actually paradigms of enslavement and must be lost if humanity is to grow, once and forever, past this game of dominator and dominated and ascend into a world of intellectual, spiritual and individual enlightenment. If we are to grow beyond the fear of insecurity, while learning to not need false comfort from controllers, and then renounce the need for some authority to offer the way, humanity will finally be able to leave the nest and self-actualize into its destiny.
Now, as the psychopaths bring down the paradigms looking for fear and resignation, preying on emotional collapse; as financial systems are destroyed and our perceived means of protections fall away; as claims to property and other rights are repudiated and religions fail to rapture; as the psychopaths pretend unimaginable emergencies and bring false flag destruction and murder: now is the time to let go of the paradigms lost.
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. — Buddha
It is at this juncture between an end of one package of paradigms and a new paradigm, when mankind can release the chains, lose the paradigms of enslavement and regain responsibility for our own lives. As the fog of deception and the depravity of enslavement give way to reason and truth, it will become clear nothing has actually been taken away; our resources are still here and intact, and no contracts signed tacitly or under duress are valid - our souls will be free and the veil of a false reality will fall, revealing a world of infinite possibilities.
For the first time in recorded history, the races of humanity can lose the paradigms of racial division, exacerbated for purposes of division by the psychopaths, and join together to fight a common enemy. The comments of Ronald Reagan regarding mankind’s need to come together in the event of an alien invasion, is actually a bit of predictive programming and can be used to overcome racial differences by recognizing we all have a common enemy now and we must come together.
The paradigms are lost and we can shout hallelujah and thank the psychopaths for bringing our souls to cleansing, for unlocking our sleeping minds to knowledge and spiritual enlightenment and the realization enough is really enough.
The co-evolution of humanity with the psychopath can now end, and those that served the purposes of evil personified are finished and mankind can be freed from this parasite; the yin and yang of construction to destruction, over and over, completed and its purpose fulfilled.
Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away. — Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
If only we open our eyes and see the opportunity. It is here right now and it will seem like a long time as the opening appears before closing - but the door to enlightenment will close soon enough again, and without courage and fortitude and willingness to push the boundaries of our paradigms now lost, it will close without us, perhaps forever.
Here are a few things that might help pry open the doors of our perception so we can “break on through through to the other side”.
Axiom: Psychopaths exist and are actively seeking to control and enslave your life.
- Institutions based on trust alone will never be trustworthy.
- Liberty traded for security will result in neither.
- A child’s best and first champions are his and her parents.
- Only coercion-free competition can regulate a market.
- There is no such thing as the public interest.
- There is no public interest in national interests.
- There are only individual interests.
- Organized religion was organized for mind control.
- Mandatory education systems funded by coerced payments will teach support of the system.
- Mandatory health care will eventually kill you.
- All men and women should be armed.
- Cartels benefit only those in the cartel.
- Patents and copyrights can be no longer than a generation (i.e. less than 20 years).
- Words have definitions and will be used to deceive.
- Knowledge is power and knowledge will be hoarded.
- Individuals must continuously self-educate.
- Democracy is a tool of the psychopath.
- Truth must be the highest virtue.
- If groups must operate in secrecy they have something to hide.
- Property taxes mean you do not own your property.
- Income taxes are slavery.
- Contract, maritime, and private law are legal fictions used to deceive.
- Psychopaths will always work to eliminate competition.
- Prohibitions will be used as protection for systems above the law.
- The prohibitors will become the pusher.
- Legislating morality will increase corruption and immoral behavior.
I hope we are ready to meet the challenge this time. America is the world’s best hope to stop the endless cycle. It is time Americans rise to their destiny .
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. — Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
* “Pathocracy: Tyranny at the hand of the psychopaths”,
** A Few Good Men
[A] Planned-Opolis:
General References:
Republic, Plato, Simon and Brown, January 13, 2013, ISBN:1613823703
Utopia, Thomas More, Simon and Brown, February, 27, 2012,ISBN:1613822480
Death by Gun Control:The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament, Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens, Mazel Freedom Press, Inc (January 1, 2001), ISBN:0964230461
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, Jim Keith, Adventures Unlimited Pr (August 2003), ISBN:1931882215
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - A Chronological Paper Trail, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Conscience Press, 1999
The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin, Amer Media, 2010
Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley, M.D., 1941,PDF:
Political Ponerology, Andrew Lobaczewski, , Red Pill Press, Canada,1998, 2006
“Almost Human”, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, New Leaf Distribution Company, 2009
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths, Robert Hare, 1999, The Guilford Press
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Philip Zimbardo, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint, January 22, 2008, ISBN: 0812974441
The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan W. Watts, Vintage Books, 1951
The Doors Of Perception: Heaven and Hell, Aldous Huxley, Frontal Lobe Publishing, April 22, 2011, ISBN:1907590099
“Break on Through (to the Other Side)” , The Doors, The Doors, January 4, 1967
We The Living, Ayn Rand, NAL Trade, 75 Anv edition, June 28, 2011, ISBN:0451233263
Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company.
Peres: Obama Will Attack Iran if Diplomacy Fails
( President Shimon Peres said that he believes that U.S. President Barack Obama will attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if diplomatic efforts fail.
“I have no doubt that if diplomatic talks fail with Iran and Tehran doesn’t stop accelerating its nuclear development – U.S. President Barack Obama will conduct a military attack against Iran,” Peres told the Israel Hayomnewspaper this week, in an interviewahead of Israel’s 65th Independence Day next week.
“Preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon isn’t only an Israeli interest, but a global and an American interest. As long as the U.S. is in the lead — why shouldn’t we use its assistance?” Peres said.
“It could be that the Iranians are trying to buy time, but they are also losing. The situation in Iran is greatly deteriorating, the economy is collapsing, and the people understand this very well,” said Peres. The full interview with Peres will be published in Israel Hayom on Monday.
The latest round of international discussions with Iran over its nuclear program ended in Kazakhstan this past week without any breakthroughs and the sides even failed to set a new date and time for a resumption of talks.
In fact, Iran insisted this week it will not suspend its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent nor will it ship out its existing stockpile, two keys demands of world powers in failed nuclear talks with Tehran.
On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told Peres in a meeting that “President Barack Obama is not bluffing when he says he will stop Iran’s nuclear program.”
“We understand the nature of the threat of Iran. And as the President has said many times — he doesn’t bluff. He is serious. We will stand with Israel against this threat and with the rest of the world, who have underscored that all we are looking for is Iran to live up to its international obligations. No option is off the table. No option will be taken off the table,” Kerry said.
Iran this week marked its National Nuclear Technology Day by announcing theopening of two new uranium mines and a new plant capable of producing 60 tons of raw uranium (also known as “yellow cake”) per year.
Western nations have “tried their utmost to prevent Iran from going nuclear, but Iran has gone nuclear,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech on Tuesday.
“They caused restrictions and issued threats, thinking that the Iranian nation cannot achieve nuclear energy … The best way for you is to cooperate with Iran,” he said.
On Friday, Russia responded to Iran’s unveiling of the new uranium production facility, warning the move could hurt progress in negotiations with world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program.
An unnamed source in the Russian foreign ministry told Interfax that Iran’s announcement does not actually breach its obligations under various international nuclear agreements.
Guantanamo Bay hearing delayed after mysterious disappearance of legal files
Pre-trial hearings in the Guantanamo Bay war crimes tribunals have been delayed to address the disappearance of defense legal documents from Pentagon computers, military officials said on Thursday.
A weeklong hearing was scheduled to start on Monday for Abd al Rahim al Nashiri – a Saudi Arabian citizen alleged to be the mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen in 2000. The attack killed 17 US soldiers aboard the ship and wounded 37 others.
But the trial has now been pushed back to June 11, the US naval base said in an order on Thursday.
It comes just one day after Nashiri’s lawyer, Ricard Kammen, urged Army Colonel James Pohl – who oversees the war crimes court – to cancel this week’s hearing.
He said that officials mishandled more than 500,000 defense lawyer emails and appear to be monitoring their internet searches as they prepare their cases. Kammen also addressed the disappearance of documents, which he blamed on a Pentagon server failure.
“We want to put the case on hold…to find the scope of the intrusions,” Kammen said in a Wednesday statement quoted by Reuters. “Was this the product of negligence or something worse? Also, we need to have the problem fixed.”
Kammen said he was uncertain when the server failure occurred, but said it involved around seven gigabytes of data, or many thousands of pages or documents. He added that information pertaining to his case and others was recovered, but defense teams still need time to review files to make sure nothing was lost or changed.
Forty-eight year old Nashhiri has been held at Guantanamo for six years and seven months. In February 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) confirmed that waterboarding was used on Nashiri and two other prisoners.
Meanwhile, defense lawyers plan to ask Pohl to delay a week of pre-trial hearings for five detainees charged with plotting the September 11 attacks. The hearings are scheduled to begin on April 22.
The attorneys said their confidential documents began vanishing from Pentagon computers in February, and that there was evidence their internal emails had been searched by third parties.
“Three to four weeks’ worth of work is gone, vanished,” Navy Commander Walter Ruiz, who represents 9/11 defendant Mustafa al Hawsawi, said.
He added that what appeared to be a computer folder of prosecution files had turned up on the defense lawyer’s system, though none of them had opened the files.
“I’ll be filing a hand-written motion very shortly to ask for an abatement of the proceedings,” in the 9/11 case, said defense attorney James Connell, who represents defendant Ali Abdul Aziz Ali.
The mysterious situation prompted Colonel Karen Mayberry, defense counsel for the tribunals, to order military and civilian defense lawyers to stop using their government computers for sensitive information and drafts of their work.
In a separate incident, system administrators were searching files at prosecutors’ request and were able to access more than half a million defense files, including confidential attorney-client communications, the lawyers said.
A spokesperson for Human Rights First – a long-term critic of the Guantanamo tribunals – has called the latest situations
“absolutely outrageous.” “This is just further evidence that the military commission system is a sham and that all terrorism trials should be held in real US federal courts on US soil, where the rules are clear, defendants’ rights are respected, and the verdicts will have credibility,” Daphne Eviatar said.

In January 2009, US President Barack Obama ordered the facility to be closed within a year, and banned certain interrogation methods.
However, in May of that year, the US Senate refused to allow the prison to be closed until the president provided more detail as to what would be done with the prisoners.
The news of the missing documents comes as dozens of Guantanamo detainees take part in a hunger strike to protest against their conditions, which UN human rights chief Navi Pillay calls a “clear breach of international law.”
Thursday marks the 65th day of the hunger strike. For more on the strike, follow RT’s day-by-day timeline.
Amended CISPA moves to House after closed-door vote
Members of the House Intelligence Committee accepted amendments to the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act Wednesday, voting to include the new provisions by an 18-2 margin after a closed door meeting.
Members of the House Intelligence Committee accepted amendments to the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act Wednesday, voting to include the new provisions by an 18-2 margin after a closed door meeting. It puts the bill back on the table for consideration after failing last year.
The proposed CISPA legislation has been criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and major Internet companies including Reddit andCraigslist, who say the bill all but eliminates privacy online. Facebook withdrew its support for the bill in March, joining 30,000 other websites in their opposition.
CISPA critics have decried the language in the bill, which grants private companies and the federal government unprecedented power to share an individual’s personal information for purported national security reasons. The House Intelligence Committee has repeatedly warned of the risk presented by potential cyber-attacks, threats that some experts say are unfounded.
CISPA is expected to be reintroduced to Congress as soon as next week after failing to gain enough momentum to summon a vote last year. US President Barack Obama has stated in the past that he would veto CISPA because of security concerns.
Evidently attempting to address those misgivings, the House Intelligence Committee’s closed-door session was expected to introduce amendments that would give privacy advocates and civil liberties officers more oversight on how personal information isshared and used.
Including language to deny companies legal immunity if they use cyber-threat disclosures to hack other companies and dropping language that allows the government to use cyber-threat information for national-security purposes were also reportedly on the docket, according to the Christian Science Monitor.
“We have seen the language of these amendments – and what we’ve been hearing is that they still don’t tackle the core concerns including tailoring so that information that’sshared by private industry can’t be used for purposes other than cyber-security,” said Mark Jaycox, an analyst for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Before the secret meeting Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) said he planned to propose an amendment that would require companies to at least attempt to remove personally identifiable information from data before sharing it with the federal government.
“I think the other amendments are definitely a step in the right direction, but we still need the private sector to take efforts on its own to remove personally identifiable information,” Schiff told The Hill. “I still believe that the House, Senate and White House can come to a common agreement on these outstanding issues. It just shouldn’t be that difficult.”
“I think we can maintain the proper balance of protecting the country from cyber-attacks and also ensuring the privacy rights of the American people are respected.”
Obama: ‘Prohibit’ Americans from Saving More Than $3M in Retirement Accounts
( - President Barack Obama’s proposed budget would simultaneously compel Americans to enroll in a tax-deferred retirement account and “prohibit” them from saving more than $3 million in such accounts.
That sum, Obama’s budget argues, is all that is “needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
Under current law, American who save money in tax-deferred retirement accounts are taxed on the money in such accounts when they withdraw it-and are charged an additional tax penalty if they withdraw it before retirement age.
Obama’s plan to simultaneously compel enrollment in a retirement account and prohibit Americans from saving more than what he believes is a “reasonable” amount in such an account is published in part of his budget that deals with what the president calls “rebalancing the tax code.”
Although the budget would “automatically” enroll Americans in a retirement account—even if they did not want to enroll—it would allow them to “opt out” of actually making contributions to that account.
“About half of American workers have no workplace retirement plan,” says Obama’s budget. “Yet fewer than 1 out of 10 workers who are eligible to make tax-favored contributions to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) actually do so, while nearly 9 out of 10 workers automatically enrolled in a 401(k) plan continue to make contributions. The Budget would automatically enroll workers without employer-based retirement plans in IRAs through payroll deposit contributions at their workplace. The contributions would be voluntary—employees would be free to opt out—and matched by the Saver’s Tax Credit for eligible families.”
However, President Obama would not allow Americans to opt out of his prohibition on retirement-account savings that exceed the “reasonable level” of $3 million.
The second bullet point in Obama’s plan to “rebalance the tax code” is entitled: “Prohibit Individuals from Accumulating Over $3 Million in Tax-Preferred Retirement Accounts.”
“Individual Retirement Accounts and other tax-preferred savings vehicles are intended to help middle class families save for retirement,” says the Obama’s budget—which does not define exactly what a “middle class family” is, nor explain why someone who does not have a family is not intended to be helped by these type of accounts.
“But under current rules, some wealthy individuals are able to accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving,” the budget continues, without explaining who exactly a “wealthy individual” would be, or how a “wealthy individual” would differs from a “wealthy family.”
“The Budget would limit an individual’s total balance across tax-preferred accounts to an amount sufficient to finance an annuity of not more than $205,000 per year in retirement, or about $3 million for someone retiring in 2013,” says the budget.
The budget says that if this part of Obama’s plan is enacted, the Treasury will tax away about $9 billion from American savers over the next ten years.
Obama Expands His Power to Kill While Reducing Our Capacity to Defend Ourselves
(Reason-Andrew Napolitano) -Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government? How can the president claim the lawful power to kill whomever he wishes and at the same time ask Congress to incapacitate our ability to defend ourselves against those who might seek to kill us?
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul struck a raw nerve in the weak underbelly of the Obama administration last month with his 13-hour filibuster. Paul was furious—as every American should be—that the president refused to admit that he does not possess the lawful authority to kill Americans with drones. The senator used the confirmation hearings of now CIA Director John Brennan as a forum in which to articulate the principled constitutional argument that whenever the government wants the life, liberty or property of anyone, it can only obtain that via due process.
Due process is the command of the Fifth Amendment. “Due process” is the jurisprudential phrase for a fair jury trial and the accompanying constitutional protections. The reasons we have these protections are the wish of the Framers that our natural rights—here, the rights to life, liberty and property and to fairness from the government—be guaranteed and their fear that they not suffer under another Star Chamber. Star Chamber was a secret gaggle of advisers to British kings that decided who among the king’s adversaries would lose his life, liberty or property without due process. Once that decision was made, it was carried out.
Paul articulated all of this during his filibuster. He did not read gibberish, as those who have filibustered in the past sometimes have done. He made principled moral and legal arguments for 13 hours. His arguments read like a passionate college lecture on personal liberty in a free society.
The next day, Attorney General Eric Holder sent a terse letter to Paul that reads in its entirety as follows: “It has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question: ‘Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?’ The answer to that question is no.” This is an unremarkable statement, but one that only came about after the senatorial equivalent of pulling teeth.
Paul’s filibuster was prompted by the administration’s repeated refusal to answer that question. Those refusals came from the testimony of Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller and then CIA Director-nominee Brennan. They all declined to answer the question of whether the president has the power to use drones to kill Americans in America, and they all referred the questioners to their boss in the White House.
Their boss in the White House has never publicly answered that question, but he has exercised that horrific power without publicly defending or legally justifying it. When lawyers for potential victims of presidential killings (how terrifying does that sound?) sought to ascertain the source of that power, the president dispatched Justice Department lawyers into court to persuade judges that the legal argument supporting killings is classified. That’s because, those Justice Department lawyers argued, the decisions to kill—just like Star Chamber’s decisions to kill—are made in secret; hence, the legal support for the killings must be kept secret.
How could a legal argument be classified? How could a judge accept that sophistry? How could a president sworn to uphold the Constitution claim the power to kill people on his own?
As if to antagonize further those who believe the Constitution means what it says, the same president who says he can’t reveal the legal basis for his killing wants to take away your right to self-defense against a killer, and he wants to prevent you from having the means with which to shoot at a tyrant should such a monster take over the government.
The reason we are a free and independent people today is our secession from Great Britain, and that secession only came about because we had the means with which to repel the soldiers of the British king. Without weaponry in the hands of ordinary folks and unknown to the government (so it doesn’t know from whom to seize weapons), we will lack the ability to repel a modern-day George III.
So, today we have a president who has sworn to uphold the Constitution but seems hell-bent on violating it. He wants to use the force of legislation to weaken your right to self-defense, and he is already using powers never granted to him to kill uncharged, unindicted Americans whom his advisers in secret have decided must go.
The government derives its powers from the consent of the governed. Do you know anyone who consented to this? If you do, they consented for themselves. The rest of us will keep our lives, liberty and property and defy any government efforts to take them.
FBI Conducting 32 Gun Purchase Background Checks Per Minute Under Obama
CNS News – by Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
During Barack Obama’s presidency there have been 32 background checks for gun purchases every minute.
Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama’s presidency, there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases, according to data released by the FBI.
Using February 1, 2009 as our starting date, and March 31, 2013 as our end date, (the latest data from the FBI) Obama has been president for 1,520 days.
That equates to 36,480 hours, or 2,188,800 minutes.
Divide the 70,291,049 background checks by 2,188,800 minutes and you get approximately 32 checks for gun purchases every minute!
Denver Airport Whistleblower: ‘Underground Tunnels, Structures and Buried Runways Exist’
Rendition by Stu Webb, former construction worker at DIA – 1995
Special Report
by Shepard Ambellas
April 10, 2013
DENVER — Underground tunnels do exist around the world as the longest documented publicly known tunnel is located in New york and is 85.1 miles in length. It was drilled through solid rock in 1945 and is used as a waterway. The “Delaware Aqueduct is the newest of the New York City aqueducts. It takes water from the Rondout Reservoir through the Chelsea Pump Station, the West Branch Reservoir, and the Kensico Reservoir, ending at the Hillview Reservoir in Yonkers, New York.
The aqueduct was constructed between 1939 and 1945, and carries approximately half of the New York City water supply of 1.3 billion US gallons (4,900,000 m3) per day. The Delaware Aqueduct leaks up to 36 million US gallons (140,000 m3) per day. A $1 billion project to repair the leaking is scheduled to begin in January 2013″, according to Wikipedia.
There are many types of tunnels obviously, as some are used for water and some are used for other purposes.
According to Phil Schneider, there are over 132 D.U.M.B.’s that existed around the 1990 era. Most of these bases according to Scheider are linked together via massive dry underground tunnels. Schneider was an alleged geologist employed by the US Navy’s black Ops sector to help plan and aid in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.’s) for the government who was later found dead in his apartment after announcing the secret governments plans.
Some now speculate that DIA houses an underground base facility or some type of underground complex, although an airport would be an unusual place to have dry tunnels, some have reported just that. This could also explain why the airport went over $2 billion over budget during construction.
According to Stu Webb, a construction worker employed by a private contractor in the 90′s to work on an underground section of the airport, the construction company told him and other workers at the time that the massive tunnel system they were constructing leading to at least 5 other underground structures on the airport property were for waste water and sewage. However, according to Webb, he quickly caught on that the massive 12′ x 16′ tunnels were for something other than waste water and sewage saying in a later interview that “you could fit specially designed busses in the tunnels, they were that big”.
Webb maintains that five other buildings he’s aware of were constructed under ground at depths ranging from 60-120 feet. These buildings according to a diagram drawn by Webb (shown in the video interview) appear to be to the Northeast of the airports main canvassed terminal section approximately 2.5-3 miles. Webb also notes other important discoveries he made during and after his employment on the airports massive 52 square mile complex.
Webb went on to explain that the tunnels were divided up into many sections. These sections were all contracted to separate contractors to avoid employee suspicion of what the tunnels and underground strictures were actually for.
Webb also stated that there were secret runways that were buried during construction of the airport. These runways were hidden, covered by 4 inches of soil and sit approximately a half of a mile away from the 5 buried buildings or underground structures which then connect to the main section of the airport by way of those secret tunnels Webb worked on. When Webb questioned what the runways were for and why they were being buried he was told that they poured them in the wrong spot and it was a mistake. However, the expense of such an error would be great. And why would they pour a runway 2.5-3 miles off by mistake?
Webb speculates that the runway will serve as outbound runways in a time of civil unrest as he stated, “there are too many patriots here with guns”, referring to the United States.
According to Webb, there is also an area to the south of the buried buildings about 2.5-3 miles away from the comercial terminal as well where major construction was going on underground for about a 2 year duration. He explained that massive amounts of dirt were kicked up in that area, noting that some type of underground activity was going on durring construction. Webb also notes that the desert has now been restored to its original look as sage brush and other plant and animal life has been restored.
And if all of this seems wild to you it is known that tunnel boring technology exists. In fact, publicly announced technologies can bore up to 19.5 meter wide holes. Wikipedia explains a, “tunnel boring machine (TBM) also known as a “mole”, is a machine used to excavate tunnels with a circular cross section through a variety of soil and rock strata. They can borethrough anything from hard rock to sand. Tunnel diameters can range from a metre (done with micro-TBMs) to 19.25 m to date. Tunnels of less than a metre or so in diameter are typically done using trenchless construction methods or horizontal directional drilling rather than TBMs.”
In fact, there is even a Tunnels and Underground Structures Committee known as TRB AFF60. Their official website states, “The AFF60 Tunneling committee is formed by a group of professionals from tunneling and underground construction industry who have been active in the transportation sector. Tunneling experts from the owner, designer/engineer, contractors, and academia are members of this committee and in addition to their committee meeting, hold technical sessions and workshops to offer a forum for exchange of ideas and to educate and interface with the experts in the transportation industry.”
Other airports such as Washington’s Dulles International might be experiencing some new modifications along these lines as well. It looks like in most cases private contractors are hired for these projects as they are likely sworn to secrecy and or get hand outs via no bid contracts. A Washington Post writer, Bill Turque pointed out in 2007 that, “Secrecy is not the only issue surrounding the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995. The law was designed to jump-start expensive road and transit projects by attracting private-sector investment and corporate efficiency to the process. It allows the state to dispense with traditional competitive bidding and select a single private partner to design and build a project for a fixed price and profit.
It hasn’t quite worked that way. The private contractor, Dulles Transit Partners — a construction consortium of Bechtel Inc. and Washington Group International — has put no money into construction of the extension’s first phase, which would run from just east of the West Falls Church Metro station to Wiehle Avenue in Reston by 2012. The consortium will be reimbursed for the $15 million it has spent on preliminary engineering work if it reaches an agreement with the state.
Other public-private projects completed or underway, including Route 28 interchanges in Fairfax County and a portion of Route 288 in Powhatan and Goochland counties, also involve little or no private money. The Dulles extension, the first rail project proposed under the public-private law, would be funded entirely with federal, state and local dollars, including more than $1 billion from Fairfax landowners, businesses along the Dulles Toll Road and motorists who use the road.
“There are some real significant issues of secrecy, accountability, conflict of interest and failure to protect the public trust,” said Stewart Schwartz, executive director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, which advocates clustered development around transit stations.”
Turque demonstrates essentially how private contractors are utilized.
However, let’s get back to the Denver International Airport in Colorado. One thing is for sure, there is a massive pile of dirt on DIA’s property, and this isn’t the only airport with a pyramid on it, but that’s for another article. Google earth shows this massive pile of dirt that according to Avalon (an writer/researcher) measures by the following dimensions:
- Pyramid Base: Nearly 2500′ x 2500′
- Height: Approximately 500 feet
- Approximately 0.00283³ miles of earth
Other unconfirmed reports say there is possible a 4.5 cubic mile base and or underground city that exists directly under the airport.
It makes you wonder. This massive pile of dirt definitely came from somewhere.
There are also ventilation shafts that are large enough to fit a jumbo jet in on the property and a heavy amount of electromagnetic energy is reported to be present. Some speculate these are reactor ventilation shafts.
There have also been unconfirmed reports of acres of chain link fenced in cages toped with barb-wire pointing inward somewhere under the facility. The cages are arranged in a concentration camp/FEMA camp style fashion according to the reports.
Other unconfirmed reports indicate that there is a section of tunnel under the airport that is forbidden to go is as a mysterious infectious mold exists and could be a potential threat to human life.
Rockefeller impostor convicted of murder
A notorious Rockefeller impostor has been found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of a man whose bones were found buried beneath a California home.
Christian Gerhartsreiter was tried 28 years after the disappearance of newlyweds John and Linda Sohus in a heavily circumstantial cold case. Much of the prosecution’s evidence focused on the strange behavior of the man who adopted many names including Clark Rockefeller. He masqueraded as an heir to the fabled oil fortune for 20 years.
The verdict was reached Wednesday after the jury deliberated about a day.
Authorities said Gerhartsreiter was a German immigrant who lived another life long ago, occupying a guest cottage at the home of Sohus’ mother in the ritzy suburb of San Marino. He was known then as Chris Chichester and intimated he was of royal lineage. He joined the church, befriended residents and told some he was a film student.
A friend said Linda Sohus once described the tenant in the cottage owned by John’s mother as “creepy” and said she and her husband never spoke to him.
The town folk didn’t connect him with the disappearance of the Sohus couple in 1985, but shortly after they vanished, so did he.
No trace of Linda has been found but John’s bones were unearthed during excavation of a swimming pool at the San Marino property in 1994. With no clues, the mystery went cold again.
But across the country, a man variously known as Chris Crowe, Chip Smith and Clark Rockefeller was inventing new lives for himself.
This impostor wormed his way into high society and talked his way into important jobs. He married a wealthy woman and controlled her funds, but his identity unraveled when he kidnapped their daughter during a custody dispute. She testified that he became increasingly paranoid when police begin inquiring about him.
When he was unmasked, he became the subject of magazine articles, true crime books and TV movies that sought to explore his bizarre story and get to the heart of the man behind the pseudonyms.
The resulting publicity led California authorities to revisit the Sohus disappearance. They realized the man in custody in Boston was not an heir to the Rockefeller fortune but was the man who had lived in San Marino decades ago.
Already serving time for the kidnapping of his young daughter in a Boston custody dispute, Gerhartsreiter was close to the end of his sentence and headed for freedom when the murder charge changed that. After a quarter century, authorities believed they had linked him to the disappearance of his old neighbor, Sohus.
Defense attorneys suggested that Linda Sohus, not their client, killed her husband. But no motive was offered for her or Gerhartsreiter to have killed the young man.
Prosecutors filled in the blanks of the defendant’s whereabouts during the decades of his disappearance. But some details were unlikely ever to be explained.
He chose not to testify in his own defense and much of the trial testimony came from people now hobbled by age who knew him in San Marino as Chris Chichester, a stranger with a murky past.

According to Tom Heneghan’s Intelligence Briefing’s Blog, Kim Jong-un has just received a load of money from the USA.
“It can now be reported that a P140 U.S. aircraft cargo plane left Langley, Virginia at 3:30 p.m. EST destination North Korea.

Bill Richardson. photo AP
“The U.S. team is headed by former Clinton Administration official, North Korean bag man Bill Richardson.
“Kim is receiving these bribe funds in exchange for his playing a role in a scripted ‘black op’ that is designed to effect worldwide financial markets.”
Continued here: Tom Heneghan’s EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefing’s Blog - Myspace
“U.S. military planes flew from an air base in Guam to Pyongyang and back on April 7, 2012, and again on a longer visit lasting from Aug. 18-20, the sources said.
“It is believed that those aboard included Sydney Seiler, director for Korea at the U.S. National Security Council, and Joseph DeTrani, who headed the North Korea desk at the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. DeTrani left the post in May.
“They met with North Korean officials and discussed policies….
“The third visit that The Asahi Shimbun has confirmed is one that took place in November 2011.”
U.S. Commandos in 75 Countries Are Teaching Militaries to Torture, Kill, and Abuse Civilians
(PolicyMIC) -While aggressive war, drone strikes, and a global network of military bases are the most visible aspects of American hegemonic power, what is often overlooked is the U.S. policy of training, assisting, and subsidizing foreign militaries. Although these actions are largely covert and discreet, they serve the same purpose of hegemonic control, diminish peace and national security, and help contribute to the subjugation of foreign citizens.
The training of foreign militaries to serve the interests of the American state goes all the way back to at least the Cold War. The U.S. used taxpayer money and weapons to subsidize foreign governments and militaries that were “anti-communist” even if the regimes were incredibly brutal and ruthless. All an authoritarian had to do was refer to his political opponents as “communists” and the Americans came rushing in.
In nearly every continent, the U.S. taught extremely fascistic, right-wing governments the art of cracking down on domestic dissent, jailing and torturing political opponents, centralizing power, making deals beneficial to American corporations, and employing death squads. Cheaper and less visible than directly invading and overthrowing governments the U.S. didn’t like, sock puppet dictators were the preferred means of implementing policy.
The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 left very little justification for an American imperial position throughout the globe, yet those same Cold War policies were not only not discarded, but expanded upon. Back in 2010, President Obama and the Pentagon began implementing a strategy with a larger emphasis on “combat operations” and military-to-military coordination. U.S. Special Forces are now operating in (at least) 75 countries, teaching their governments more efficient means of subjugating their populations, creating chaos, and serving the interests of the American empire.
Syria is the most recent example of this policy. While publicly claiming that the U.S. is helping build schools and hospitals in Syria, the Associated Press and New York Times reports document that the U.S. is training and arming Syrian “rebels” opposing the Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad. With the help of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, most of the weapons are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, many of whom belonging to groups that just a few years ago were killing U.S. Marines in Iraq.
President Obama, secretly and without the consent of Congress, sent more than 150 Special Forces to Jordan to train the anti-Assad fighters on the use of sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons.
What is even more disturbing is that the Syrian “rebels” have most likely already used chemical weapons, have a reputation for beheading prisoners, and that U.S. support is prolonging the conflict in the region. The reasons for U.S. intervention are of course complicated and multifaceted, but it most likely has to do with attempts to destabilize Iran’s strongest ally and what the Romans called divide et impera.
Syria may be the most dangerous example of the Obama administration’s enhanced policy of covert military training and assistance, but unfortunately it is nowhere near the only one. In Mali, along with building a brand new drone base, U.S. AFRICOM chief General Carter Ham admitted that while training Mali’s military, they “skipped ethics.” Targeting dissidents based on ethnicity and executing them is a staple of the U.S.-trained Mali government.
In Indonesia, the Obama administration resumed training and assisting an elite Indonesian military unit whose members have been convicted of massive human rights abuses in East Timor. U.S.-trained forces in Guatemala have incredibly close ties to some of the region’s most violent drug cartels and are notorious for their brutal treatment of civilians during the Guatemalan civil war.
A report from the Washington Office on Latin America details a U.S. policy called “the Merida Initiative” designed to “help the region’s militaries take on internal security roles” and use American police to train local police. Although President Obama publicly denounced the 2009 military coup in Honduras, Wikileaks cables later revealed that the Obama administration had members of the State Department meet with the illegitimate new Honduran “president” to help coordinate the implementation of the Merida Initiative.
The policy of militarizing, arming, and subsidizing foreign governments, especially those with well-known and documented human rights abuses and commissions of war crimes, appears to be a staple of the Obama administration’s foreign policy. But these policies help contribute to the spread of dictatorships, humanitarian crises, and instability while making the possibility of resentment and blowback much more likely.
It is becoming more and more clear that the bipartisan consensus policy of military interventionism is a threat to peace and security. Neutrality and non-intervention, as the Founders recommended, is a far more practical alternative and is still the best way to spread the American values our politicians are so fond of endorsing.
We don’t intend to build nukes, Israel told US in 1975
Newly published documents also shed light on Rabin, Peres visits to Tehran in 1976 and Dayan plan to give citizenship to Palestinians in Ramallah and Bethlehem
(Times of Israel) Israel’s leaders, in private exchanges with senior US officials in 1975, flatly denied that Israel possessed nuclear weapons, and foreign minister Yigal Allon also claimed Israel had no intention to build such weapons, according to diplomatic cables published this week by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks.
This despite the fact that, according to foreign reports, Israel is now believed to have begun full-scale production of nuclear weapons soon after the 1967 war, and to have stockpiled a number of nuclear weapons by the early 1970s.
The cables are part of a trove of more than 1.7 million US diplomatic cables sent between 1973 and 1976. Among the 5,000-plus documents that deal with Israel are messages that shine light on the development of Israel’s nuclear program, as well as on Israel’s relationship with pre-revolutionary Iran and a 1973 plan by then-defense minister Moshe Dayan to extend Israeli citizenship to Palestinian residents of Ramallah and Bethlehem.
In May 1975, senator Howard Baker asked prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and defense minister (today President) Shimon Peres about speculation that Israel had acquired nuclear weapons.
“Rabin told senator Baker that GOI [the government of Israel] had made a commitment not to be the first state to introduce nuclear weapons into the area. Israel had kept its word,” states the document, which was quietly declassified in 2006 but only published now by WikiLeaks.
In the document, which the US Embassy in Tel Aviv sent to the embassy in Turkey, Peres is quoted as saying that Israel’s introduction of nuclear weapons into the Middle East would lead to a conflict with Washington and would encourage the Soviet Union to give similar devices to the Arab nations in the region, which “would bring [the] Middle East to [the] point of no return.
“Peres, in reply to [a] direct question, states that Israel has not constructed a military nuclear device,” the document continued. Baker asked whether that meant Jerusalem had not constructed an explosive device, and Peres answered affirmatively.
Israel has always pursued a policy of nuclear ambiguity, neither denying nor confirming the possession of atomic weapons. Yet the existence of an Israeli nuclear-weapons program has been widely reported in the foreign media, and it is widely believed that Jerusalem has had such devices since at least 1973.
In one of the cables from the summer of 1975, Rabin said that Israel has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty “because it regarded this as part of [an] arms race issue in [the] area and of an eventual overall political settlement” of the Middle East conflict.
The Israeli prime minister also commented on repeated American requests to inspect the nuclear facilities in Dimona, telling Baker that Jerusalem and Washington had in 1969 — “and rightly so” — agreed that such visits had been “terminated.”
“The Dimona facility was not open for inspection,” the document states.
A few months earlier, in January 1975, a cable that the US Embassy in Tel Aviv sent to Washington quotes US senator Charles Mathias asking foreign minister Yigal Allon about Israel’s nuclear capabilities.
“Allon replied that Israel had the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons. However, he said that [the government of Israel] did not currently possess nuclear weapons, nor did it intend to manufacture them.”
The senator then remarked that the secrecy surrounding the Dimona reactor and Jerusalem’s refusal to allow inspection “were a public relations problem for Israel in the US.” Allon agreed in principle, but offered no immediate remedies.
In November 1976, a dozen American senators visited Israel, with “one of their principal interests” being an inspection of the Dimona nuclear reactor, according to another US Embassy cable. Jerusalem denied the senators’ requests. “When asked regarding the reason for this decision,” the document states, “we were simply told that adequate attention would be given to Israel’s energy situation in briefings and a visit to Dimona would not be considered useful.”
The US Government suspected Israel of having nuclear weapons since 1970 and, according to foreign media reports, Israel assembled more than a dozen nuclear warheads during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In 1986, former Dimona nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu gave detailed information about the country’s “secret nuclear arsenal” to the London Sunday Times. In 2008, former US president Jimmy Carter saidthat Israel had at least 150 nuclear weapons.
The diplomatic documents, which WikiLeaks dubbed the “Kissinger Cables,” also reveal that, in the 1970s, military legend Dayan — serving as defense minister — planned to grant Israeli citizenship to Palestinian residents of Bethlehem and Ramallah, while retaining full control over the West Bank.
A cable from May 1973 quotes former minister Gad Yaacobi, who was a close ally of Dayan, saying that Dayan was preparing to expand the degree of autonomy for Arab municipalities in the West Bank, which Israel had captured in the Six-Day War.
Yaacobi said Dayan encouraged Israeli settlements everywhere in the West Bank except in “Arab metropolitan areas.” The two exceptions to that rule were Ramallah and Bethlehem, which Dayan considered parts of the “greater Jerusalem area.”
“As for Dayan’s thinking on [an] ultimate peace settlement with Jordan, Yaacobi said Dayan would only return one or two small enclaves of the West Bank,” the cable states. “But Dayan, according to Yaacobi, envisages [the] rest of [the] West Bank population though living under Israeli sovereignty as being full-fledged Jordanian citizens, with [the] exception [of] inhabitants of Ramallah and Bethlehem, who would become Israeli citizens.”
‘What the Iranians and Israelis are specifically cooking up in the arms field remains to be ascertained, but the Shah has a complex game going’
The Kissinger Cables, named after former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, also shed light on Israel’s close military ties with Iran prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which turned the two countries into bitter enemies.
In 1976, several top Israeli government officials, including Rabin, Peres and Allon, secretly visited the Shah in Tehran, writes then-US ambassador to Iran and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency Richard Helms in acable.
Rabin’s visit, in July of that year, was clouded in particular secrecy, Helms writes. It was followed by a trip to Israel by Iranian vice minister of war Hassan Toufanian, ostensibly to discuss several joint military projects, such as the 1977 Project Flower.
“What the Iranians and Israelis are specifically cooking up in the arms field remains to be ascertained, but the Shah has a complex game going with both the Israelis and the Egyptians, the obvious purpose of which is to exchange or at least have available certain kinds of ammunition and weapons which are not subject to US Congressional control or veto,” Helms writes.
In a separate cable, Helms reports to the State Department in Washington that the Shah complained to Peres during a visit to Tehran about Jerusalem’s efforts to dissuade the US from selling arms to Iran.
In a third cable, Helms says that Toufanian told him that his trip to Israel and Peres’s visit to Tehran “were basically get-acquainted sessions.” The Iranian official said that “ways will be explored to expand military cooperation between the two countries, but that it is important [for] the prime personalities to get to know each other first and to come to understand each other’s particular problems.”
Rabidly Anti Gun Doctor Manages To Insult Millions Of Americans In One Interview
( Vociferous Pro-Victimhood Advocate David Hemenway, PhD, Director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center managed to insult 10′s of millions of Americans in a recent interview by declaring that anyone who chooses to defend their lives or the lives of their loved ones is a “wuss“. ( )
“The gun is a great equalizer because it makes wimps as dangerous as people who really have skill and bravery and so I’d like to have this notion that anyone using a gun is a wuss. They aren’t anybody to be looked up to. They’re somebody to look down at because they couldn’t defend themselves or couldn’t protect others without using a gun.”
So the good doctor deigns to look down from his ivory perch and hurl invective at anyone that is handicapped, injured, weak (or weaker, such as women vs man, elderly vs criminal), outnumbered or simply not a martial arts expert as “wusses“.
Dr Hemenway has a long and “illustrious” history of doing anything necessary to advance the Citizen Disarmament agenda of the elites. He also admits his desire, parroting that of Eric Holder and Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention (NCIPC) who in 1994 told The Washington Post:
“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned. That it is imperative to “change the social norms”
“This is not acceptable behavior anymore. Another area we talk about where social norms have changed is smoking. What a magnificent change we’ve had in smoking in the United States. We need to see a social norm change on gun violence. “
According to Hemenway, and far to many others, we are supposed to simply accept the notion that only a “wuss” would insist on armed self defense, that a 110lb woman must be able to defeat her potential attacker(s) or submit to rape or anything else that happens to her, or she is not worthy of respect. That a senior citizen (such asMary Sheppard, who was savagely beaten by a recently released violent felon) , that can not cold cock their significantly younger and stronger attacker should be viewed with contempt, or that even a mixed martial arts expert that cannot win out when set upon by multiple attackers such as those found in repeated cases of rampaging flash mobs around the Country is some kind of “lessor” being.
Of course this is also presuming that the potential attackers are all also unarmed, which is never the case.
Give the Dr this much, he’s at least open and public with his contempt, disdain and bigoted views, something that many Anti Gun advocates try desperately to hide from public view. The thing is, his public remarks are a huge, arrogant mistake.
Generally speaking its considered a good idea to not insult millions of people you are trying to persuade to come around to your view point.
Then again, Anti’s like the Dr make these same arrogant mistakes all the time, and as a rather famous General and Political Leader once said ” Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake” - Napolean Bonaparte.
In that light, I would strongly encourage the good doctor to keep opening his mouth at every opportunity.
MD Residents to Pay New “Rain Tax” For Rain That Falls on Their Property
Yesterday we reported that Wesley Snipes was finally released from prisonafter serving a 3 year sentence for refusing to pay the government extortion racket known as “taxation”. If you had a difficult time seeing through the scam of taxation with that story, hopefully this one can show you how taxation is blatant theft and thuggery.
10 Maryland counties, including the one that I live in will now be taxing people for how much rain falls on their property. How much area is paved on their property, and how big their deck is will be primary factors in this new taxation scheme.
According to a local newspaper:
In 2010 the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency ordered Maryland to reduce stormwater runoff into the Chesapeake Bay so that nitrogen levels fall 22 percent and phosphorus falls 15 percent from current amounts. The price tag: $14.8 billion.
And where do we get the $14.8 billion? By taxing so-called “impervious surfaces,” anything that prevents rain water from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing stormwater run off. In other words, a rain tax.And who levies this new rain tax? Witness how taxation, like rain, trickles down through the various pervious levels of government until it reaches the impervious level — me and you.
The EPA ordered Maryland to raise the money (an unfunded mandate), Maryland ordered its 10 largest counties to raise the money (another unfunded mandate) and, now, each of those counties is putting a local rain tax in place by July 1. So, if you live in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Harford, Charles, Frederick, Baltimore counties or Baltimore city, you’ll be paying a rain tax on your next property tax bill.
The article goes on to explain the government will survey peoples property using drones and satellite imagery.
Homeowners will bear the brunt of the rain tax: of the $14.8 billion to be raised — $482 million each year until 2025 — about three-quarters will come from residential property owners. The rate is expected to start at $100 a year for most homeowners, although that could rise. The only rain tax shelter: credits and exemptions for property owners who follow stormwater “best practices.” How the money will be spent is another murky situation.
As i reported last week, while the government uses the EPA to tax drivers and regulate how people are landscaping in their back yards, that same government has uncontrollable biological weapons sitting all over the country like toxic time bombs.
Most specifically, the area in question, the Chesapeake bay is terribly polluted with toxic chemical, biological and radioactive waste that was released from the Lockheed Martin facility in Middle River MD, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds military base in Aberdeen MD, since around the time of World War 2. Both of these facilities have unleashed a stew of toxic waste into rivers that lead directly into the bay, even going as far as storing radio active waste under the seabed for decades. I will be doing a full series of reports on these toxic waste sites in the coming weeks and months, stay tuned to for more information.
Connecticut: State passes sweeping gun laws! More than 100 weapon types banned. You now have to register and have a state issued certificate to buy guns, ammo…
( Newtown parents, including Mark Barden, spoke at the state capitol building on Monday to call for a complete ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines
Lawmakers in the US state of Connecticut have agreed to a sweeping set of gun restrictions, including a ban on new high-capacity magazines.
The proposal requires background checks on all gun sales and expands the state’s assault weapons ban.
It comes as new federal gun measures appear to have stalled in Congress.
HARTFORD, Conn. (CBSNewYork) — Connecticut state lawmakers came to an agreement Monday on what they said will become some of the nation’s toughest gun control laws.
As CBS 2?s Lou Young reported, the deal included a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, such as the one that was used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre in Newtown. The deal also calls for a new registry for existing high-capacity magazines, and background checks that would apply to private gun sales.
Connecticut lawmakers announced a deal Monday on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country that were proposed after the December mass shooting at a school in Newtown. Some highlights from the proposal:
—Ban sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines;
—Background checks for private gun sales;
Connecticut Lawmakers Agree to Gun Control Bill – Bans Magazines over 10 rounds, Requires a State Issued Permit to Buy Ammo, & Mental Checks!
Connecticut Lawmakers Agree to Gun Control Bill
Bans Magazines over 10 rounds
Requires a State Issued Permit to Buy Ammo
Must submit to universal background and Mental Checks
Bans any weapon with any “assault weapon” characteristics (pistol grips or anything that “looks scary”)
Conn. lawmakers unveil bipartisan gun control plan