Something that I noticed when working as a pharmacist was why people would still gain weight even though they were following a strict low fat diet recommended to them by their doctor. Continue reading
Facebook Scam WARNING: Have YOU Been Targeted By This Shocking Con?
Facebook users are being targeted in a shocking new scam, where payday loans are taken out in their name – thanks to stolen details.
British social network users have had their accounts hacked, with crafty cyber-criminals then posting on the Facebook users’ timelines to trick their friends into revealing personal details. Continue reading
McDonald’s “New Policy” Bans Customers From Buying Food For Homeless
A number of stories have recently come to light, showing that McDonalds allegedly has a new policy which is preventing customers from buying food for homeless people. In the UK this month alone there have been two separate incidents to make international headlines, where homeless people were denied service at McDonalds. Continue reading
Did the FBI Fake The Bundy Militia Arrests And LaVoy Finicum Death?
Like anything that happens with the State involved, such as the events which transpired in Oregon recently, people are going to be rushing to the internet to do their own investigating. The footage released by the FBI of the road block incident which resulted in the death of militia member LaVoy Finicum can be found here. Continue reading
Complete “Unedited” Video Footage Of Joint FBI And OSP Operation With Bundy Militia
Below is the complete “unedited” video footage of joint FBI and OSP operation that took place in January 26th with the Oregon/Bundy militia. Continue reading
Home Schooling Parents Tasered, Pepper-Sprayed, Children Taken Because Of A Neighbor Complaint About A “Messy Home”
More and more, Americans who are guilty of nothing more than noncompliance with the status quo are being targeted by an out-of-control system that bears virtually no resemblance whatsoever to the nation’s constitutional founding principles.
The latest example of “the system” run amok involves a Missouri home schooling family that has filed suit against a local sheriff and another officer after they forcibly entered the family’s home in 2011, used a Taser on the father, pepper spray on the mother and forced their three children into the custody of government social service workers.
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How Can Anyone POSSIBLY Still Believe The Earth Is Flat?
The Earth isn’t flat. This presumably doesn’t come as news to you, and why should it? Earth’s roughly spherical nature has been known about since the time of the Ancient Greeks. It’s bewildering, then, to see various “celebrities” declaring online that Earth is indeed flat, claiming that NASA has been keeping this secret from us for decades. So what exactly is going on here? Continue reading
22,000 Nurses Across America Refuse To Submit To Risky, Mandatory Vaccines
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” These are the wise words of Ayn Rand, who at a young age witnessed the confiscation of her father’s business by Russia’s communist Bolshevik party. Rand was forced to flee with her family to Crimea, as their individual property rights were trampled upon by the collectivist vision of Russia’s Vladimir Lenin. Continue reading
FBI Blocks Roads, FAA Sets No-Fly Zone Over Oregon Militia Standoff
More and more information keeps coming in about the standoff between the Feds and the Bundy militia. Not only do the Feds have the roads all blocked off and set up a perimeter but the FAA has set a no fly zone over the entire area. This will bring out more theories, but it looks as if we have another Waco on our hands. Continue reading
Wounded Warriors Project is a Fraud- Making Millions Off Disabled Veterans
My first experience with the Wounded Warriors Project came in 2006, when I made several donations from between $200 and $500 to the organization. I was a stock broker at the time and my income allowed for such idiocy. I guess you could say that I had more money than I had sense, but more importantly, I gave the money because I felt that I needed to do something to take part in the war effort, and what better way than to provide financial assistance to those who were coming back from the wars in the Middle East maimed and wounded. At least that is where I thought the money that I was donating was going. Continue reading
Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.
Only 2% Of All People Can Hear This Mysterious Sound… And Nobody Knows Why
For years, there have been reported incidents around the world of people hearing a strange “humming” sound of unknown origin. At best, this sound is annoying, and at its worst, it can be downright maddening. But there is one strange thing about this horrible noise: most people can’t hear it.
“The Hum” has taken on many names according to the regions where it can be heard, including the Bristol Hum (South England) and the Taos Hum (New Mexico). But no matter where you are, if you are part of the 2% of the population who can hear it, The Hum just won’t leave you alone. Continue reading
Palestinian Woman Kicked in Head as Jewish Mob Debates Whether to Kill Her
Whatever else the Palestinian intifada may be accomplishing, it does seem to be driving average Israelis into a frenzy, apparently even triggering hallucinations in their heads in some cases. In the above video we see a young Palestinian woman being held to the ground while a mob debates whether or not to kill her. “Why are you playing around? They are coming to murder our children!” one of them screams at one point–while at another the young girl is kicked in the head. The incident apparently took place on October 12. Today it was reported that the young woman did not have a knife after all. The whole thing was for nothing. This of course comes just a day after Israeli forces shot to death an unarmed Eritrean man in the mistaken belief that he was a Palestinian. Continue reading
Leaked Emails: Gov Officials Mocked Flint Residents Who Complained About Water
It’s been nearly two years since the residents of Flint, Michigan were first exposed to highly polluted tap water. The financially insecure city switched its water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River, which saved the city millions of dollars. However, residents of Flint immediately started complaining about the color and foul taste of the water, but those complaints fell on deaf ears and assurances that the water was safe. Continue reading
Socialism Is Not Freedom, And Socialists Need To Stop Pretending It Is
One has to wonder why more and more people are clinging onto this dangerous agenda, but when you think about it, it most certainly can give you a headache. Why? When has socialism really ever worked? Sure it’s worked for some people(the socialists), but as a whole it has never been successful.
First off, Socialism and Communism are basically the same ideology. Socialists and Communists will argue against that until their heads explode. I have not yet met a single person who has been able to prove otherwise, it is what it is. Communism is just an extreme version of Socialism, there are no major differences at all. In fact, the Soviet Union called itself the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) from 1922-1991. The Soviet Union considered itself Communist, but as you can see, they were both because they are mostly the same ideology. Both are forced on everyone, there’s nothing free about that. But it seems when these folks hear the word “free”, they start salivating, some even foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. It looks to me that all they care about is “free” stuff, not FREEDOM. Those are totally different things, it’s not rocket science. Nothing is free, someone is paying for it. With this type of system others are being forced to give up money to help others who may not be as successful.
Now we all remember that interview with that Hollywood clown Russell Brand and how he believes we should all embrace socialism. Ever since then, I have seen more and more people attaching themselves to this ideology. It looks like Hollywood is doing its job! Socialism calls for “redistributing the wealth” by taking from the “rich” to give to the poor. A modern-day Robin Hood they say. Well folks, Robin Hood was a thief and I’m not sure why anyone would ever think it’s alright to steal from others just because they are rich. Sure, there are some rich scumbags on this planet, but not all of them are. Even taking that into account, stealing money from wealthy people to redistribute to the poor people is wrong. Socialism if forced, there’s no way around that. How any socialist can go around talking about their “freedoms” being taken away while practicing their dangerous agenda is beyond me. It takes away an individual’s rights and responsibilities and passes them off to the State. We’re going backwards here, folks! Hello? Is there anybody in there?
Now let’s move to taxes. When someone busts their ass their entire life and builds a company, put their blood, sweat, and tears into it and turns a good profit, why should they be punished? Why should others get their earnings? They shouldn’t. When you take money from the more successful people it creates less successful people and it encourages people to be failures. So when there are more people in need of help from the State, the more they tax others? Good grief! This means that the wealth gets concentrated into fewer hands, and this is why you see such a monopoly on the money as it is. The economy slows down, enough that it can’t produce enough tax revenue to stay intact. How do you think the Soviet Union crumbled? Socialism uses taxation to promote economic egalitarianism and one of the goals in The Communist Manifesto is the abolishing of “private property”. This is what we are seeing right now in the United States. It’s been going on for a long time and it’s only getting worse. You cannot implement this system and expect true liberty, it will never happen. In fact, you are only making it harder for the people who want true freedom and liberty, and it’s pissing people off, including me.
Let’s move onto parental rights. You need to understand that socialism allows the State to control education. This means parents have no say in the education system. Your best bet is to home school your children, but when parents are busting their butts to make ends meet, that means they have to put more time into work. That means it’s nearly impossible to home school your children. Why would a parent want the State to control this? To me that is absurd! The curriculum the public schools teach is exactly what the State itself wants to teach them, how is that not dangerous? That is exactly the type of brainwashing a lot of us fight against, yet we have these people claiming they want their liberty. Like my comparison to the word “free” to freedom, liberty is not “liberal”, stop making that connection!
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” -Ronald Reagan
The above quote is so true. Whether you liked him or not, he is correct. I always wonder how many communists and socialists have picked up a book like The Communist Manifesto and actually read it. I have, and that’s a big part of why I’m knowledgeable on this subject. What’s that saying a lot of us say? Know your enemy. Well I know my enemy. Do you? If you’re a socialist, I can assure you, with me wanting my freedom and liberty, that puts me in that enemy spot, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You could stop pushing your government coercion on me and others who do not want anything to do with it, or you can continue to blindly push this agenda and destroy this country even more. You do have to make a decision though and I suggest you get on the right side of history before it’s too late.
Click below for out latest interview with Julia Tourianksi from Brave The World and listen to what she has to say about socialism and more.
Chris Perkins is chief editor and writer for Authentic Enlightenment and host/producer of Lost In Transmission on the CAV Radio Network
Ice Cube Dismisses Oscars Boycott: We Do Movies for the People, Not the Industry
One of the biggest #OscarsSoWhite complaints is that the critically-acclaimed film Straight Outta Compton was snubbed (save for a Best Original Screenplay nod). Ice Cube, one of the members of N.W.A. and producer on the film, was asked by British talk show host Graham Norton today for his take on the controversy.
Ice Cube said he’s not really planning on “boycotting” because he’s never gone to the Oscars anyway. He said the award ceremonies are basically one giant horse race, and if you lose you move on. Continue reading
CERN Scientists ‘Break the Speed of Light’
Antonio Ereditato, spokesman for the international group of researchers, said that measurements taken over three years showed neutrinos pumped from CERN near Geneva to Gran Sasso in Italy had arrived 60 nanoseconds quicker than light would have done.
15-Year-Old Puts Cancer Industry To Shame: Develops 100% Accurate Cancer Test Using Google
One of Thomas Edison’s great quotes is “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Edison lived this statement daily in the process of creating the light bulb. Thomas Edison made his own hand blown glass bulbs, tried 3,000 different theories of creating an element that would lower the amount of electrical power required to power a light bulb, and tried more than 6,000 types of filament to extend the life of a light bulb for more than a few hours. It was in 1880 when he created a 16 watt bulb that burned for 1500 hours. Not many of us have the kind of drive and determination to stick with something you know it will work, even though you experience failure after failure. Yet those are the individuals that carve a path to the future. Continue reading
The Kochs & the Nazis: Book Reveals Billionaires’ Father Built Key Oil Refinery for the Third Reich
In her new book, “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right,” New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer explores how the Koch brothers and fellow right-wing billionaires have funded a political machine aimed at shaping elections and public policy. The book contains a number of revelations and new details. Mayer begins with revealing that the Kochs’ father, industrialist Fred Koch, helped build an oil refinery in Nazi Germany—a project approved personally by Adolf Hitler. The refinery was critical to the Nazi war effort, fueling German warplanes. Mayer joins us to discuss. Continue reading
Monsanto Buys Up Heirloom Seed Suppliers
Monsanto is buying up heirloom seed companies and trademarks. Maddy Harland discovers who is buying what and how to avoid Monsanto. She explores why what we buy can be a form of positive activism.

The NM Tree and Garden Center located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico has discovered that Monsanto is buying heirloom seed companies. They are also buying the trademarks to a number of heirloom seeds. This means that you may think you are supporting an heirloom seed company but in reality the company is owned by Monsanto. The seeds themselves are still non-GMO and heirloom and they can be saved at the end of the harvest and resown next season, but you are still giving money to Monsanto. Continue reading
Bernie Sanders has pledged $19.6 TRILLION in new taxes – adding nearly 50 percent to what Washington takes in
Bernie Sanders wants universal health care and a number of other programs that are politically aligned with his democratic socialist ideology and he’s going to pay for them by raising taxes.
The Washington Examiner conducted an analysis and found that Sanders’ plans will mean approximately $19.6 trillion in new taxes over the next decade.
Sanders, the Examiner found, will raise taxes by 47 percent over the current levels. Continue reading
Meet Planet Nine, The Newly Discovered Ninth Planet In Our Solar System
There’s some debate over just how many planets our solar system has because Pluto never gets a break. But the argument is about to get a lot weirder with the announcement of a potential new planet circling the sun. Meet Planet Nine, the planet we didn’t know existed. Continue reading
“Haunted Puppet” Caught Moving on Camera (VIDEO)
Paranormal investigator, Jayne Harris, came into possession of a “haunted” puppet that attempted to choke its previous owner. Doing the only rational thing, Harris caged the puppet in a glass box and began recording it. The above video is alleged footage of the puppet moving. Continue reading
10 Toxic Foods Made In China That Are Filled With Plastic, Pesticides And Cancer Causing Chemicals
Recently I was reading an article on about a fake rice being produced in China. The rice is being made out of plastic believe it or not and no one is doing anything about it. Naturally, as a health advocate and researcher of food and how food is processed I thought to myself, this is going WAY too far. Continue reading
Oregon Fire Chief Catches FBI Agents Posing as Militia – Quits His Job in Protest
This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels, he found FBI agents who were impersonating militia members lurking around the town’s armory. When he inquired about the undercover operation with county Judge Steve Grasty he was told to back off. Continue reading
Putin: Russia Registers World’s Most Effective Ebola Vaccine
Russia has developed and registered a highly-effective vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus, president Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.
“We have registered a vaccine against Ebola that shows, after a series of tests, a very high effectiveness, even higher than the vaccines currently used for Ebola treatment in the world,” Putin said at a meeting with Cabinet members. Continue reading
What This Dad Found In The Background Of This Sweet Photo Will Give You Chills
If we’ve learned anything about ghosts in recent years, it’s that they never pass up the opportunity for a good photobomb, regardless of their intended haunting victim’s location. Redditor Obiaruf’s friend learned this lesson the hard way when he was trying to take a picture of his daughter during a recent vacation in Japan.
Here is the picture in question. Notice anything freaky?
Secret Files Hidden From The Public For Decades, Detailing Every UFO Account, Are Now Available To The Public
A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every UFO account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth. Join us as the secrets of alien technology are unsealed.
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‘There is NO Debate’: Facts the Herald Sun Hides About the Anti-Vaccine ‘Myths’
The vaccine debate is heating up in Australia, following the ‘No Jab, No Pay; No Jab, No Play’ legislation that was introduced on the first of January.
There are strong feelings on both sides of the matter—and understandably—the well-being of our most vulnerable citizens, the citizens we are responsible for and love dearly—our children, is at stake here. Continue reading
Your 23 Most Obvious Gun Control Questions (Answered)
Recently, during a tear-filled address to the nation, President Obama announced a series of executive actions on gun control. You can watch it in full here: Continue reading
Vermont Man Uses Tractor To Flatten 8 Police Cars After Marijuana Arrest
Police report that a man drove a tractor over eight police vehicles on Thursday. They estimate the damage at about $250,000.
The man was allegedly driving a farm tractor that he used to run over eight vehicles in the parking lot of a Vermont police station. Police officials claim that this was in an apparent revenge scheme. Continue reading
5 Facts About David Bowie’s Russian Life
From station to station. Travels with Bowie 1973-1976, Geoff MacCormack. Source:Genesis publications
1) According to producer Tony Visconti, Bowie’s album The Next Day was partly inspired by Russia. In an interview with The Guardian Visconti said that Bowie “has been obsessed with medieval English history, which, believe it or not, makes great material for a rock song. And contemporary Russian history, which makes a great rock song”. Continue reading
10 Myths About Guns
This week, President Barack Obama announced executive actions related to guns. Here are 10 common myths about firearms. Continue reading
Human-Animal Chimeras Are Gestating on U.S. Research Farms
Braving a funding ban put in place by America’s top health agency, some U.S. research centers are moving ahead with attempts to grow human tissue inside pigs and sheep with the goal of creating hearts, livers, or other organs needed for transplants.
Based on interviews with three teams, two in California and one in Minnesota, MIT Technology Review estimates that about 20 pregnancies of pig-human or sheep-human chimeras have been established during the last 12 months in the U.S., though so far no scientific paper describing the work has been published, and none of the animals were brought to term. Continue reading
You Won’t Be Able To Tell Where Your Meat Comes From Now, Thanks To Congress
The meat in your pork chop or hamburger may have come from halfway across the world, and thanks to the repeal of a popular law by Congress last week, you’ll never know where. Continue reading
Atlanta police stop and put gun to head of rapper after he withdraws $200,000 from his bank
A rapper exiting an Atlanta bank, found himself in handcuffs and on the ground with guns pointed at his head after police stopped him for making a substantial withdrawal from his account, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting. Continue reading
The Oregon Militia Drops A New Wishlist After Rejecting Sheriff’s ‘Peaceful Resolution’ Offer
One of the results of the media ignoring the Oregon occupation (for days) is how the internet sort of took over, which is fitting because these guys were ripe for ribbing. They’re not a terribly organized bunch, so we were greeted with a wave of confusion and the internet’s thoughts on the militia’s plea for snacks. The media tried to take over coverage, but the internet held the reins and made #TarpMan a meme. PETA also smelled blood and delivered vegan jerky to the militiamen, which made the situation more absurd. Continue reading
Oregon Armed Occupiers Include Prominent Anti-Islam Activist
The Bundy militia claim to be simple patriots guarding the US constitution. But 48 hours into their occupation of a wildlife refuge in rural Oregon, it has emerged that the band of armed protesters includes at least one prominent anti-Islam activist.
Jon Ritzheimer, a former US marine, was one of the guards posted at the gate of the Malheur wildlife reserve on Monday, and he was happy to espouse his virulent opposition to the Islamic faith. Continue reading
25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration
Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.
- In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year.
- President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . . Continue reading
MMA Fighter Paralyzed By Police, Will Never Fight Again
Tragic news is coming through on a young MMA Fighter who doctors say may never walk again following a run-in with local police.
According to reports, Donovan Duran, a promising Martial Artist was handcuffed than abused until paralyzed by the La Junta Police, in Colorado.
Officers responded to a call from Duran’s family stating that he was a drunk MMA Fighter, and the officers moved in under a drunk and disorderly violation. Continue reading