The Stealthy backdoor theft of this right has been engineered perfectly. The only two ways to legally exempt the rights of a person is to Continue reading
Category Archives: Police State
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down
Marion County, FL — In August of 2014, multiple deputies with the Marion County Sheriff’s office conducted a drug bust. During the bust, Derrick Price ran from deputies Jesse Terrell, Trevor Fitzgerald, James Amideo, Cody Hoppel and Adam Crawford. However, once he realized he could not outrun the pickup truck, he quickly stopped, put his hands up, and laid face down on the ground — completely surrendering. Continue reading
Did the FBI Fake The Bundy Militia Arrests And LaVoy Finicum Death?
Like anything that happens with the State involved, such as the events which transpired in Oregon recently, people are going to be rushing to the internet to do their own investigating. The footage released by the FBI of the road block incident which resulted in the death of militia member LaVoy Finicum can be found here. Continue reading
Complete “Unedited” Video Footage Of Joint FBI And OSP Operation With Bundy Militia
Below is the complete “unedited” video footage of joint FBI and OSP operation that took place in January 26th with the Oregon/Bundy militia. Continue reading
Home Schooling Parents Tasered, Pepper-Sprayed, Children Taken Because Of A Neighbor Complaint About A “Messy Home”
More and more, Americans who are guilty of nothing more than noncompliance with the status quo are being targeted by an out-of-control system that bears virtually no resemblance whatsoever to the nation’s constitutional founding principles.
The latest example of “the system” run amok involves a Missouri home schooling family that has filed suit against a local sheriff and another officer after they forcibly entered the family’s home in 2011, used a Taser on the father, pepper spray on the mother and forced their three children into the custody of government social service workers.
Continue reading
FBI Blocks Roads, FAA Sets No-Fly Zone Over Oregon Militia Standoff
More and more information keeps coming in about the standoff between the Feds and the Bundy militia. Not only do the Feds have the roads all blocked off and set up a perimeter but the FAA has set a no fly zone over the entire area. This will bring out more theories, but it looks as if we have another Waco on our hands. Continue reading
Vermont Man Uses Tractor To Flatten 8 Police Cars After Marijuana Arrest
Police report that a man drove a tractor over eight police vehicles on Thursday. They estimate the damage at about $250,000.
The man was allegedly driving a farm tractor that he used to run over eight vehicles in the parking lot of a Vermont police station. Police officials claim that this was in an apparent revenge scheme. Continue reading
Atlanta police stop and put gun to head of rapper after he withdraws $200,000 from his bank
A rapper exiting an Atlanta bank, found himself in handcuffs and on the ground with guns pointed at his head after police stopped him for making a substantial withdrawal from his account, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting. Continue reading
MMA Fighter Paralyzed By Police, Will Never Fight Again
Tragic news is coming through on a young MMA Fighter who doctors say may never walk again following a run-in with local police.
According to reports, Donovan Duran, a promising Martial Artist was handcuffed than abused until paralyzed by the La Junta Police, in Colorado.
Officers responded to a call from Duran’s family stating that he was a drunk MMA Fighter, and the officers moved in under a drunk and disorderly violation. Continue reading
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Sic K-9 on Infant Daughter of a Man they Mistook for a Suspect
On January 30, 2015, a health food store in Henderson called the police after a disgruntled customer, attempting to return some protein powder, allegedly threatened to rob them. The store described the suspect to police as a black male wearing a black and tan t-shirt who left in an SUV. Continue reading
Federal judge says cops can hold your family at gunpoint if you drink tea or grow tomatoes — here’s why
A Kansas couple lost their lawsuit after a federal judge essentially ruled that drinking tea and gardening were probable cause for a drug search warrant — but they forced a change in state law that could prevent similar raids.
A SWAT team raided Adlynn and Harte’s home in April 2012 searching for marijuana as part of an annual series of drug busts timed to the unofficial “4/20” holiday.
San Bernardino shooting has all the signs of a staged government operation or ISIS terror attack (from what we know so far)
(Natural News) It’s early in the news cycle on this story, so everything stated here may be subject to new information as it becomes available, but from what we know so far, the shooting in San Bernardino appears to be either a staged government false flag operation or an ISIS terrorist attack.
From what we know so far, this does not resemble in any way a “lone gunman” or an angry gun owner targeting someone he hates. The attack took place at the Inland Regional Center, a company that helps disabled people improve their lives with training, self-improvement counseling and more. No lone gunman shoots up a building full of disabled people.
Truth About Paris ISIS Terrorist Attacks Hoax Revealed
Truth About Paris ISIS Terrorist Attacks Hoax Revealed (Redsilverj)
Here is the real truth about the Paris attacks ISIS is helping the West get into Syria.. Continue reading
Legendary Radio Host John B. Wells Talks JFK Conspiracy, Jade Helm, UFO’s, Flat Earth Theory & More
Click the YouTube link below to listen
Host of Caravan to Midnight, actor, musician, writer, investigative journalist, composer, martial artist, aviator and broadcaster, John B. Wells finds the ancient sage advice of “concentrating on just one thing” to be true. His one thing: The Arts.
John is also an internationally renowned voice-over artist with credits ranging from serving as the announcer for CBS’ The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, to voicing promos for hit television shows like Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch and Gold Rush to lending his voice to films like Oliver Stone’s JFK and Talk Radio, as well as the popular series Unsealed: Alien Files.
One Map Shows How Many People Police Have Killed in Each State So Far This Year
In 47 out of 50 states, American police officers have killed at least one person so far this year. In some, the number of officer-involved homicides dwarfs numbers from entire countries.
Colorado Springs Police Slam Woman’s Face on the Ground in Hospital
A video obtained by the Colorado Springs Independent shows an incident that’s at the center of an excessive force lawsuit that’s being prepared against the Colorado Springs Police Department.
The paper released the video as part of an in-depth report looking into the issue of police brutality in Colorado Springs.
The U.S. Government Is Using Hitler’s Playbook And The Dice Are Cast
Once again history is repeating…
I’ve asserted for years that the U.S. Government is an amalgamation of the Third Reich, “Atlas Shrugged,” “Animal Farm,” and “1984.” Once again history is repeating. The Nazis’ contemporaries are the neoconservatives who are running the U.S. Government behind the facade of Obama’s White House.
Since 1976, the FBI hasn’t counted more than 460 fatal police shootings in a year. We’ve counted 462 already in 2015
Cop Straps Handcuffed Man To Chair And Tortures Him For “Resisting” [Video]
A police officer in Federal Heights, CO has pleaded guilty of attempted third-degree assault after video emerged of him beating and literally torturing a restrained suspect while his colleagues looked on.
US Death Row Study: 4% of Defendants Sentenced to Die are Innocent
At least 4.1% of all defendants sentenced to death in the US in the modern era are innocent, according to the first major study to attempt to calculate how often states get it wrong in their wielding of the ultimate punishment.
A team of legal experts and statisticians from Michigan and Pennsylvania used the latest statistical techniques to produce a peer-reviewed estimate of the “dark figure” that lies behind the death penalty – how many of the more than 8,000 men and women who have been put on death row since the 1970s were falsely convicted.
John Oliver and Helen Mirren destroy Americans’ fairy-tale belief in torture with horrifying children’s tales
On HBO’s Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver took up the unpleasant, and unfortunately mostly ignored, topic of torture in America done under the auspices of the CIA.
Noting that the Senate Intelligence Committee released a 6,700-page investigation of torture, with a 500-page version available to the public, Oliver sought to explain that Americans need to read the available version because they have been “dangerously misinformed” about torture.
Missouri state trooper disciplined after blowing the whistle on in-custody drowning death
(RawStory) Missouri highway patrol officer who criticized the department after a handcuffed man fell into water and drowned has been more harshly punished than the officer who failed to secure a life vest on the deceased man.
Veteran state trooper Randy Henry was demoted from sergeant to corporal and transferred from his post of nearly three decades at the Lake of Ozarks, the Springfield News-Leader reports. In March, Henry told public officials during a committee hearing that lack of training, but also recklessness and poor judgment contributed to the death of 20-year-old Brandon Ellingson last year.
Santa Ana Cannabis Shop Raided, Officers Steal and Eat Cannabis Laced Edibles
The Santa Ana Police Department will launch an internal affairs investigation after being provided video clips showing officers engaging in questionable behavior during a police raid last month on a medical marijuana dispensary, Police Chief Carlos Rojas told Voice of OC this week.
Attorney Matthew Pappas, who edited and produced the clips before providing them to Voice of OC, says the video shows officers eating food laced with marijuana, known in pot lingo as “edibles,” and seized during the raid. Officers also played darts inside the pot shop while apparently completing an inventory of the shop’s contents. Pappas represents the shuttered Sky High Holistic dispensary where the video was recorded.
Pool Party Turns Violent When Police Show Up and Assault and Nearly Shoot Multiple Teens
McKinney, TX — A weekend pool party in Texas turned violent after a McKinney police officer on a power trip began brutalizing a young woman.
According to video post on Facebook, the police were called to a McKinney residence because of the large number of people attending a pool party.
The police officers were in some sort of feeding frenzy as they were rounding up young teens, armed only with their swimsuits and forcing them to a patch of grass on the roadside.
As the video begins, one officer is seen doing a barrel roll as if he’s in a war zone.
Officers Admit They Will Not Ticket Fellow Cops, They Only Collect Revenue From Non-Cops[video]
A video was released on Friday May 29th showing Jacksonville police refusing to issue tickets to unmarked patrol cars which were in violation of the city parking signs.
The maker of the video states: “I conducted an audit at the Jacksonville Florida Jail where cops are constantly parking in violation of there[sic] own signage. Not one cop was willing to enforce their own restrictions simply because it is a fellow cop.”
Watch the video below
Chicago cops posed for photo standing over black man dressed in antlers

It’s a racially charged photo the Chicago Police Department didn’t want the public to see: two white cops posing with rifles as they stand over a black man lying on his belly with deer antlers on his head. Continue reading
NYPD Officers Attempt to Arrest 14-Year-Old Girl- Community Doesn’t Allow It! WE WILL TAKE NO MORE BULLSHIT
New York, NY– On May 14, copwatcher Michael Barber of the Copwatch Patrol Unit was out doing a great public service in which he frequently engages – filming the police. As he was doing so, he captured something absolutely amazing. Continue reading
Why It’s Important to Watch the Walter Scott Video
Late on Tuesday afternoon I sat at my desk and watched the New York Times video of Walter Scott’s shooting. I saw Scott, clad in a green shirt, running away from North Charleston Police Officer Michael Slager. The uniformed officer pumped eight shots in Scott’s direction, striking him five times. I watched as Scott fell to the ground. I listened as the unidentified witness who recorded the incident repeat in disbelief, “Oh, shit!” And then I went on Twitter. Continue reading
Over 100 People Were Killed by Police in March
Here’s a statistic for you: It’s been 31 days since the release of the White House Task Force on 21st Century Policing report, but the number of fatal police encounters is already over 100 and counting. That’s an average of more than three people killed each day in March by police in America. Continue reading
Arizona Republicans Are Trying to Pass a Bill to Decrease Police Brutality Transparency
What starts as a routine traffic stop turns into an argument. Tempers flare, handcuffs come out and soon, the suspect is dead — but the media can’t report which officer fired the shot that ended the driver’s life.
The DEA Is Seizing Cash Without Warrants In Its Version Of Stop-and-Frisk
Federal drug agents may be racially profiling and unjustly seizing cash from travelers in the nation’s airports, bus stations and train stations. A new report released by the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice examined the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s controversial use of “cold consent.”
In a cold consent encounter, a person is stopped if an agent thinks that person’s behavior fits a drug courier profile. Or an agent can stop a person cold “based on no particular behavior,” according to the Inspector General report. The agent then asks people they have stopped for consent to question them and sometimes to search their possessions as well. By gaining consent, law enforcement officers can bypass the need for a warrant. Continue reading
Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.
The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.
Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
Answers Demanded Following Fatal Shooting of Homeless Man by LAPD
On Sunday, Los Angeles Police Department officers fatally shot a homeless man. It is being reported that man suffered from mental illness and did not have a weapon at the time of the incident. The video can be seen HERE. Continue reading
Police Are Out Of Control & Missouri Bill Will Bar Access To Police Cams
Lawmakers in Missouri have put forth a bill that would bar public access to any videos taken by police. Watch the video below for the full story.
This is just another reason your government wants control of the internet.
Also listen to this interview below we did with Jason Bermas, creator of the films “Loose Change”, “Fabled Enemies”, “Invisible Empire”, and most recently “Shade: The Motion Picture”.
The Real Story Behind The Murders of Tupac & Biggie Smalls
I just want to start of by saying, this is normally not the type of story that you will see here at Authentic Enlightenment. But recently I was able to interview a former LAPD detective who was at one time working on two of the most famous murder cases in American history, that of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls (Christopher Wallace). Greg Kading, who is now retired from the Los Angeles Police Department and resides in Southern California with his wife and his two bulldogs, specialized in the fields of gangs, narcotics, and homicide. Greg spent most of his career working on federal task forces to investigate high-profile criminal cases in Los Angeles. He is also decorated with the Medal of Valor for bravery, Police Star for heroic action, and he reached the departments highest ranking as an investigator. Continue reading
Family of Toddler Injured by SWAT ‘Grenade’ Faces $1M in Medical Bills
13 yr old with replica assault rifle was shot 7 times in 10 seconds
The shooting death of a 13-year-old California boy believed to be carrying an assault rifle unfolded in no more than 10 seconds, police said. Andy Lopez Cruz, who was later found to be carrying a plastic replica, was struck by seven bullets. Continue reading
NSA Now Sending Terrorism Task Force Teams To Homes Over Personal Internet Searches?
By Shepard Ambellas
August 1, 2013
According to Michelle Cantalano, six agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (TTF) showed up at her and her husbands residence Wednesday, after being prompted by NSA algorithm authorities that the couple had been searching for pressure cooker and backpacks on the Internet. Continue reading
Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks, Get a Visit from the Feds
Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. Her husband, in the same time frame, was Googling backpacks. Wednesday morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house to see if they were terrorists. Which prompts the question: How’d the government know what they were Googling? Continue reading
The courtroom this morning was dimmed for Adam Kokesh’s first hearing after he was taken into Federal custody on Friday, July 26. As Adam was brought in in front of the judge in an orange prison jumpsuit and shackles, Adam’s attorney, Peter Cooper, immediately asked why the Federal Marshals had confiscated Adam’s notes. The judge replied that Mr. Cooper could “buy the transcripts, if he wished”. The tone for this case thus set, the prosecution brought forward Detective Robert Freeman to testify regarding the affidavit that he presented to Judge Frederick Sullivan. The affidavit for this case is in addition to the sealed affidavit that allowed a coalition of federal thugs to perform a raid on Adam’s Herndon residence three weeks ago. Continue reading