Appearing on the French television show, Le Grand Journal, Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCVD) just showed the world that even he is aware of the control and power of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. Continue reading
Category Archives: Corruption
Hillary Camp Freaking Out As This Video Goes Viral ‘No Way To Stop It Now’
Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is the current darling of the liberal media and the front-runner for Democratic nomination for the 2016 presidential election. However, a new video could destroy her political career, giving her a term in a jail cell rather than the Oval Office.
Computer Programmer Testifies Under Oath He Coded Computers To Rig Elections
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. -Joseph Stalin
One thing in US history is consistent throughout every single election cycle — allegations of voter fraud. These allegations, however, are not the ramblings of a kook with tinfoil wrapped around his head, they are substantiated and reach as high as the Supreme Court. Don’t believe it? Ask Al Gore and George W. Bush. If you think that the ruling class would leave it up to the voters to decide who gets elected, you should think again. Every single candidate who actually challenges the status-quo becomes a target. Continue reading
The CIA In The Social Media Age
There is no denying that we live in a social media world. Every activity is tweeted or posted, photos are edited and shared, and private thoughts are broadcast for the world to see. Social media has changed the way we have relationships with friends and loved ones and the way we interact with employers and clients. The CIA had to put some serious thought into how social media can and will affect their ability to effectively gain new intelligence, and new employees. Continue reading
The Root Cause of Cancer No One Knows (It’s Been HIDDEN Since the 1930s)
Wow! What happened to Dr. Rife’s practice is disgusting! After finding effective cancer treatments, his lab was destroyed by the FDA. Take a look at how Dr. Rife successfully treated so many patients using natural medice. Share his story! Continue reading
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells. Continue reading
Steven Seagal Thinks Many Mass Shootings Are “Engineered” By The Government
There are few issues right now more contentious than gun control. One of these issues happens to be “false flag” operations. Actor Steven Seagal has previously sounded off on both. In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed “a lot” of domestic shootings in America were “engineered” in order to drum up support for gun control legislation. Continue reading
Ron Paul: Stealing is Stealing, Even if You Vote for It
In the most recent episode of Ron Paul’s Myth-Busters series, Dr. Paul tackles government redistribution and the politicians that justify it, whether they subscribe to the progressive or conservative ideology. He also talks about racism and 9/11. Continue reading
Donald Trump on 9/11: “You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center”
At a Wednesday morning campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Donald Trump takes his relitigation of the Bush administration’s record on 9/11 and Iraq to the next level, seeming to imply that we don’t currently know who “really” committed the 9/11 attacks.
Trump says if he is elected: “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Continue reading
Detectives Question Lack Of Autopsy In Scalia Death
Veteran homicide investigators in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday questioned the way local and federal authorities in Texas handled thedeath of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Continue reading
Top Leading Cancer Scientist Found Dead in Tree in Fetish Body Suit
It is with heavy heart that I break this sad news about another death.
This will not be added to the official list of deaths, as it was “accidental”
One of the country’s leading cancer researchers was found dead in a rubber body suit in woodland in a “bizarre sex fetish”, an inquest heard today. Continue reading
Samsung Warns Customers Not To Discuss Personal Information In Front Of Smart TVs
Samsung has confirmed that its “smart TV” sets are listening to customers’ every word, and the company is warning customers not to speak about personal information while near the TV sets.
The company revealed that the voice activation feature on its smart TVs will capture all nearby conversations. The TV sets can share the information, including sensitive data, with Samsung as well as third-party services. Continue reading
Driving Is A Human Right, But By Judicial Opinion And Undermining The Public It’s An Accepted Privilege
The Stealthy backdoor theft of this right has been engineered perfectly. The only two ways to legally exempt the rights of a person is to Continue reading
Trump Reveals Himself As 9/11 Truther: Bush Lied, People Died
When you’re already the white supremacist candidate of choice—how do you top yourself? Easily, apparently—just get the truthers behind you. Which is why Trump just went full on “Bush lied, people died.” Continue reading
Your Vote And Why It Doesn’t Matter
Well the voting season is upon us. Of course right now it is only the primaries, but after hearing radio commentary and being a witness to the countless illogical and naive social media posts, along with countless articles by the lamestream media, I have decided I would do my own commentary. I do not have all day and night to be on Facebook or Twitter, and frankly I cannot understand how people have THAT much time on their hands. With that being said, I don’t even know where to start since there’s so much to all of this but I’m going to share my account with you in the shortest way possible. Continue reading
Doctors Against Vaccines - These Physicians Actually Did The Research
These following doctors were not content with half-truths, propaganda, and lies. They did their own research. Continue reading
18 Links About Cancer, Cures, Safer Treatments, And How To Prevent It
Today is World Cancer Day. Now I am all for awareness for diseases and whatnot, but I think it’s safe to say we all know what cancer is. The issue on hand is the fact that most people are more focused on the dangerous treatments they use to treat or rid themselves of the disease, which normally results in the cancer patient dying anyway. It’s also safe to say that we have all lost at least one person in our lives to cancer. The focus should really be on the ways to PREVENT cancer and also the many alternative methods to treat and cure cancer. They are out there, but the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and most of us know it’s all about the money. Finding or approving a cure would mean that Big Pharm would lose A LOT of money. Continue reading
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down
Marion County, FL — In August of 2014, multiple deputies with the Marion County Sheriff’s office conducted a drug bust. During the bust, Derrick Price ran from deputies Jesse Terrell, Trevor Fitzgerald, James Amideo, Cody Hoppel and Adam Crawford. However, once he realized he could not outrun the pickup truck, he quickly stopped, put his hands up, and laid face down on the ground — completely surrendering. Continue reading
Facebook Scam WARNING: Have YOU Been Targeted By This Shocking Con?
Facebook users are being targeted in a shocking new scam, where payday loans are taken out in their name – thanks to stolen details.
British social network users have had their accounts hacked, with crafty cyber-criminals then posting on the Facebook users’ timelines to trick their friends into revealing personal details. Continue reading
McDonald’s “New Policy” Bans Customers From Buying Food For Homeless
A number of stories have recently come to light, showing that McDonalds allegedly has a new policy which is preventing customers from buying food for homeless people. In the UK this month alone there have been two separate incidents to make international headlines, where homeless people were denied service at McDonalds. Continue reading
Did the FBI Fake The Bundy Militia Arrests And LaVoy Finicum Death?
Like anything that happens with the State involved, such as the events which transpired in Oregon recently, people are going to be rushing to the internet to do their own investigating. The footage released by the FBI of the road block incident which resulted in the death of militia member LaVoy Finicum can be found here. Continue reading
Home Schooling Parents Tasered, Pepper-Sprayed, Children Taken Because Of A Neighbor Complaint About A “Messy Home”
More and more, Americans who are guilty of nothing more than noncompliance with the status quo are being targeted by an out-of-control system that bears virtually no resemblance whatsoever to the nation’s constitutional founding principles.
The latest example of “the system” run amok involves a Missouri home schooling family that has filed suit against a local sheriff and another officer after they forcibly entered the family’s home in 2011, used a Taser on the father, pepper spray on the mother and forced their three children into the custody of government social service workers.
Continue reading
22,000 Nurses Across America Refuse To Submit To Risky, Mandatory Vaccines
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” These are the wise words of Ayn Rand, who at a young age witnessed the confiscation of her father’s business by Russia’s communist Bolshevik party. Rand was forced to flee with her family to Crimea, as their individual property rights were trampled upon by the collectivist vision of Russia’s Vladimir Lenin. Continue reading
FBI Blocks Roads, FAA Sets No-Fly Zone Over Oregon Militia Standoff
More and more information keeps coming in about the standoff between the Feds and the Bundy militia. Not only do the Feds have the roads all blocked off and set up a perimeter but the FAA has set a no fly zone over the entire area. This will bring out more theories, but it looks as if we have another Waco on our hands. Continue reading
Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.
Leaked Emails: Gov Officials Mocked Flint Residents Who Complained About Water
It’s been nearly two years since the residents of Flint, Michigan were first exposed to highly polluted tap water. The financially insecure city switched its water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River, which saved the city millions of dollars. However, residents of Flint immediately started complaining about the color and foul taste of the water, but those complaints fell on deaf ears and assurances that the water was safe. Continue reading
Monsanto Buys Up Heirloom Seed Suppliers
Monsanto is buying up heirloom seed companies and trademarks. Maddy Harland discovers who is buying what and how to avoid Monsanto. She explores why what we buy can be a form of positive activism.

The NM Tree and Garden Center located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico has discovered that Monsanto is buying heirloom seed companies. They are also buying the trademarks to a number of heirloom seeds. This means that you may think you are supporting an heirloom seed company but in reality the company is owned by Monsanto. The seeds themselves are still non-GMO and heirloom and they can be saved at the end of the harvest and resown next season, but you are still giving money to Monsanto. Continue reading
Oregon Fire Chief Catches FBI Agents Posing as Militia – Quits His Job in Protest
This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels, he found FBI agents who were impersonating militia members lurking around the town’s armory. When he inquired about the undercover operation with county Judge Steve Grasty he was told to back off. Continue reading
You Won’t Be Able To Tell Where Your Meat Comes From Now, Thanks To Congress
The meat in your pork chop or hamburger may have come from halfway across the world, and thanks to the repeal of a popular law by Congress last week, you’ll never know where. Continue reading
Atlanta police stop and put gun to head of rapper after he withdraws $200,000 from his bank
A rapper exiting an Atlanta bank, found himself in handcuffs and on the ground with guns pointed at his head after police stopped him for making a substantial withdrawal from his account, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting. Continue reading
25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration
Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.
- In an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment, the Obama Justice Department ordered criminal investigations of FOX News reporters for doing their jobs during the 2012 election year.
- President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . . Continue reading
MMA Fighter Paralyzed By Police, Will Never Fight Again
Tragic news is coming through on a young MMA Fighter who doctors say may never walk again following a run-in with local police.
According to reports, Donovan Duran, a promising Martial Artist was handcuffed than abused until paralyzed by the La Junta Police, in Colorado.
Officers responded to a call from Duran’s family stating that he was a drunk MMA Fighter, and the officers moved in under a drunk and disorderly violation. Continue reading
Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued For Bill Cosby Over Alleged 2004 Sexual Assault
An arrest warrant has been issued for Bill Cosby for aggravated indecent assault, a first-degree felony, over the alleged 2004 sexual assault of Andrea Constand, who was at the time the operations manager of Temple University’s women’s basketball team. Although Cosby has been accused of sexually assaulting more than 50 women, this case marks the first time criminal charges will be brought against him, just before the statute of limitations on the case run out on January. He is expected to be arraigned later Wednesday afternoon. Continue reading
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Sic K-9 on Infant Daughter of a Man they Mistook for a Suspect
On January 30, 2015, a health food store in Henderson called the police after a disgruntled customer, attempting to return some protein powder, allegedly threatened to rob them. The store described the suspect to police as a black male wearing a black and tan t-shirt who left in an SUV. Continue reading
Federal judge says cops can hold your family at gunpoint if you drink tea or grow tomatoes — here’s why
A Kansas couple lost their lawsuit after a federal judge essentially ruled that drinking tea and gardening were probable cause for a drug search warrant — but they forced a change in state law that could prevent similar raids.
A SWAT team raided Adlynn and Harte’s home in April 2012 searching for marijuana as part of an annual series of drug busts timed to the unofficial “4/20” holiday.
Confirmed: Windows 10 Cannot Be Stopped From Spying On Users And Will Be Mandatory From January 2016
Windows 10 users are unable to stop the new operating system from spying on them, and even Microsoft is unable to prevent it from collecting some types of data. Microsoft has continued to insist that Windows 10 users enjoy full privacy and can always choose to turn of the data collection options in settings. But, for the first time, the Redmond-based software giant has admitted that the process of collecting core background data in Windows 10 cannot be stopped. Continue reading
Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS To Emerge In Syria
The world’s attention is fixed on Paris. France is tonight a police state. There is concern over ISIS infiltrating Syrian refugees. And of course, the big question, how will the world rid itself of the Islamic State?
But before you listen to one more politician tell you what we need to do, you need to know what politicians knew about ISIS three years ago and the actions they still took.
This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.
Black helicopters, underground bases, laser weapons and the death of Schwarzenegger’s screenwriter
The CIA has had a long history in Hollywood. During the 1950s, CIA asset Luigi G Luraschi used his position as head of censorship at Paramount Studios to bring film content in line with the Agency’s ideals. Scenes that portrayed the US in a bad light were cut; films such as High Noon (1952) were prevented from receiving certain industry awards; and well dressed ‘negroes’ were placed in lavish on-screen environments to suggest that the US didn’t have a race problem. In order to tame or otherwise subvert their content, the CIA also covertly assisted on the film adaptations of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1954) and Animal Farm (1955), as well as Graham Greene’s The Quiet American (1958). Continue reading
San Bernardino shooting has all the signs of a staged government operation or ISIS terror attack (from what we know so far)
(Natural News) It’s early in the news cycle on this story, so everything stated here may be subject to new information as it becomes available, but from what we know so far, the shooting in San Bernardino appears to be either a staged government false flag operation or an ISIS terrorist attack.
From what we know so far, this does not resemble in any way a “lone gunman” or an angry gun owner targeting someone he hates. The attack took place at the Inland Regional Center, a company that helps disabled people improve their lives with training, self-improvement counseling and more. No lone gunman shoots up a building full of disabled people.
Witness Says Paris Attackers Were Clean Shaven White Men In A New Mercedes-Benz
According to witness testimony that has been mostly overlooked by the international media, the attackers were described as clean-shaven white men who were driving a brand-new black Mercedes-Benz.
According to the UK’s Mirror, an eyewitness by the name of Mahoud Admo said that he witnessed the initial drive by shooting, and saw the attackers without masks as they passed by in Mercedes-Benz calmly firing machine guns into the crowd.