Chemtrails can be a touchy subject with people. There are many different opinions on what is being sprayed in the skies above us and why it’s being sprayed. There are people who full out deny they are spraying anything. But considering the government has actually admitted to spraying the skies(cloud seeding), that should end the entire discussion on whether they are spraying chemicals in the air. Continue reading
US-South Korean Militaries Rehearse Pre-emptive Nuclear Strikes on North Korea
Massive joint US-South Korean military exercises began yesterday under conditions of high tension on the Korean Peninsula following North Korea’s fourth nuclear test in January and rocket launch last month. Under pressure from Washington, the UN Security Council last week imposed the most far-reaching sanctions to date on Pyongyang that will limit its mineral exports and compound the economic crisis wracking the unstable regime. Continue reading
Hillary Camp Freaking Out As This Video Goes Viral ‘No Way To Stop It Now’
Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is the current darling of the liberal media and the front-runner for Democratic nomination for the 2016 presidential election. However, a new video could destroy her political career, giving her a term in a jail cell rather than the Oval Office.
Scientists Are Preparing To Drill Into The Site Of The Impact That Killed Off The Dinosaurs
This month, in the Gulf of Mexico, a drilling site will be constructed. Typically, these sites are built for oil extraction, but this one is for a more valiant pursuit. Scientists plan to drill into the site, known as the Chicxulub crater, where 66 million years ago an asteroid impacted and killed off the dinosaurs and many other life forms on Earth. The goal is to discover rock cores that will potentially give insights into how life rebounded after such a devastating event. They believe the crater could have been a breeding ground for microbial life that then evolved into the life forms of today. Continue reading
Computer Programmer Testifies Under Oath He Coded Computers To Rig Elections
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. -Joseph Stalin
One thing in US history is consistent throughout every single election cycle — allegations of voter fraud. These allegations, however, are not the ramblings of a kook with tinfoil wrapped around his head, they are substantiated and reach as high as the Supreme Court. Don’t believe it? Ask Al Gore and George W. Bush. If you think that the ruling class would leave it up to the voters to decide who gets elected, you should think again. Every single candidate who actually challenges the status-quo becomes a target. Continue reading
The CIA In The Social Media Age
There is no denying that we live in a social media world. Every activity is tweeted or posted, photos are edited and shared, and private thoughts are broadcast for the world to see. Social media has changed the way we have relationships with friends and loved ones and the way we interact with employers and clients. The CIA had to put some serious thought into how social media can and will affect their ability to effectively gain new intelligence, and new employees. Continue reading
The Root Cause of Cancer No One Knows (It’s Been HIDDEN Since the 1930s)
Wow! What happened to Dr. Rife’s practice is disgusting! After finding effective cancer treatments, his lab was destroyed by the FDA. Take a look at how Dr. Rife successfully treated so many patients using natural medice. Share his story! Continue reading
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells. Continue reading
Will Jesse Ventura Mount His Own Presidential Run? Here’s The Details..
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura (I) said he would run for president, if the current race comes down to Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton, the Daily Beastreported.
“Jesse Ventura is a bright, shining new face who comes riding in on a white stallion to save the country,” he said. Continue reading
Mysterious 150,000 Year-Old Pipes Found Under Chinese Pyramid Might Rewrite History
The Baigong pipes are one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. They can be found inside a badly-eroded pyramid standing on top of Mount Baigong in the Qinghai Province of northwestern China. The collapsing pyramid once had triangular entrances on all three sides but over time, two of them caved in and are currently out of reach. The one that remains goes deep inside the mountain. Continue reading
Steven Seagal Thinks Many Mass Shootings Are “Engineered” By The Government
There are few issues right now more contentious than gun control. One of these issues happens to be “false flag” operations. Actor Steven Seagal has previously sounded off on both. In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed “a lot” of domestic shootings in America were “engineered” in order to drum up support for gun control legislation. Continue reading
NASA Admits There’s ‘A Chance’ That Asteroid 2013 TX68 Could Smash Into Earth
NASA has dramatically changed its mind about the risks posed by asteroid 2013 TX68 , a 100ft-wide rock which is currently heading towards Earth. It said there was “a chance” it could plough into our planet next year when it makes another flyby. However, we are glad to report that NASA thinks the odds of a collision on September 28, 2017, are “no more than 1-in-250-million”. If it did hit the planet, the asteroid would probably explode in the atmosphere, unleashing as much energy as a powerful nuclear bomb and wiping out anything unlucky enough to be beneath it. “The possibilities of collision on any of the three future flyby dates are far too small to be of any real concern,” said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center for near earth orbit studies . “I fully expect any future observations to reduce the probability even more.” Continue reading
Why Voting For President Is A Waste Of Your Time
As I have stated many times in articles and on radio shows, voting is not working. How can it? Your vote doesn’t even matter. It’s all show, for the television. They want you to think you have a choice. By now, everyone should know that presidents are selected by the establishment, not elected by the people. Continue reading
Breaking: Are US Missiles Taking Out Russian Military Officials?
William Mount claims that the US just tried to take out Russian Generals including Putin. If anyone has anymore information on this, please contact us in the comment section below.
“We have just learned that these Russian Generals were killed and injured by a US Missile…….The Russian’s Are Very, Very Angry - yet we warned them and they did nothing.” Continue reading
Ron Paul: Stealing is Stealing, Even if You Vote for It
In the most recent episode of Ron Paul’s Myth-Busters series, Dr. Paul tackles government redistribution and the politicians that justify it, whether they subscribe to the progressive or conservative ideology. He also talks about racism and 9/11. Continue reading
Lost In Transmission - Episode #011 - Afternoon Edition w/Guest Claire Bernish
Click here for LIVE show
Join us today at 1:05pm EST for another special afternoon edition of Lost In Transmission! We’ll discuss some of the week’s biggest topics including the race for our new ruler in the White House. Journalist for The Anti Media, Claire Bernish will join us. Continue reading
Here’s Why Facebook Really, Really Wants You to Use Those New Response Emoji
Facebook wants to know: How are you feeling?
There’s a water crisis on the other side of the planet. Donald Trump tweeted his latest offensive screed. Your old friend’s brother unexpectedly and tragically died. Do you like it? Better yet, do you love it? Does it make you sad or angry? Does it make you say “wow”? Continue reading
Modern investment opportunities upon Hydrogen Stocks
Investors should expect a rapid surge in demand for hydrogen-based energy. Without having to hold the shares directly, trading hydrogen shares allows you to take a speculative bet on their price rising or declining. As investors recognise the potential of hydrogen energy, stock prices for hydrogen companies have been rising. Check out the Deutsche wasserstoff aktien blog to find the demand for hydrogen stocks in Germany and the best recommended stocks to invest in.
Continue readingRon Paul (1988): Abolish the CIA, the FBI and the IRS
Dr. Ron Paul has been saying this for years, while most of the country sat in their stupor, claiming he was a kook, making fun of him, making fun of his supporters. Now as we sit back and watch this go around for the run to the President of the US, what do we see? A whole lot of Bernie Sanders supporters, who are basically claiming that the old Bernster deserves to be POTUS because of a few things he has in common with Ron Paul. What’s even worse? Bernie is calling for a very extreme form of socialism, and anyone with any sense at all knows that socialism needs to be implemented before full communism can take it’s form. Continue reading
Bernie Sanders Is So Far Left He Makes Denmark Look Like Israel [VIDEO]
Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders often points to Denmark when talking about the socialist policies he would like to implement in America. Continue reading
Flat Earth Hoax: Began As a Ridiculous Farce to See How Gullible People Would Be
Cosmic Convergence Research Group
CCRG Editor’s Note:
If ever the CIA and/or Tavistock Institute wanted to test out a new mind-control program, the Flat Earth Theory would be the perfect theme for the program. As most know by now, the CIA has been running covert mind-control experiments on various segments of humanity for decades. With the internet being a global platform, the opportunities for the intelligence agencies to advance their mind-control agenda, as well as test their techniques and technologies, have increased and intensified considerably. Continue reading
Donald Trump on 9/11: “You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center”
At a Wednesday morning campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Donald Trump takes his relitigation of the Bush administration’s record on 9/11 and Iraq to the next level, seeming to imply that we don’t currently know who “really” committed the 9/11 attacks.
Trump says if he is elected: “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Continue reading
Eagles of Death Metal Front Man: ‘Until No One Has Guns, Everyone Has to Have Guns’
As the world watched the events in Paris unfold on international news in horror, the lead singer for the Eagles of Death Metal Jesse Hughes lived the nightmare. He was performing on stage at the historic Bataclan concert hall when 89 concertgoers were gunned down in an ISIS attack at his own show. Continue reading
Detectives Question Lack Of Autopsy In Scalia Death
Veteran homicide investigators in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday questioned the way local and federal authorities in Texas handled thedeath of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Continue reading
CIA Created The Label “Conspiracy Theorists” … To Attack Anyone Who Challenges The “Official” Narrative
Conspiracy Theorists USED TO Be Accepted As Normal
Democracy and free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.
The Magna Carta, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and other founding Western documents were based on conspiracy theories. Greek democracy and free market capitalism were also based on conspiracy theories.
But those were the bad old days …Things have now changed. Continue reading
Top Leading Cancer Scientist Found Dead in Tree in Fetish Body Suit
It is with heavy heart that I break this sad news about another death.
This will not be added to the official list of deaths, as it was “accidental”
One of the country’s leading cancer researchers was found dead in a rubber body suit in woodland in a “bizarre sex fetish”, an inquest heard today. Continue reading
Samsung Warns Customers Not To Discuss Personal Information In Front Of Smart TVs
Samsung has confirmed that its “smart TV” sets are listening to customers’ every word, and the company is warning customers not to speak about personal information while near the TV sets.
The company revealed that the voice activation feature on its smart TVs will capture all nearby conversations. The TV sets can share the information, including sensitive data, with Samsung as well as third-party services. Continue reading
Driving Is A Human Right, But By Judicial Opinion And Undermining The Public It’s An Accepted Privilege
The Stealthy backdoor theft of this right has been engineered perfectly. The only two ways to legally exempt the rights of a person is to Continue reading
‘Ghostbusters’ Predicted The World Will End On Valentine’s Day
Not everyone loves Valentine’s Day, that greeting card-inspired paean to love and romance and chocolate and flowers and expensive dinners. Continue reading
Trump Reveals Himself As 9/11 Truther: Bush Lied, People Died
When you’re already the white supremacist candidate of choice—how do you top yourself? Easily, apparently—just get the truthers behind you. Which is why Trump just went full on “Bush lied, people died.” Continue reading
MIT Researchers Find a “Universal Language” That Binds Together All Languages On Our Planet
Language takes an astonishing variety of forms across the world—to such a huge extent that a long-standing debate rages around the question of whether all languages have even a single property in common. Well, there’s a new candidate for the elusive title of “language universal” according to a paper in this week’s issue of PNAS. All languages, the authors say, self-organise in such a way that related concepts stay as close together as possible within a sentence, making it easier to piece together the overall meaning. Continue reading
Israel’s “Excessive Force” Kills Two More Children

Two Palestinian children were shot dead by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank this past week as a United Nations human rights investigator called on Israel to investigate its excessive use of force against Palestinians. Continue reading
Planet X? Seen From The ISS, Feb 9th and 10th 2016
This is looking from the rear camera so looking west. More west of the sun is seen in the morning where the objects rise first. On the second day, planets are seen with the Nibiru. Continue reading
Kevin Gates Discusses Why He Will Not Vaccinate His Children
In a video interview with Rolling Stone, New Orleans rapper Kevin Gates says that the reason that his children are scholastically advanced is because they have never been vaccinated. He stands as a staunch advocate against the standard, yet controversial practice of the medical field, as Gates condemned vaccines on a Breakfast Club interview in 2014. (TheSource)
Your Vote And Why It Doesn’t Matter
Well the voting season is upon us. Of course right now it is only the primaries, but after hearing radio commentary and being a witness to the countless illogical and naive social media posts, along with countless articles by the lamestream media, I have decided I would do my own commentary. I do not have all day and night to be on Facebook or Twitter, and frankly I cannot understand how people have THAT much time on their hands. With that being said, I don’t even know where to start since there’s so much to all of this but I’m going to share my account with you in the shortest way possible. Continue reading
Doctors Against Vaccines - These Physicians Actually Did The Research
These following doctors were not content with half-truths, propaganda, and lies. They did their own research. Continue reading
18 Links About Cancer, Cures, Safer Treatments, And How To Prevent It
Today is World Cancer Day. Now I am all for awareness for diseases and whatnot, but I think it’s safe to say we all know what cancer is. The issue on hand is the fact that most people are more focused on the dangerous treatments they use to treat or rid themselves of the disease, which normally results in the cancer patient dying anyway. It’s also safe to say that we have all lost at least one person in our lives to cancer. The focus should really be on the ways to PREVENT cancer and also the many alternative methods to treat and cure cancer. They are out there, but the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and most of us know it’s all about the money. Finding or approving a cure would mean that Big Pharm would lose A LOT of money. Continue reading
A Mysterious Object Will Sweep Past Earth In 2017 – Scientists Have No Idea What It Is
A mysterious object will sweep past Earth in 2017 and Scientists have no idea what it isIs this an Alien probe? The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG.
The mysterious object was spotted for the first time in 1991 by Astronomer James Scotti from the University of Arizona and is referred to as 1991 VG. Continue reading
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down
Marion County, FL — In August of 2014, multiple deputies with the Marion County Sheriff’s office conducted a drug bust. During the bust, Derrick Price ran from deputies Jesse Terrell, Trevor Fitzgerald, James Amideo, Cody Hoppel and Adam Crawford. However, once he realized he could not outrun the pickup truck, he quickly stopped, put his hands up, and laid face down on the ground — completely surrendering. Continue reading
This Is What Happens To Your Body One Hour After Drinking a Can of Coke
Something that I noticed when working as a pharmacist was why people would still gain weight even though they were following a strict low fat diet recommended to them by their doctor. Continue reading
Facebook Scam WARNING: Have YOU Been Targeted By This Shocking Con?
Facebook users are being targeted in a shocking new scam, where payday loans are taken out in their name – thanks to stolen details.
British social network users have had their accounts hacked, with crafty cyber-criminals then posting on the Facebook users’ timelines to trick their friends into revealing personal details. Continue reading